

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · ファンタジー
40 Chs

Chapter 13.Kill yourself or Die a painful dead.

After that huge outburst I don't think there would be anyone alive in the area except for Mary who was under my protection.

But how am I seeing a man barely standing up right infront of me,who is he?

Don't tell me he is the SS rank adventurer!?

Wow! I am out of word;how is he still alive? He withstood my attack of that level!

But I am sure that this attack was the most, weakest area of effect attack I have ever made that It does not form another crater so .. I should give him a thumps up.

After that commotion this SS ranker got healed by Mary and asked him what I requested.

He was actually the strongest guy available in the kingdom,who serve the kingdom as the direct commander of the king, in which he have all authority over the kingdoms army when needed.

From the fight just now, He was sure that no one could beat me, and promised that he would give me the SSS rank adventurer lisence.

It was not the king but him who give the lisence, although the kings seal is needed for confirmation.

He rushed towards the kings castle while I followed him at the back with Mary.

After he gives the king a proper report, damn he was angry and his face was all red like eating hot peppar.

He was like, What!!!.. do you mean Arog city is gone? How? but!done by that man?

Do not look at me like that, especially do not point your finger at me, It was not intentional.

This king seems quite harf to deal with, I guess seeing is believing, Because I have no time.

Hearing what I said the SS ranker was like no!no!no!.. but my hands slip.

The wall of the castle was blown away, though the roof falls as well.. Have to take care of that too..

But it was not intentional again, I only plan on the wall not the roof..

After that seeing is believing lesson, the king was assured and gave the SSS rank adventurer lisence to me.

I have completed my mission, Now that stupid blue screen would not gave me punishment right?

But this blueish annoying thing pops up again,


System update Available

Host will be given a punishment for not being able to complete the first mission as time limit has upped due to system update.


Finger snap:kill a demi god, demon or God with a snap of a finger.

system will initiate update in 3.2.1

* *

What did I just see..?

I goes through all that trouble to not get the punishment and it still gave it to me?


I am very mad for getting even more stronger now, I should just go and take the poison as fast as I can.

Mary Follow me to the forest of the Giant we have some exploring to do, you will not regret following me I can atleast guarantee your safety.

Mary replied, Safety? Not even the SS ranker could harm me and I don't think I have more than my finger's number who could harm me, but not kill me, except you so I will gladly follow you as your maid, wife or just a pleasure at bed if you want.

OK.. that is quite enought.. Come forth my dragon, and come forth my griffin..

As I summoned my dragon mount, the griffin also came flying carrying my four wife's in the back.

As they landed, I climb over the dragon and lended my hands towards Mary, saying why don't you accompany in my journey as my 5th wife?

She smiled happily taking my hand and soared through the sky. While hugging her from the back as we were flying.

I asked her whether she hate me or not?

Because I really destroyed all her home and massacre all the people inside it. But she replied that she was actually not very pleased with me and have some killing intent as well.

But having such a broad mind she calm herself down to find an opportunity to backstab me. But as she follows me she does not seems to find any way at all.

Later she admit defeats in her mind due to my pure domination, although there were no direct relative of her in the city of Arog.

She does have some she wish to take care as well.

She used to be an amazing healer from a once very popular party called 'SHIELD', who are a very strong guild and is always the lead party in protecting the kingdom of the Barrister from monster.

But good things does not last long, As her brother who was the party paladin died because of a monster attack.

Later she realised that her brothers dead was because there was a mole in their groups who was the minions of the prince of Barrister who has been chasing Mary, and her brother was a nuisance for him in conquering Mary.

Later the whole party was objected of treason during War for being a spy and collude with their Opponent kingdom and are executed in public.

Except for Mary who saw her companion being executed while she was tied and is seated besides the prince.

As the last execution was going to be held, The man who was at the pole and was tied is the party leader who was Mary's lover.

They were trying to get married after the war was over but this had happen to them.

Just because the prince wanted revenge to Mary as she had refused the prince various times.

Mary's lover was strong enought to not simply get executed and was able to free himself from the entrapment and killed the guards who was trying to execute him, holding a large spear he tries to attack the prince.

But the prince hold Mary as hostage and He could not do anything else,He bid farewell to Mary and to live her life without regret and live on.

Later he could do nothing but to recieve the arrow coming towards him from the back, which is followed by a bunch of arrows piercing him.

The prince being so angry, ordered the mage to attack as well not to leave any bits of him remain.

Mary cried and was completely helpless seeing her comrade die because of her makes her think she is guilty being the only one alive as well.

But as there are a lot of commotion going inside the kingdom, their enemy kingdom took this as a chance and destroyed their first line of defence.

Invading the Barrister kingdom, They have fought arduous fight and gradually getting closer to snap the kingdom of its backbone.

There was a strong warrior who cleared his way and chopping the soldier like it was butter. But the Barrister kingdom does not have a strong warrior to face him off.

As they had executed him already. The king was wise but the Prince was an idiot, After knowing what the prince did, the king was furious with the prince action.

Pointing a sword to his throat in anger but was calm by the word of his minister.

The king knows that they are already losing the battle but the prince is his son after all and planned for his son safety in escaping the capital.

But as they are planning, the enemy were moving faster than expected and are already inside the castle.

They goes towards the hall of the king and cut the king down, taking over the land.But the Prince did leave the capital city due to the king wise plan but It was an emergency after all.

So he could not being any guards just some gold and a horse carrying Mary in the back of the horse while still being tied.

But along their way of escaping Mary was able to untie herself and jump from the horse.

The Prince noticing this stopped and tried to catch her again thinking she was still tied up, But as he goes closer she was standing up with a fierce looks in her eyes, the prince was surprised and scared because he knows he can not beat her at all..

He ran away, towards his burnt down kingdom, hoping there were someone to save him.

But this Prince luck never ran out and met his guards who were following him, with the order of the king.

He cried for helo and after he knows that they are his guards comes back his Ego.

Mary followed him with anger burning from heer heart she does not try to give the prince a peaceful dead at all.

After she met them all the thing she said was while shouting 'you foul Prince kill yourself or die a painful death by my hands'

The prince guards were laughing, The Prince who think he has got his ego back was even laughing even hard.

But they forget that she was an S rank after they had killed her companion by surprise.

Mary smiled and...

Please stay tuned to find out how Mary takes revenge on the Prince and please vote for me and collect it in your library for more chapter.


Vena_Raltecreators' thoughts