
I Am a Master of Light Novels in Japan

This is a creative world with girls, novelists, old thieves and reminders, as well as cartoonists, and then integrate all the elements into a passionate story similar to the [Story] series. This Book is not mine. I post it here because i find it enjoyable to read and hope you guys like it too. The title is the same as the original source. So you can Google it. https://noveltranslate.com/novel/i-am-a-master-of-light-novels-in-japan/

AbsoluteCode · その他
15 Chs

Chapter 3

"Like, it should be said that it is."

Ying Lili shrugged and answered naturally.

He looks very clean, and has a pretty and stubborn face, and a slender figure. He always deals with middle-aged women enthusiastically and always talks about lack of money. How can such a high school student not look like this? Come out to comfort middle-aged and elderly women's aided dating teenagers.

Yinglili continued: "And the price is 10,000 yen per hour, which is a standard price for a compensated dating girl. Didn't you just serve that beauty for an hour?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this money is what I paid for Miss Kimura's two hours of tutoring her son who went to elementary school, and I must let her child enter the top ten next time, otherwise half of the money will be refunded."

As Li Yan was talking, he was taken aback and asked, "How do you know the price of postponement?"

"What are you talking about, being a cartoonist, how can I not know such information that is well-known in society?" Ying Lili said with an arrogant smile.

"I'm not complimenting you." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and thought in silence.

Although it was clear that this young girl named Hideri Kashiwagi was a fan painter and became such an acquaintance after knowing him for a while, he has always had an inexplicable resentment towards her calling him Otaku Lee.

"Don't talk nonsense, this money is what I paid for Miss Kimura's two hours of tutoring her son who went to elementary school, and I must let her child enter the top ten next time, otherwise half of the money will be refunded."

As Li Yan was talking, he was taken aback and asked, "How do you know the price of postponement?"

"What are you talking about, being a cartoonist, how can I not know such information that is well-known in society?" Ying Lili said with an arrogant smile.

"I'm not complimenting you." Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and thought in silence.

Although it was clear that this young girl named Hideri Kashiwagi was a fan painter and became such an acquaintance after knowing him for a while, he has always had an inexplicable resentment towards her calling him Otaku Lee.

At this moment, Ying Lili noticed that he was holding a book in his hand.

—"Love Metronome·Volume IV"

"Do you also read Xia…Xia Shizi's book?" Ying Lili asked coldly.

"Um, this one?" Li Yan glanced at the book he had just bought. This was for a meeting. The authors gave gifts when they signed each other as a convention to show that they had read and respected each other's work.

But he hates watching romance works.

"…Yes, I'm going to take a look." Li Yan said with a melancholy expression.

"Why, it feels so painful?" Ying Lili thought in confusion. Sure enough, this guy is indeed a weird person.

"I advise you to lose it. What's so good about something like that, otaku Li, one day, I will show you what a real work of art is." Ying Lili said coldly, turning around and planning to leave.

Li Yan was startled. He always felt that this arrogant double ponytail particularly disliked this author, and his words seemed to make people shiver like the Siberian Korean Wave.

"Wait a minute, I almost forgot, my underwear is still in your house, give it back to me as soon as possible!" Ying Lili remembered something and immediately turned around and said.

People passing by, looked at them with complicated expressions.

Li Yan looked at Ying Lili with a bewildered expression. Who can understand the bitterness in his heart?

Chapter 3 Encountering Miss Angel Halfway

Sanwa Library is currently one of the fastest-growing light novel library companies in Tokyo. In the 15 years since the establishment of the company, it has successively launched several hot-selling light novels, which have gradually become known to readers across the country.

Especially among the top ten popular light novel writers, three are all contracted authors of this company. In particular, the first fantasy light novel writer Qianshoucun Zheng, the fourth hot-blooded light novel writer Uesugiyan, and the fifth love novel master Xia Shizi, can be described as strong, although not the strongest library company, But it is enough to influence the development direction of the light novel market.

It was about to get off work, and there was a small news from the headquarters of Sanhe Library.

"Ms. Uesugi is coming over to visit Miss Kagurazaka."

"I have also heard that although I am a contracted author of our company, I have never come forward. I heard that the president will not even come by personal invitation and refuse to be photographed. He is really a mysterious author."

"Senior, is that exaggeration?"

"Takahashi, you are a newcomer this month. That time of invitation was a small disturbance. Anyway, Uesugi-sensei is indeed a weird person."

When everyone was talking about it, suddenly, a man in a white coat, mask and peaked cap walked in from the door. He lowered his head like an agent, and walked hurriedly from the office corridor as if he was trying to cover his eyes. After that, I followed Kagurazaka Iris into the reception room of the editorial department.

The staff of Sanhe Company looked at each other one after another. They were quite sure that the writer Uesugiyan was a 100% weird person.

Li Yan actually didn't want to dress like this, but he had his own reasons.

As known to the outside world as "Shameless Uesugi", he has been living as a light novel master who has been threatened to be kidnapped and tuned by outside book fans. Li Yan is very smart to prevent his personal information from being exposed, so if he really wants to go to Shan Yan's identity When going in and out of public places, you must wrap yourself up and stay away from the mundane world.

After all, a senior manga master known as the old thief has been beaten by drawing fans in the street.

"When I first received a message from you to come in person, I was taken aback."

Kagurazaka Aryu smiled and locked the door to prevent others from coming in. She poured a cup of coffee in front of Li Yan, smiled and blinked one eye, and asked: "The last time you entered the company, It should be when the contract was signed two months ago. At that time, no one knew that you would be the fourth well-known light novel writer in the future?"

"Um, thank you for hosting me in your busy schedule, Kagurazaka-san."

Li Yan smiled awkwardly, recalling the time when he was stinky, sweaty and dusty, and signed the contract with a panic on his face. This was only two months ago.

"Yeah, so, is it really the same thing that was communicated on the mobile phone?" Kagurazaka Acorus sat opposite Li Yan and asked.

"Yes it is."

Li Yan took off his hat and mask, finally took a breath of fresh air, then turned on the illustration page of the novel, and said: "Although I admit that this illustration teacher named Zecun is very good at painting, but he always , I don't think he is very suitable to be my illustrator."

"Why, according to my eyes, Sawamura's style and content are quite in line with the story of your novel, I really didn't see any violation…"

Kagurazaka Acorus intends to continue to persuade this stubborn Li Yan, but Li Yan shook his head.

Li Yan flipped through the novel and showed Kagurazaka Acorus with the illustrations of the third volume. His eyes were fire-breathing, and he vented his emotions and said, "No, Kagurazaka-san, it's a matter of style. Although I have noticed it before, But as a newcomer, I can't have too many suggestions on illustrations, but Kagurazaka-san, although I need money very much, I am also a serious novel author. I can't use paintings for passionate works. The wind has become so cute."

"In this era, everyone generally accepts the cute style of painting. If you follow the style of your Beidou Shenquan, it is estimated that this work is really ruined. The light novel was originally intended to be the cute style." Kagura Saka Changpu explained with a wry smile.

Li Yan was taken aback, thought for a moment, and said, "No, I don't object to the cute style of painting, just…"

He pointed to the girl characters in the illustrations, and asked with a dark face: "Doesn't Kagurazaka-san think that this expression seems to be similar to the style of painting in some 18th prohibition manga?"

Kagurazaka Ayame heard what he said, and after careful study, gradually, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that she was about to climax like a book, and this long-time editor had to blush slightly. stand up.

"Well, after all, it's a fairly well-known Eighteen Forbidden…" Kagurazaka Ayame whispered, but when he realized that he had missed something, he immediately coughed and said nothing.

"Um, what did you just say, eighteen bans?!" Li Yan asked, suddenly startled.

The blood and eighteen prohibitions are simply a step in philosophical history!

"Eh, um…Although she is a well-known painter of the Eighteen Forbidden City, I still think she is the illustrator most suitable for your novel. Our company has always attached great importance to absorbing this talented painter into our team. Teach her important works like you to design illustrations." Kagurazaka Ayame explained calmly.

Li Yan couldn't help but vomit and said, "That wouldn't make the female character who was originally suffering from the injury feel like an expression of being pushed into the air…"

"Ahem, don't talk about these yellow accents in front of girls, Li Jun."

Kagurazaka Acorus coughed a few reminders, and said with a blushing cheek.

"No, no, this is not a yellow tone, this is an objective rhetoric." Li Yan said helplessly at the shy Kagura Sakabu.

Kagurazaka Ayame smiled and said: "I understand, what you said does have some truth, after all, your novel does not need any exposed illustrations to increase the popularity. It should be said that after graduation, I worked as an editor in this company. Once I received such a blockbuster pure blood novel from you, there is no decent love story, but it is still so popular, it is really beyond my expectation."

Kagurazaka Ayame originally thought that a total of eight volumes of novels should be able to sell 400,000 copies of good results, but only three volumes exceeded 400,000.

But Li Yan certainly knew that this book would become popular, because his editing system had already told him that the quality of this book was A+, which catered to the light novel market.

"I see, if it takes time to change the painter, I will make specific arrangements."