
1.Why the fk there are witches sucrificies babies in my basement - part 1

-"Arggg "

-"what the f is that pain, my head is ready to split", I woke up with a terrible headache, everything spinning around and me not knowing where am I.

-"where am I, last thing I remember is going to sleep" I try to remember what I did to end up here.

And where is here?

A gloomy room with wooden floors, an old bed with fine dark details, a night stand with a lamp that is way to much depressing.

-"how the fk a lamp gives a light like that" better burn that, I thought

There was a wardrobe in the right side of the room, a huge oval mirror in the left side and another drawer in the left corner with candles light up and other stuff on it.

-"even the fking candlelight is gloomy" there is something wrong with this setup.

-"oh fk me, defenatly this is no good, no memories, end up in an attic/room with gloomy atmosphere in a slik bijamas", I need to get the fk out of here ASAP, I thought.

- "okay Oly, recon first, find shoes, find weapon, find non depressing light, kill anything out of the ordinary and live", yeap that sounds like a plan.

I got up, the floor is way to cold for wood.

'fuck definitely a bad setup, I am going to be murder tonight' .

I went to the wardrobe slowly, "first step quickly open the door and jump back if anything is there punch in the face, not that this will change much but no weapon, no honey".

"Okay let's go, you got this mate"

Took a quick breath and in one second open the door and jump back waiting for the darkest horrors to come out of the wardrobe.

Standing there "nope nothing like that, okay, good, that's good, perhaps easy mode?".

I went towards the wardrobe and peak inside,

"fk dark academia vibe, why everything is black and white clothes" pick a white shirt and dark pants, a pair of dark shoes.

"okay next step check weapon, find pointy thing that can impale bad people".

I am searching for any weapon, not a thing.

"drawer" I thought.

I went to the drawer, I check the top of it.

"of course black candles, why the fk should I have anything else besides black, fk" I thought,

Check the stuff on top besides the calndes, a hex doll, a pentagram, some rosemary? Some other herbs I didn't recognise, "fk normal mode it is" I thought as I continued to scan.

There were small bottles with wierd liquids an a knife.

"jackpot, a kinfe, but this seems ritualistic, fk, should I touch it? Definitely this is a witchy sh*ty rityal with a doll, a pentagram and a knife, if I touch might get coursed" I have seen a lot of movies and shows with that sh*t to not know.

"okay buddy, options

- 1. I touch it I get coursed, die?

- 2. I don't take it, I go out of the room, find the other witches they kill me as I don't have a defence weapon, I die.

-3 I touch it, get coursed, not die, but live thought hell.

- non of the above, just a normal knife. "

" my odds aren't the best here, okay Oly think think, remember all those series and all those stuff your ex talk about, he was a witch-wanna be " I tried hard to thought back.

-" fk it, I will take the knifeat least I will have a means of defence ".

I grab the knife and waiting to get course.




" not coursed good, good ", I am glad that worked.

As I am happy that I have a knife to kill anything that comes at me, a flashlight pops up in my mind, I remember a talk with my ex about dolls and writing the name somewhere.

"I carefully pick up the doll, and check to see for any names"

- Malvin -

"who the f, names their child Malvin, and why I was hexing the sh*t of Malvin", I thought.

"sh************ttttttt", a splitting headache come up and a memory of me or more like fragments of images of me taking the doll in my hands lighting the candles, kinfe holding, blowing air to the doll, a language from a book with the wierd symbols, rosemary eating?.

I am on the floor trying to get a grid of my self.

"fk, someone really mindfk me this time, hard mode it is" I thought.

Either someone erase my memories or someone control me to do that sh*t.

The images didn't feel foreign to me.

"I need to find that book", I thought as I start going thought the drawer.

In the second drawer unter the shocks, the book was there.

It was black " of course is black, fk"

- author here, first try in writing, be gentle pls