
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 12

Daniel out of all humans that should be on earth now had to be intimately aware that there was a 0.00000000000001% chance he'd manage to use his martial arts prowers and physical strength to fell this opponent, unless an external factor out of his range of perception skewed the variables into his favour this was a lost cause.

But the fact that he couldn't do something gave Daniel an excitement. He wondered why this was , after all when he was a baseline human he didn't obsese over stuff he couldn't do .

It seems like he'd taken the pride that he was a genius and was channeling it into the impossible because. If he did succeed at the impossible just once, or had a glimpse at it , from that point on he'd be able to spam out endless impossibilities.of course the same impossibility, not another impossiblity.

But impossiblity, wasn't just a term he'd formed now . It ment any and every thing that cannot be done .

A simple punch that could shake space was an impossibility.

Swallowing your face with the human physiology was impossible, therefore a possibility.

Being able to look through the sun with human eyes was an impossibility.

Modifying your physiology to be able to do these things made the impossible now possible therefore no longer an impossibility . Like Daniel before his manifestation learning martial arts under an hour and defeating his teacher on the first try.

That was impossible. Defeating the opponent with martial prowers and physical strength only was even more impossible. No under normal circumstances he should have been squashed within seconds.

And a simple punch shaking space itself was millions of times more impossible with a human body.

Hence Impossible/ impossiblity.

It was never ment to be achieved. There was no groundwork on which it could be based. No starting or ending point ment no road to develop upon.

He barely had the chance to grow, and unleash the full potential laying dormat in humans . It's only been 3 days or so.

As their bout continued Daniel begun to suspect that his opponent had super human regenerative abilities.

Daniel was simply outstounded. Just how many abilities did it have?!

His fore head begun to leak buckets. The more this battle draws out , the more he would be at a disadvantage!.

And he wouldn't even get the opportunity to reach into his pocket to retrieve his projectiles.

" Hahahahahahaha, hahahahahahaha, this is truly a battle to the death ! Hahahahahaha

I might really die today."

Daniel laughed while buckets of sweat due to exertion or rather fear ? pooled out of him staining his being.

Daniel really could die today , he was seeing that balance crumble slowly as it tilted more in his opponents favour.

He might be a superhuman genius , but his opponent was no such in martial comprehension compared to him.

Daniels growth could not be matched , but the bug had various advantages Daniel couldn't beat.

* Experience. It might not be as versed as corporal Jace in martial arts , but it had experience beating up or even killing other strong beings.

* Time and speed. It literally had 5 times Daniels time.

* Stamina. It was honestly a miracle of adrenaline rush that kept Daniel going. He should have been exhausted within 5 minutes of dodging those bullet speed punches

Daniel had put himself in this situation. He had the chance to kill it but grew cocky. If given the opportunity to turn back the clock , what would he do differently? Nothing.

The excitement and pressure of death looming over his head made him draw out his everything, he with held nothing.he landed his attacks with more frequently as he discovered exploitable gaps .

But none of his attacks worked .

By now they should be strong enough to puncture the human body bare handed but this did nothing to the bug

" To shatter space with my fists , I needto control a law to do it , preferably spacial law.

But humans can't control laws that run the universe. It's impossible." Daniel thought .

" Let's try hypnotism .I will believe I can do it so hard that it will come true. This is really a childish way of thinking, it works in cartoons .

They say that you should believe , so I will believe. This is not scientific though? But who said I'm a scientist, I'm a genius ! I'll use everything and anything to improve myself be it science or my imagination!.

' but I have to think about it , how to believe I have the capability to shatter space . First let's mapp out what space is .

Space, in the absence of objects, is often conceptualized as a vacuum—a region devoid of matter and energy. It's characterized by its vastness and emptiness, with properties such as dimensionality (typically described in terms of three spatial dimensions), continuity (having no inherent breaks or discontinuities at any scale), curvature (according to general relativity, space can be curved by the presence of mass and energy), expansion (the universe is undergoing a process of expansion, leading to the idea of an expanding universe), topology (space can have different topologies, such as flat, spherical, or hyperbolic), and its intimate link with time in the concept of spacetime. These properties form the backdrop against which all physical phenomena occur, shaping the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.'

Daniel had a more instinctual connection with energy, if he maybe approached it as ( I want to cause explosions with my punches , it would have made sense , so why did he have to choose the concept that was furtherest away from him?

Because he felt like it. As Jay said he was mad. You can't reason with mad men.

He was a rational madman though. The only things that made little sense to others the reason he did them was because it was his taste.

Daniel begun to chant these words within his mind , as he utilized his insane visualization capabilities to impress them upon his being.

To brainwash himself into believing a punch from him could shatter space .

The battle with the bug reached its climax. Although not getting hit , Daniel was slowly being suppressed by his opponent, slowly being cornered to a wall.

The punches of his opponent became stronger and stronger, as did his . But the difference was that his still didn't affect his opponent, while if the latter ever once made contact with his body would result in instant death.

Daniel had made a gamble the biggest in his entire life . With risk through the roof and an almost 100% chance of failure.

Suddenly a punch connected from Daniel to the bug with a now half healed carapace and newly growing antenna.

That punch temporarily halted the bug and pushed it back !

It was shocked .

Daniels mind though raced against reality a million times a second.

He felt something from himself he felt it !

It wasn't energy, his intuitive understanding of energy granted him this certainty.

But it was energy like. It felt like he had partially tapped into something within himself. Something never there , but forming. A spark he'd lit of some sort .

But it was too faint. But as someone with an above average awareness of self . He wouldn't miss it.

He needed to stike while the iron was hot , to turn that flicker into a spark!.he instinctively knew that if he didn't it'd fade away and hed never have it back even if he peformed exactly what he did now.

In quick succession, Daniel made another attack slamming a punch directly into the bugs gut.

The punches where solid , and impactful . But not enough to stunn the bug. What stunned it rather was how drastic the change came .

Even though it could tell that with each punch the soft squishy being in front of it hit harder, with the way it was improving he could tell there would be a plateau.

There way a limit to how much a martial art could improve upon a physical bodies advantages. Daniel would not like to admit it , but that was a truth . The growth might still come , but in minimal amounts. Maybe this was another impossiblity?.

In any case , the bug knew that It'd have the upper hand from start to finish with it's previously stated advantages over Daniel.

But when the occasional punch came , and with it , packed enough force to actually hurt it the bug knew it had to end it know . It mustn't allow this squishy being to grow any longer .

Daniel noticed the change in vibe , and knew he had to retreat. But the flicker hadn't become a spark yet!

" No you don't! " Daniel drew out more from himself and punched out . That being a feint, with a upper kick ramming straight up the chin , or would have been a human chin had the opponent been a human.

Boom the floor shock as the bugs head run right into the roof. But Daniel hadn't gone complacent. He felt the flickering thing in him start to ignite. He felt himself become weaker , this was too shocking. If then miniscule energy in him was drained into this spark , he'd be good as dead. He could also tell that even his stamina wouldn't be enough to power whatever transformation was happening.

Daniel's quick thoughts recalled that he had on his person two red gems given to him by Jay.

He wanted to research them , but right at this moment he couldn't think about the future. His present was at risk of annihilation! He quickly gulped them down as they liquefied into a tasteless substance. At first they wanted to bath his body In high grade energy, but the spark found a new better , more potent source of energy.

A single gem carried so much energy it could power a town for a decade.

Daniel felt that the spark had taken 1/50 th of a single gems energy to come into form . But there was still more available so he assumed / deduced that his spark had broke itself apart and reassembled taking in more energy. Repeating this process. But Daniel couldn't pay it his full attention as his opponent now stood above him clinging to the wall by some insane principles he was utterly unaware of !

Splatt it released a jet of hot sizzling accid. Daniel managed to dodge just in time , but he'd been caught in the trap from the beginning the bugs punch was millimeters away from connecting with him .

Daniels next reactions were purely on instinct. Something he thought he didn't have , since his mind processed everything faster than his body could move .

A transparent barrier similar to Jay's bluish energy barrier formed at the impact point

Boom! Daniel was sent hurling as his body broke through the upper floors walls tossing him into the desolate town .

In that split moment Daniel had desperately wanted a shield , he wanted Jay to come with that overpowered power of his and save him.

But hed unknowingly emulated Jay's power , no his was different. Jay's shield existed. His felt like hed folded over something but nothing. It was difficult to explain. It had also expended him to the point Daniel almost collapsed.

His body was battered as he'd fallen 16 stories down .

At the last moment he'd folded over again , this reduced the impact , preventing him from squishing like a tomato ketchup but caused serious injuries.

" SHREIK SHREEEEIK !" The bug yelled looking at him from the top floor.

Daniel knew he was still in danger, but not only was he out of commission, but he could barely run away.

Things were not looking good !

He saw as the bug flashed across the sky leaping towards him. This made him realize that the ability to traverse was probably linked to lenses or mirrors.

But as soon as the bug was in the sky dark clouds formed in the sky .

"SHREIK?!" The bug seemed panicked . It was like he'd been cought by something immediately he dashed away .

Daniel noticed him running towards the rift .

This caused him to be perplexed. What could scare such a monster to the point that it'd left he Daniel , the prime culprit who beat it up till it almost died.

Daniel looked up , and noticed how weird the clouds were.

They were abnormally black as ink , and swirling with a pin prick eye at its center like a down side up hurricane .

Daniel noticed the static electricity flow in those clouds , too many in fact.before today he'd rarely seen natural currents in person. But today there were so many

" And why Is it only above me? "

That's when Daniel recalled books .

" Wait is this heavenly tribulation?!"

" Is this not an apocalypse? When did the world switch genres again?!"

Daniel tried running (limping ) away from the center, but the thing just ended up following him.

" Did I —Did I break some heavenly law? Or something?" Daniel found his own words cringe . But in all seriousness, what was happening?

His mind could process it, but he still found it hard to believe, no, he refused to accept it.

" At the very least this should be a magic wizards genre , not cultivation daoists." Afterall which genre of novels had gems in monsters with magic inside ?

Daniel reminded himself to remove all prejudices he'd developed through reading novels , something told him this was only the start, and more surprises would come

thank you kqro and fierce_tora_tigre for reading and all readers of "I am a genius but I look like a brute"

also I haven't updated because I found an interesting manhwa and was bingeing I'm also a reader , hahahah .

I got up this evening and said if I go two days without a chapter I might loose my readers. so here you go . I'm ambivalent about how I wrote it but I think it's good

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts