
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Chapter 6

The city of Ahurama is on the eastern border. Ten miles to the east, across the mountains of Mosa, is the Grand Duchy of Ishtar. They are not as strong as we are, but they are strong in military power, and every five or six years they attack us by surprise and rob us of the riches on the border. Their cavalry came and went like the wind, and they were very difficult to guard against, so patrols were regularly sent out from within the city.

The last incursion of Istar forces was three years ago, and in terms of time, we are now in the midst of an uneventful period of stability, but the irony of fate is that it has no rules.

It was autumn, and the mountains were red with maple, and the cicadas were singing, and there was a cool, dry breeze in the breeze, perfect for marching. We are the infantry team, marching to the second day, I accidentally found the last few tastes of herbs, quickly ordered the camp to cook, the whole team set off.

The ingredients were mixed together, incantations were spoken, and poisons were refined. Looking at the magnetic bottle containing the poison, I was very proud in my heart and was wondering who should be the test object. Suddenly, a servant soldier reported that some brothers in the army asked to see me.

Yesterday was busy marching, a few motherfuckers did not have the opportunity to send wine, calculate that they should come today, I sneered and asked to receive people. They came in, but it wasn't the bastards. Low-headed, small, with dusty stains on his uniform, he began to SOB before he could speak. When I heard that cry, my heart was half cold, and then I looked down to see that crying face, half of my soul was gone, but it was not the little princess Star Rose who was it?

"You... How can you be here! '

'I'm... Uuugh... I miss you... You've been gone so long... Uuuuugh... And no letter of consent... Nothing I've ever said will count... Uuuuugh... You, you... You big liar..."

Listen to her crying sad, I quickly hugged her, pat powder back, soft care. The king is far away from here, even if the horse gallops on the official road, it will run for six or seven days. At her young age, the body of a princess's daughter has never been to the world outside the King's capital, but only with a yearning, she has come here from a thousand miles away.

See the star Rose's beautiful face is full of haggard, the road naturally suffered from wind and frost, I was moved in my heart, holding her hand, whispering comfort, said of course is the old word, anyway, it works.

The little girl's martial arts, I absolutely not the opponent, but the little girl's mind... I want to master her, it is too easy, not a few efforts, then give me coax tears into laughter.

"Ah! What is this bottle? ' Xing Mei found the naughty trick I put aside, picked up the magnetic bottle to play. I thought, this is a great opportunity to cheat the little girl to drink down, let her lewdness, here to her, so casually said fruit wine.

"Wine? That's just right! ' Star Rose put the magnetic bottle behind, a playful smile, and then took out, was two identical magnetic bottles.

"When I just came in, some of your subordinates said that they admired you very much and wanted to send wine to comfort you, brother John, you are really a hero, even the subordinates love you so much. Shall we drink these two bottles of wine together?"

Comfort me? Send me to hell for real. Looking at two identical bottles, I gulped. I just didn't know how to tell them apart. I was definitely not going to drink the wine, but when Rose opened the bottle, it would be good to drink the poison, but it would be very bad if it exploded and turned her pretty face into a beautiful cat. I was stunned for a long time, and then, on the serious reason that "no drinking in public property spoils things," I put off dealing with these two deadly things.

"Xing Mei, being apart for a few months makes me want to die." I smiled and hugged her thin waist, slowly up dancing, the meaning of the inside is not known.

"Do you say that you can't mess things up in official affairs?"

"I didn't mess up my job! I'm just doing my duty as an officer, instructing my privates in military etiquette."

Star Rose's small breast is I touch a rub, eyes are soft up, barren for a few months of the body, natural feelings.

I kissed her, was about to help her unbutton, suddenly someone outside the door shouted, want to report an emergency military situation. A private burst in, screaming like a dead father.

"Report... Report, Sir! Some brothers have spotted Istar's army and are coming! '

Ishtar's cavalry regiment, twenty-five thousand men in all, were first class soldiers, and we, a hundred men, would have been destroyed if we had come face to face. They are coming this way, and even if we flee at once, they are on fast horses, we have only two legs, and we are a day away from Ahurama, they will overtake us and kill us all.

All the brothers were surprised that, although we had come into contact with the Istar army, the other cavalry reconnaissance party heading north should have spotted the enemy earlier and given warning of the rockets and fireworks, so that we would have seen it several hours ago and would have been able to cope with it without being in such a dilemma as we are now.

There were a hundred men in the party, and only one swift horse, which Xing Mei had just mounted, was the only one that a hundred pairs of eyes were fixed on me, convinced that I, as an officer, would abandon my men and ride away.

"Berta Engar, mount this swift horse and go back to the city at once for help. Ask them to send help."

Everyone wondered why I had sent for news instead of firing rockets, and why I had not taken the burden myself.

Star rose adoring eyes look at me, I was suffering. Our military law is very strict, at this time to leave the subordinates escape, military law engaged, not dead is also disabled, I want to use noble privilege to escape criminal responsibility, but abnormal father will not stand on my side, and the star rose this fast horse has given her riding half dead, run not run fast who knows, if they were caught up with the cavalry, still have to die. More stable method, is in this delay for a while, really critical time, great to star rose back my life, she is very good, the mountain run jump like flying, riding her than riding fast horse works.

As for not putting rocket flag flower, but it has another purpose.

I told all the soldiers to take off their uniforms and tear their clothes to shreds. You beat me and I kicked you until they were embarrassed. I buried all their equipment, and all of them dressed as bandits and thieves. After hearing this, everyone was full of surprise, but there was no better way, plus for the sake of my not leaving the crowd to escape, I promised to follow the plan.

Star rose is a daughter, is the princess daughter, of course not good for the same, I want her to hide aside, at any time look at my eyes to do things.

When Ishtar's advance march came, a group of us shouted from our hiding place and crowded around, demanding that they hand over their money.

The Ishtar, who evidently mistook us for lunatics, or else that we were fainting from hunger, let out a terrible roar of laughter.

As soon as the rockets and fireworks went off, the idiots knew we were an army, not even in disguise. I heard my pervert dad say it once: He had heard that the ancestors of the Istas started out as thieves, and then left instructions to cut corners when cornered bandits. This rumor I do not know is true or false, now take a risk, I have hidden in the side of the star rose company play a secret signal, at any time I run away, and unexpectedly this plan was successful, several senior officers of the Ishtar people, laughing, ordered the soldiers to throw a few bags of food down, want us to take care of ourselves.

Fortunately, we were about to walk away, suddenly a small soldier ran and shouted a few words, said that the manager wanted to ask us information. Ask the name of the coach, my heart almost jumped out from the chest. No wonder a mere twenty thousand men had shaken the city of Ahurama, but it was the famous Bloodmare wizard himself who led it!

He was the greatest sorcerer in Ishtar, skilled in all kinds of magic, and there were few who could match him in the practice of the dark arts, and none of my little tricks could compare with him at all.

Bloodmare is also known for its cruelty and lechery. Three years ago, when I invaded with the army, I abused and killed more than 100 beautiful women in one night. At that time, my father was entangled at the other side of the border and could not be separated, so that this sexual demon defeated our army without two forces. Finally, Princess Linglan personally fought in the battle, and Tianma cut his gut open and dragged his heart away. One day, Ling LAN will be trained and tamed, and become a loyal slave of his crotch!

Nice words, but if you can't do it, it's just the whining of a defeated dog. Still, when he showed up, I was shocked. How could the nightmare witch of the earth be such a gorgeous woman?

At first I thought I was wrong, but listen to the soldiers' calling, it was really this person. She was moving her hands and feet in a beautiful way, not to say that she was an Istar, but even this group of things around me, there was a good soul of the stupid.

Bloodmare was accompanied by four blood slaves, all tall and monstrous, each at least three times my size. They walked instead of riding horses, for there was no horse in the world that could bear their strength. The four of them have no eyes, but I can see that they are first-class masters. I heard the pervert father mention that some witch masters can confuse people with drugs, and then refine them into mindless and fearless slaves. This hand skill I would like to learn, if you can feed Xing Mei a few pills, she obediently obedient from now on, is not very ideal? However, if the side effect is to become this kind of body, then as I never said it!

"The sorcery of this Master can see into the human heart. In my eyes, there is no secret in the world!"

After hearing the soldier's introduction to our group of "thieves", Bloodmare said in a low voice, and the voice changed to the majestic male voice again. Go! Finally meet a man, even more perverted than my perverted father. Words put beautiful, can not do it is meaningless, after three years ago, the whole earth who do not know that you are a guy who can put words!

I do not want to say that he is the leader of the thieves, but the eyes of this group of stupid pigs have already betrayed me, when the blood nightmare asked questions, I gave him a babble, blood nightmare eyes exposed doubt, suddenly bright, I just want to move my eyes, she found hanging in my waist, two reluctant to lose the magnetic bottle, asked what it is, I nonsense that the family aphrodisiac holy medicine, Men drink the golden gun does not fall, women drink the youth forever, you both need, is really the most suitable.