
I Am A Catholic God Of Death

Alex Smith just an ordinary pastor at an ordinary Catholic Church, until the day he was killed. God decided that he shouldn’t have to die with the amount of malice in his heart and sent him to reincarnate in a world where he no longer concerns himself with. A world where sins don’t matter. Getting to this world, Alex realizes that he is no longer bound to the chains of morality that held him down on earth. He realizes that the church isn’t what he was used to on earth, that the church is filled with liars and manipulative people. He is disgusted by the church and embarks on a journey to end the church no matter how many people he has to kill to do it. *** Official discord link https://discord.gg/2XrBm3Fe

Heavenmonarch_ · ファンタジー
55 Chs

Friend Vs Friend (2)

As soon as the bell chime sounded, Sticks' fighre turned into a blur as he charged at Azure. A broad smile etched itself on his face as he slashed at Azure.

Azure's figure turned somewhat blurry as he raised his sword to block Sticks' attack. Although Sticks was a lot faster than Azure, he had to travel quite a distance to reach him, hence, by the time Sticks' sword reached him, he already had his defense covered.

The sound of metal clashing against metal faded into the background of the spacious world of white.

Azure parried Sticks' sword strike away and pushed him backwards.

"Vanity of vanity saith the preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity!"

An azure colored mist appeared in front of Azure. The mist outlined his body and took the shape of an azure colored flame.

"You do know flashy moves don't work on me". Sticks' said when he saw the changes that occurred to Azure after the Bible verse.

"I know that". Azure sajd. His body flashed and appeared in front of Sticks. "That's why this move isn't flashy at all".

Sticks' hand turned into a blur as he raised his sword to block Azure's attack. Sparks flew as the blade of the two swords skidded over each other.

Sticks kicked Azure back and in a blur, he appeared in front of him, slashing at his mid section with his sword.

As the sword was about to make contact with Azure, he flashed and appeared five feet away from Sticks. "However fast you may be, I'm faster than the blink of an eye". Azure's lips curled upwards to form a teasing smile.

His figure flashed again and he appeared in front of Sticks. His hand turned blurry as he slashed at Sticks with all the strength that he could muster. Sticks hastily retreated backwards, barely escaping the grunt of Azure's attack.

However fast he moved, he didn't move fast enough to completely avoid the sword strike. The tip of Azure's sword tore through his clothes and almost cut his abdominal area.

"Damn". Sticks cursed. "It's been so long since someone almost injured me". He rilled his top apart exposing his semi muscular upper body. "I guess that I have to take you seriously now".

"For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone!"

The blade of Sticks' sword turned white in color. The temperature of the world of white suddenly took a drastic drop. Several drops of snow started falling from god knows where.

With each breath that Azure and Sticks room, fog escapes their lips, highlighting the extent of the cold that the two parties experienced inside the fighting stage.

The white blade of Sticks' sword started glowing. A few icicles protruded from the sharp side of the blade, the icicles differed in length forming a crescent shaped blade.

"This is going to hurt". Sticks said as his figure turned into a blur. He charged at Azure and slashed at him.

Azure's expression changed drastically when he saw Sticks rush towards him.

The white sword left a crescent shaped afterimage as it zipped towards Azure. Several of the icicles left the sword and flew towards random areas.

A glowing white ray of light left the sword and moved rapidly towards Azure's body. Azure clenched his teeth. Instead of avoiding the barrage of attacks, he closed his eyes and rushed blindly towards it.

"For the light shineth upon the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not!"

The blade of Azure's sword started glowing with an azure hue. An azure colored ray of light flew flew out kf the sword and rendered the icicles that flew towards Azure useless.

Azure slashed at the ray of light that flew towards him with the glowing Azure sword. Seeing as Azure was preoccupied, Sticks smiled as his figure blurred and reached in front of Azure.

A triumphant smile settled on his face as he slashed downward at Azure.

The craziest thing happened next….

Azure's slash at the withe ray of light caused the light to dissipate to nothingness, a sharp hissing sound emitting from the blade of his sword as the azure light dimmed.

He saw Sticks sword advancing towards him and clenched his teeth. His figure flashed and appeared five feet away from Sticks.

Sticks was mildly shocked when he saw Azure appear five feet away from him. He shrugged and massaged his grip on his sword, and with a blur he moved towards Azure.


Tamra stared at the screen through which she watched the finals with her mouth agape. And here she was considering herself to be one of the string workers. Compared to Azure and Sticks, she was just slightly better than a piece of shit.

Her fists tightened as she stared at the screen. She had to get stronger, Azure and Sticks couldn't just leave her in the dust like that. She will get stronger and beat both of them!