
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 35

Daniel could have ended that exchange in minutes had it been a serious battle. But to draw out the sentinel's potential, he had to dumb down his skill .

An example would be this; while still 'human' and having no spacial power , a human Daniel managed to nearly kill a blue bug using just his genius mind and self developed skill.

No , he would have killed it had he not stopped midway to test his physical strength against the blue bug in its weakened state.

But Daniel was not aiming to finish the sentinel, he just wanted to test it's specs. His skill demonstrated in that moment was a dumbed down version of his martial prowers that was attainable by slightly above average human effort and genius. Like him mimicking a genius like Einstein or Tesla amongst humans who where average. Or like superman mimicking an MMA fighters strength amongst average joes .

He didn't dumb down the strength of the body , but the skill. So the strength he displayed was his true strength, but the skill was not.

If two beings had the same physical strength, the one with the highest skill would win a bout .

If one was slightly stronger than the other, but the other was more skilled, the more skilled but weaker opponents would win .

If the strength of one being was leagues above the overwhelmingly weaker but overwhelmingy skilled being, a draw was possible. (Ie : exactly what Daniel faced with the blue bug, and Eric )

But there was also the case of an overwhelmingly stronger opponent where no matter how skilled , the opponent would be squashed . Like that of a human and a normal insect before the apocalypse.( The gaze , the entities on the other side of the rift , and the entity desintigrating the path between the building and the warehouse .)

So Daniel with the physical strength equal to the blue bug now with skill better than when he first caught the blue bug, could not be easily handled, that was not even adding the natural spacial contraction and expansion that happened when he threw a punch .

He was not capable of serious AOE attacks that could destroy a city , but on a one vs one bases he was a city level threat physically , a town level threat spacially , and a national level threat mentally.

But suddenly the nagging feeling he'd been having that something was going on not only intensified , but another one started !.

Daniels eyes widened as flashes of visions fleeted across his optical senses Soo quickly the normal human without perfect memory would have nearly missed!.

In that ' vision ' Daniel saw two individuals that he knew quite well.

One was Clide , a classmate he knew not much about , but was aware was with that racist rock and dog headed human bitch .two people he wished to beat up badly.

Those two in that group of 5 were kind of like his enemies as he could practically smell the hatred they had for himself, Eric and especially Jay for abandoning them all. And I'm that vision he saw glowing splatter of blue blood floating and submerging into Clide's hallow eye sockets.

Daniel didn't have to even think about it to know that it was his blood.

And the only time he had ever bled blue was in that wearhouse in Goddard with those perverts.

It came as a surprise to him but he now knew that his blood was special. Maybe he should have cleaned it up before leaving.

He knows knew exactly what was happening with himself and why he felt that this was something he had to have been in control of .

But the second individual shocked Daniel Soo much that he was beginning to question his intelligence. It felt like he was leaving so many dangerous things around without taking care of them .

The second individual was the one and only supposed to be dead Luke! the homeroom teacher! .

How was he still alive?!

How was that even possible, he knew he hadn't killed the man but he was left defenseless in a bug infested area!.

" Hahahahahahahahah, now isn't this funny , why am I committing such villainous mistakes all over the place. I should have confirmed it before I left" Daniel said a loud causing those around him to look at him in confusion.

" Sorry but I have an important issue to attend to ." Daniel said before taking one step forward disappearing to a further location on the same floor , before doing it again after a short moment

This sent shivers down everyone's spines as no one apart from Jay currently in the building had seen this kind of transportation medium .

" My apologies, my friend is a very busy person , we can continue our discussion and your terms and conditions for making this purchase" Jay smoothly injected his statement into the sudden silence, pulling the attention to himself.

With all the displays that Daniel alone had performed, the bargaining power of the E³ had shot up considerably, to the point where the Head of the military research and development department in Kansas was determined to create a good relationship with this frankly terrifying force.


Daniel had been running through spacial folds , his goal from the very beginning was to retrieve the martial arts talent he came across previously, and the intelligent cat .but not only had he been delayed by a frankly welcomed development, but two of his supposed enemies where using his blood for something nefarious!

The talents could wait a while, he had to find out what exactly they were doing , how they knew something about himself, he didn't, and why they were doing whatever it was that they were doing.

With each second that passed Daniel felt closer and closer to the 'thieves'.there was a connection forming between himself as the nexus , and those two 'thieves',with Clide leading the formation of said connection somehow.


A few moments ago

The 'ruthless hunters 'as they were called by their slaves in secret had taken over the xenophobic camp shelter brutally killing many soldiers who resisted their occupation.

For the gem rock and bitch( female dog) headed entities this was a necessary action as they had asked exactly how they would be able to takeover this preservation camp from their personal fortune teller. They massacred the soldiers with the clearest of intents .

It was after all the most effective way to usurp the Power in the shortest possible time before their real enemy made his way back.

You see just like Daniel , the more time passed by the less they recognized each other as classmates , and the more they killed melovus and golden beetles, the more bloodthirsty and confused they became .

From just saying that they'd kill their three former classmates, but intending to beat them up bad enough , to saying that they'd kill their former three classmates and actually intending to do it.

It was like acting . The more one acted out a particular role and uttered certain statements contradictory to their true thoughts , the more one was affected by what the displayed on the surface changing themselves not from inwards out, but from outside to the inside.

This was the true nature of intelligent creatures , external circumstances made by others or oneself had the power to completey alter a person.

However the giant red four armed humanoid figure suppressed without killing. Kayden was a professional boxer before the world went to shit. It could be argued that he already had the power to take out humans with just his body if he wanted to . And in training he was conditioned by trainers who were themselves conditioned by others to not use their strength to harm other humans who did nothing wrong, again and again and again .he was influenced by all the battles he'd faced in the month following the beginning of the end . But he still had a grip on who he was and what values he upheld.

He wouldn't stop the two she devils from doing what they thought they had to do ,but he wouldn't personally partake in the hurting of innocents.

And then there was Mavis . She had good thoughts but she was unstable, very very unstable. Out of them all , she had unintentionally killed even those who did not resist. Her inability to control her yelling had been a serious concern for weeks for all members of their remnant group .

And she was crying , unbelieving of all the deaths she'd caused others in the corner of a room, were a 12 year old was chained to the wall with heavy industrial metal chains .

Patricia had turned absolutely ferral . Her aunt had done nothing wrong , she had done nothing.why did this monster have to kill her

When the siege by their new masters begun , she and her aunt were not at the front lines.

This was because everyone was afraid that the vanishing pervert would come again and kidnap her away.

So by the time the situation was understood that the new invaders only killed of those who resisted or faught back , everyone was encouraged to submit.

Patricia hoped that like in the movies she had watched growing up , the strong mister would show up when the situation was at its climax and save the day.

The witch was not strong enough to take on this group by herself and neither were any of the other hunters . Not all powers where offensive in nature , in fact most of the powers ever seen where more rounded in nature , with Audrey and Patricia being the only true purely offense related powers stated up until that point

But movies lied , and the mister was nowhere to be seen . Patricias last vestiges of immaturity where banished from her , and she only hoped that nothing more happened, and that the bad hunters would stop when they did not resist .

Then in came the two human looking hunters out of the five a boy and girl . The boy looked older about 17 or 18 maybe? .

With black hair and blue eyes that looked Soo beautiful she would have stared into them for days .

And then the girl seemed to be her age (Mavis has a lolli build)pretty curly hair and a princess like dress .

Patricia was temporarily out of her senses and sprung on the only other girl her age she'd seen in a long while.

Her speed was not a joke as a person with martial arts powers.

What came over her ? Why did she not act rationally in that kind of situation, why did this seem forced? . Its basically because humans where so decencitized to the logic in storytelling that they failed to account for all the messed up shit that truly goes on in the real world for example forgetting your skydiving backpack in the plane and jumping out thinking nothing wrong would happen.

Patricia's quick movements startled all those present

Including Mavis . You must not frighten Mavis, this was a truth upheld even before the start of the apocalypse. This lolli who got agitated easily was not really pleasant when frightened . Her screams as a normal human incapacitated you , her screams as a 'hunter' however blew you apart .


she screamed soo loudly she killed all but Patricia as the very bodies of the civilians around her burst open spilling guts all over the place including the three still alive.

The only reason Patricia was still alive was that she unconsciously flezed and squirmed all the muscles in her body dispersing the vibrations carried by the wind aimed directly at her.

Had she not done that , she would have died , and the rest might have lost their hearing but still live. But how could she know that?

She was in utter shock, frozen in the bloody room her hearing was gone and there laid in her head the static sound . It got louder and louder till that was all she could here.

Clide who was just as stunned by the sequence of events that transpired in seconds tried to approach and comfort the only living person present. But he seemed to have forgotten that this same child lived after confronting a direct sonic blast when adults countless times her age not in the point of impact died and turned into flesh parts scattered all over the room!.

"Ah Aaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH?!" Patricia seemed to have lost the ability to communicate.

Her aunt her aunty (true aunt) , her uncles and aunties not related by blood ! All gone, All gone! All gone!! ALL GONE?!

Her pain transmitted throughout the shelter everyone practically run towards this place .

Clide didn't know what to do and grabbed her into his embrace, he wanted to comfort her , he wanted to protect this child , he wanted to take revenge on the one who caused her loss but was aware that Mavis did not intend for this to happen.

"Shhh—" Clide was cut off when suddenly he had the last sight in his life be the vengeful glare of the 12 year old girl before she reached in and plucked both his eyes out.


A scream of a boy not yet an adult run through the ground, walls and earth above .

On that day four types screams resounded in that shelter .

The screams of death by all those killed .

The scream of killing done by Mavis .

The scream of loss by Patricia and those who lost loved ones that day .

And the screams of pain by Clide who lost his eyes .

thank you for reading this chapter:)

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts