
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 7

Jay inquired about Daniel's powers as he observed him working out.

"When were you going to tell me about your powers?"Jay asked, his curiosity piqued.

Daniel paused for a moment, catching his breath between sets. "Soon," he assured Jay.

"I didn't intend to keep it to myself for long."

Curious, Jay pressed on,

"So, what power is it?"

Daniel replied, "It makes it easier for me to learn martial art techniques." It wasn't a complete fabrication; indeed, his ability did facilitate his mastery of martial arts. But it was more than that. Daniel possessed a genius beyond human comprehension. Learning, improving, and understanding came to him effortlessly, as if he were tapped into some cosmic well of knowledge. His intellect was inhuman, yet it remained hidden beneath the facade of a normal existence, thanks to his three worldviews.

His self-view: a nuanced understanding of his strengths, weaknesses, values, and identity.

His worldview: a perspective on the world shaped by his beliefs about morality, purpose, and the very fabric of reality.

His other-view: an insightful perception of those around him, their motivations, intentions, and roles in his life and society.

To illustrate further, Daniel existed in a perpetual state of 'Aha.' Insights and revelations flooded his mind with startling frequency, akin to the moments of sudden clarity experienced by ordinary individuals, albeit on an extraordinary scale.

Jay pressed further, intrigued by the synergy between Daniel's personality and his martial prowess.

Jay's question dripped with subtle sarcasm as he observed Daniel

"Why does your power suit you so well?" he quipped, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

"You already possess the determination and resilience of a seasoned martial artist. All that's left is for you to train."

As Daniel continued his rigorous workout, sweat poured from his body in torrents, saturating the air with the unmistakable scent of effort and dedication.


"Do I... I never knew," Daniel said between deep breaths, his voice tinged with a hint of disbelief.

"Do I not constantly remind you that your attitude is crucial? Do you think I've been joking?" Jay's brow furrowed with frustration, his tone sharp with reproach.

"But what makes you think martial artists are like me?"

"Look how disgusting that pride of yours is. I can't deal with you," Jay shook his head in exasperation, his words laced with irritation.

"Hey there, boys," First Lieutenant Madison emerged from behind their tent once more, trailed by an unfamiliar figure.

Daniel's frown deepened, while Jay's frustration boiled over. "Why do you insist on spying?! Can we not have a private conversation without you hovering?"Jay's voice crackled with pent-up annoyance.

"What could a couple of kids wet behind the ears have to discuss that is of importance?" First Lieutenant Madison brushed aside their indignation casually, her demeanor calm yet commanding.

"As superpowered individuals in this Apocalyptic world we face, I need you to undergo basic soldier training as quickly as possible. At present, my platoon has not received further instructions from higher command. Moving carelessly could lead to our extermination. We will establish a temporary base of operations northwest of here, nearer to the chain of business and commercial buildings. They contain enough resources to sustain us for up to a year, provided we can restore power."

The loss of power for the past day and night had plunged them into a sweltering abyss, the scorching heat a grim reminder of their precarious existence in this post-apocalyptic landscape.

"This is Corporal Jace. He will oversee your training when I'm not occupied with special missions."

"Good day, privates. I will endeavor to whip you into shape and mold you into proud soldiers of our platoon."

"I eagerly anticipate working with you," Daniel extended his arm in a firm handshake, his resolve evident in his grip.

"Likewise," Jay echoed, shaking Corporal Jace's hand with determination.

"I heard about your loss, and I empathize with your pain. I too lost my daughter, albeit not as recently as you. It tore me apart. Despite your youth, you possess a strength I lacked during my darkest moments. My condolences. However, do not falter in your training. We face imminent threats from unknown forces, and as individuals blessed with extraordinary abilities, it is our duty to humanity to offer aid in the most effective manner."

"Corporal Jace, you certainly have a penchant for words," First Lieutenant Madison interjected with a hint of amusement. "Though they may be young, I trust they comprehend the gravity of our situation. Focus on training them."

With a nod of agreement, Corporal Jace squared his shoulders, ready to embark on the task ahead.


Eric returned from his hunt only to find Jay and Daniel had enlisted in the military. The revelation stunned him, especially coupled with the knowledge that Daniel possessed powers, albeit weaker than both Jay and himself.

"Jay, what have you done with your red crystals?" he inquired.

"Nothing," Jay replied, turning to face Daniel and Jace, who were engrossed in combat stances.

Merely observing them left one feeling inadequate. In just an hour, Daniel absorbed an astonishing amount of knowledge. Jace had forsaken Jay to focus solely on Daniel. The perpetual smile on Jaces's face spoke volumes.

Show Daniel a well-executed kick, and he'd replicate it flawlessly. Each subsequent attempt surpassed the last. Most protagonists in novels faced adversity before improving, yet Daniel seemed to effortlessly transcend any barriers.

"I feel they are important and can enhance my power, but I don't know how," Jace confessed.

"Give me a fifth of your gems, and I'll explain," Eric suggested.

"I said I don't know how, not that Daniel doesn't. We'll experiment," Jace clarified.

"Tsk, it's just a fifth. Why be stingy?" Eric scoffed.

"If you say I am, maybe I am. I just don't see it," Jay retorted, his response tinged with suspicion about Eric's origins.

"Whatever. But why join the military?" Eric probed.

"Resources," Jay stated simply.


"Resources. The military offers not only weapons and communication but also a reputation that facilitates getting things done," Jay elaborated.

"I'm not so sure about that. Have you forgotten about superpowered humans? I bet 300 gems that they will band together, possessing more hard power than local military forces," Eric countered.

Jay's eyes widened.

"Wanna place the bet?"

"No. What you said makes sense. If you think about it, can't the military do the same? Why not join, then you Daniel and I can form a small team?" Jay suggested.

"No thanks. I don't thrive under authority, especially under corrupt dictatorships," Eric declined.

Realizing Eric had just imparted fragments of a potential future to him. This was what Daniel had alluded to. He needed to seize this opportunity.

"Honestly, if we find issues with the military, Daniel and I won't hesitate to sever ties. We're essentially all we have left in this world that hasn't gone to hell," Jay affirmed.


" Glad to hear, I wouldn't want you wasting your time with them for long."

Back to Daniel and Jace. Jace was soo stunned he now accepted that superpowered humans were amazing.what he would give to have Daniel's martial arts strength .

" Okay , you understand the basics , now to use it. I'd like to spar with you private Daniel"

Daniel could feel corporal jace acknowledgement. And that caused his spirit to ignite it's flame. His journey to [perfecting oneself] was opening its doors to him.

Senior Corporal Jace and Private Daniel faced each other, their gazes locked in unwavering determination.

While corporal jace was very excited , Daniel was just as , but had a focused expression.

The air crackled with anticipation as the two prepared for a battle that would test their physical prowess

Jace , a seasoned veteran with years of combat experience, stood with a confident stance, his muscles taut and ready for action.

He was a big man over 6'6 feet tall with muscles rippling all over his body . This was Daniels goal , no it was even grander. He wanted to posses a body countless times larger and muscle that would ripple at his slightest movement.

Usually women hated such physiques , but that's what he wanted. It was either him or women , and he choose himself. It was regrettable many didn't share his tastes, but what could be done about it ?

Across from Jace stood Daniel, a recently enlisted private whose powers of martial prodigy transcended mere mortal limitations.it was a half truth though , but until Daniel had the assurance that he would not be looked down upon as a fighter , or rather looked up upon as the hope of fixing human technology destyed in this invasion he would hide himself.

Despite his newfound abilities, Daniel remained grounded in his humanity, his will to succeed burning brightly within him.

The spar began with a silent agreement, each combatant acknowledging the other's skill and determination.

Jace was excited , to have the honour of being a prodigy like Daniels first teacher , if only for an hour was thrilling.

With a sudden burst of movement, Jace launched himself forward, his fists flying in a series of lightning-fast strikes. But Daniels mind was already several steps ahead, analyzing Jace's movements with a speed that defied comprehension.

He wasn't yet at the level where his instincts knew what to do , but he hoped that in catching up his bodies speed and reaction to his mind , that feature would be open to him.

As Jace closed the distance between them, Daniel's body moved with fluid grace, his movements a testament to his newfound mastery of martial arts. And it has only been an hour .

With swift sidestepping, Daniel avoided Jace's initial onslaught, his mind racing to formulate a counteroffensive.

With a sudden shift in momentum, Daniel launched himself forward, his fists a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of strikes upon Jace. Each blow was calculated and precise, aimed at exploiting Jace's weaknesses and testing his defenses.

But Jace was no ordinary opponent. With years of combat experience behind him, he deftly parried Daniels attacks, his movements guided by instinct and honed skill.

Daniel envied it soo much . Martial arts was about honing your skill until it became your nature, at least that's what it meant to Daniel.

Despite Daniel's superior "supernatural ability", Jace refused to be outmatched, meeting each strike with a counter of his own.

The spar intensified as the two combatants traded blows, their movements a symphony of violence and precision. And it was in combat were Jace bore witness to the inhuman abilities of Daniel. He knew instinctively that if this went on any longer , that he'd loose.

Daniel's mind raced, analyzing every aspect of the battle with a clarity that bordered on supernatural. With each exchange, he drew upon his vast knowledge of human anatomy & human movement to anticipate James' next move, his mind drawing connections from seemingly unrelated concepts with ease.

As the battle raged on, Daniel's martial prowess became increasingly apparent. Despite only having been taught for a mere hour, his movements were that of a seasoned soldier, his strikes imbued with a raw power that belied his years. With each blow, he sought to break through Jace's defenses and emerge victorious.

But Jace was a formidable opponent, his years of experience serving him well as he deftly evaded Daniel's attacks and countered with precision strikes of his own. With each blow, he sought to wear down Daniel's defenses and exploit any openings in his technique.

The spar continued with relentless intensity, neither combatant willing to back down. As the minutes turned , their bodies began to ache with exertion, sweat beading on their brows as they pushed themselves to their limits.

But in the end, it was Daniel's unparalleled adaptation that proved to be the decisive factor. With a sudden burst of inspiration, he unleashed a series of devastating strikes upon Jace, exploiting a weakness in his defenses that he had only just discovered. With a final, decisive blow, Daniel emerged victorious, his will to succeed carrying him through to the end.

As they stood in the aftermath of the intense battle, a sense of mutual respect passed between Jaces and Daniel. Though Jace had been defeated, he knew that he had faced an opponent unlike any other, a superhuman whose powers of martial prodigy and will were truly unparalleled.

And as they parted ways, both Jace and Daniel knew that they had experienced something truly extraordinary—a battle that had tested not only their physical abilities but also the depths of their adaptability and will to succeed. In the end, it was a testament to the power of the human heart to overcome any obstacle, no matter how formidable.

Jace could have been placed into depression, but he came knowing that Daniel was not just human , but superhuman. Having the opportunity to battle with his student of one hour was amazing.

And the realization that he had created a force to be reconed with was exhilarating.

dedicated to a reader I now know the name of . fierce_tora_tigre. thank you for reading. I usually see the views but never the readers . have a great week ;) .

and to all readers , even the first 5 who started reading. even though I do not know your names , thank you .

knowing at least a hundred read , and 6 saved it is nice.

thank you all.

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