
I am a devil in a strange world

He was the main character yet everyone else appeared more important than he was. What was this story he was assigned to? In a futuristic world of magic and gadgets, he emerged from the depths which held no value in comparison to the great ones and the higher ups. The world was beautiful and he was considered one of the many blotches that tainted its beauty. The day he was killed, a cleansing was manifested. He, however, reincarnates into the real world - Earth. Reborn from a world of fantasy instigated by ink into the world of humans, he faces no better luck than his previous life in a book. Unfortunately for him, in this new life he is struck with an illness that makes his skin look red. People call him the "devil" and even his mother is scared of him. A world he couldn't understand yet, he understood. Who was this writer that created his story and why was he reincarnated into this strange world that refused to accept him either? What if more lies to writing? What if writing sparks up and opens up a world humans never knew existed? Prepared to learn about this "Earth", he sets into the great merchant city with the help of a shape-shifting system to become the greatest librarian and explore the truths that binds him to the library of his stories. He is Emmet Quinn, the devil in a strange world. [WPC June 2024 entry] _ _ _ Read on and enjoy the journey of Emmet Quinn! Your support is simply the most I could ask for! NB: The story is set in a futuristic Earth with a revolved humanity. However, this "Earth" is different from the Earth in real life. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

Blak_cherry · ファンタジー
65 Chs

Nightlife in Emeria

"What would you like?" The waitress asked Ashley, with a notepad in her hand. She appeared gothic despite wearing similar uniforms to the other waiters and waitresses. One of her eyes was perfectly hidden away behind her silky short black hair.

"Hey Sabrina. What's up with the formality?" Ashley smiled and playfully tapped her across the arm.

Sabrina deeply inhaled.

"Oh you ask me now," Her gaze narrowed ro slits. "After taking Olive away?!"

"Aye I thought we were over that," Ashley tsked.

"Your face reminds me. I can't take this," Sabrina sneered. "Leo will have to take over."

With that, she walked away to attend to another table.

"That b*tch," Ashley scoffed.

"Who's olive?" Emmet found himself asking even though he didn't care much. Liesl had suggested to start up a conversation with her since it was right to do so whenever eating out with someone.

"Her pet fish," Ashley simply answered. Her eyes were on the waiter who was called Leo. He had yet to arrive at their table even though Sabrina had instructed him to do so.

"You did what to it?" Emmet yawned lightly.

"I ate it," She proceeded to picking at her nails. "What else was I supposed to do with it?"

Emmet's eyes widened. How could she be so calm after doing such to the waitress who seemed like a good friend of hers?

"Don't give me that look," She eyed him. "Look, a fish can't be a pet and Sabrina fails to understand that. I helped Olive get better than she treated him to. Little guy knows where the true paradise is now."

"F*ck you Ashley!" Sabrina's voice came from across the room and Ashley chuckled.

All Emmet could do was shake his head.

It was then that Leo finally made his way to their table.

"You took so long. I'm starving," Ashley slightly groaned and pouted her lips.

"What would you two like?" Leo asked, his gaze moving from Ashley to Emmet.

"Today's specials?" Ashley raised an eyebrow.

"Gourmet Extravaganza, Culinary Symphony, and Dining Fiesta," Leo answered, his strong accent prevailing.

"Hmm we'll take the Dining Fiesta," She said after a brief moment of contemplation. Dining Fiesta specials were always to her taste whenever she came here.

"Very well," Leo nodded and scribbled on his notepad. "Dining Fiesta for two."

"Drinks?" He then asked.

"Codal Elixir for me," Emmet was quick to respond.

"My usual," Ashley said.

After that, he walked away and past the door that obviously led to the kitchen of the restaurant.

"What do you like about this place?" Emmet asked. He wasn't hating instead, he was simply curious about what her response would be.

"The food, the drinks, the life...Well, Olive was one of them but he's gone now," She shrugged.

"It's clear," He slowly nodded.

Soon, Leo returned but this time, he wasn't alone. He had returned with two other waiters who carried silver trays while he directed them.

The waiters served the dishes off the tray and on the table. Everything appeared good and Emmet could not begin to imagine how extremely divine it would taste.

"One of today's special, Dining Fiesta for two," Leo began. "Consisting of Pork curry, steamed fish with limes, Bordelaise sauce on steak, and shrimped rice. One glass of Codal Elixir and one wooden mug of beer with foam head."

"Nice," Ashley rubbed her palms together and reached for the fork and knife that had been brought along.

"Enjoy your meal," Leo gave a gentlemanly bow and headed off.

"Interesting fact I learnt today," Emmet began as he started with his steak.

"What?" Ashley looked up at her from the food she was eating. She had decided to start with the steamed fish on which she had squeezed the limes.

"You can act like a normal human being," Emmet slowly shook his head. "Mind blowing."

She scoffed, immediately after realizing that he was referring to the fact that she knew how to properly handle cutlery and eat gently.

"Shut up," was all she said.

After eating several chunks out of the steamed fish, she took a sip out of her beer.

"It hit the right spot," She heaved a sigh of relief and placed a hand over her chest to demonstrate.

"The food really is nice," Emmet remarked.

"Sure is. Anything underground is the best," Ashley nodded and ate another chunk of fish.

Just then, white smog left her hair and headed for the ground to form a white cat.

"Ah I totally forgot," Ashley suddenly exclaimed when her eyes went to the white cat that was staring daggers at her.

"Sabrina! Leo! Miguel! Anyone?" She proceeded to call out to the waiters.

With a smug look on her face, Sabrina dragged her feet towards their table. The others were busy and since she was the only one free at that moment, she couldn't ignore the crazy girl.

"Please go get Arin's treat."

"Sure," Sabrina rolled her eyes and just as she was about to leave, dark smog emerged from Emmet's ring and settled beside the white cat in the form of a black cat.

"Make that two," Liesl simply said.

"T-two..." Ashley quickly added before Sabrina went back to the kitchen.

When Sabrina returned with a silver tray on which two meals were prepared for the shape-shifters, both Liesl and Arin were led to a spot in the restaurant where they would dine.

It was a low round table, low enough for them to be comfortable with. There were two soft yet fairly large square-shaped pillows that were placed behind the table and opposite each other.

"Freshly picked Aether Almonds from the Divine cave," Sabrina said as she placed the respective plates before each of them. After which, she left.

"I see you have a kitty form too," Liesl began, ensuring that she maintained her elegance in front the cat that appeared extremely beautiful in her pure snowy white fur.

"It's the most comfortable," Arin replied, stylishly picking up an almond and popping it into her mouth.

Liesl narrowed her gaze. She could sense the competition in the air. Since they had never seen any shape-shifter species other than themselves, it only felt right that they both wanted to feel special.

"Hmm. So you have four forms too," Liesl slowly nodded and reached for another almond.

"Energizing," She added after savouring the taste.

"I do. Serpent, rabbit, cat, and horse."

"Quite impressive, I guess," Liesl nodded. "With such beautiful fur there, your other three forms must be just as beautiful."

"Of course," Arin swung her head with an air of pride, taking the 10th almond from her plate. "What's special about you?"

  "My black depicts royalty," Liesl said. "In all four forms of mine. From a royal black cat, a black fox, a raven, and to a black owl. Overly impressive, I must say."

"We should get along," Arin proposed. "Forming alliances are for the best."

"Very well. We definitely should," Liesl chuckled and took another almond. "These almonds are one of a kind, I must say."

"I do agree," Arin smiled.

The two cats continued chatting as they ate while trying to maintain elegance before one another, making it somewhat appear like what competitive british queens would do in a movie.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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