
I've finally been released from prison

Five years ago, framed by his stepmother, Ye Feng was thrown into the world's most terrifying prison where he was left for dead by the inmates. Inside this prison were the world's most powerful: the omnipotent prime minister, the billionaire who could rival a country's wealth, the fallen war god, the top hacker, the murderous doctor, the sorcerer who summoned spirits, and the failed cultivator facing his tribulation... Despite the odds, Ye Feng was not harmed by these inmates. Instead, they shared their skills and knowledge with him. Now, as Ye Feng steps out of prison after serving his five-year sentence, the world will tremble at his return!

Zf_Guo · 都市
23 Chs

Chapter 23: Save One, Kill One

This peculiar rule immediately led everyone present to think of a certain extraordinary figure.

"The Divine Physician Who Kills!" exclaimed White Weiwei, Zhao Wanting, and Hua Guodong in unison.

"Oh? You've heard of my master?" Surprised, Ye Feng hadn't expected his fifth master's fame to be so widespread. It seemed he wasn't just bragging.

Whether it was a good reputation or a bad one depended on one's perspective.

"The Divine Physician Who Kills is your master?" Hua Guodong marveled. "No wonder you act so differently from others."

"I thought the Divine Physician Who Kills had passed away…" White Weiwei hadn't heard any news about the legendary physician for many years.

However, she hadn't left the villa during these years, so perhaps she had been out of the loop.

"To save my grandfather, do I really have to kill an innocent person?" Zhao Wanting was conflicted about this request.

"Rules are rules," nodded Ye Feng. "The act of killing goes against the natural order, so if I save your grandfather, someone must die in his place."

"Otherwise, when Yama comes to claim a soul, the one who saves will face heavenly retribution."

To balance life and death and avoid karmic consequences, the Divine Physician Who Kills' rule was to save one person and kill another. This way, even if the heavens objected, they couldn't blame him.

Unfortunately, in reality, while Yama had been informed, the karmic consequences of the killings ultimately fell on his head, leading to his imprisonment.

"Mr. Ye, can't we find another way?" Zhao Wanting was troubled. "My grandfather would never allow harming others for the sake of saving himself."

"Rules cannot be broken," Ye Feng shook his head. "Your grandfather was upright and incorruptible in his life. He wouldn't agree to harm others for his own survival."

At this moment, White Weiwei interjected, "Mr. Zhao used to be the Minister of Revenue, in charge of finances."

"Although he's retired now, his influence in the official circles remains significant."

"Our White family's company might need the help of the Zhao family if we want to restart."

Ye Feng found White Weiwei's words reasonable. Without backing, the White family's company, despite its wealth, would struggle to regain its footing.

At the same time, Ye Feng thought that with the Zhao family's support, he might also be able to reclaim the Ye family's assets.

Seeing this, Zhao Wanting also said eagerly, "As long as you can save my grandfather, our Zhao family will spare no effort to help whenever needed."

Ye Feng thought for a moment before relenting, "Alright, let's go see your grandfather's condition first."

With that, Ye Feng prepared to set off immediately.

Zhao Wanting was overjoyed, while Hua Guodong muttered, "But didn't you say rules couldn't be broken?"

"Hehe…" Ye Feng chuckled lightly. "Rules are dead, but people are alive. Even the greatest rules must be flexibly applied."

"Besides, occasionally saving a few more lives, Yama won't bother counting too much."

As they spoke, the group descended the mountain, boarded Hua Guodong's car, and headed to the hospital.

Meanwhile, another military vehicle slowly stopped outside a villa at the foot of the mountain.

"That's strange, did I just see that bastard Ye Feng coming out of Yunshang Manor and getting into an Audi to go down the mountain?" Jin Luyi got out of the car and looked back at the villa halfway up the mountain, feeling uncertain.

"Must have been a mistake."

"Or maybe the guy just looks similar."

Shaking his head, Jin Luyi pushed open the door and walked into his foster father's house.

"Foster father, why did you call me over so early?" Upon entering the hall, Jin Luyi saw his foster father, dressed in military uniform, sitting upright.

"You're here," said Li Yubai, standing up. "I wanted to bid you farewell before I leave."

"Foster father, are you returning to the military?" Jin Luyi immediately guessed what was happening.

"Yes," Li Yubai nodded. "My mission here is completed, so it's time for me to go back."

"Foster father…" Jin Luyi felt a pang of sadness and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Hehe, why are you crying? It's not like we won't see each other again." Li Yubai patted his foster daughter's shoulder. "After I leave, this villa and the capital will be yours! If anything goes wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Yes!" Jin Luyi stood at attention, his expression serious.

Li Yubai nodded in satisfaction.

With Bai Weiwei of Yunshang Manor to rely on, and his foster daughter, who had grown up under his guidance over the years, Li Yubai could finally leave without any worries.

"Foster father, I'll see you off!" Jin Luyi said.


Father and daughter walked side by side towards the exit.

"Oh, by the way!"

As they were about to leave, Li Yubai pointed to Yunshang Manor halfway up the mountain.

"Keep an eye on that place."

"A mysterious neighbor moved in there, with remarkable strength."

"I paid a visit last night and exchanged a palm strike with him, almost failing to catch it."

"Hehe, I never expected to encounter such a formidable opponent in the bustling city, it's truly remarkable!" Li Yubai glanced at his right hand, still feeling a slight tingling sensation despite the time that had passed.

"To spar with you, foster father? Is he really that powerful?" Jin Luyi was also surprised.

"That's why I want you to pay attention," Li Yubai said. "Such talent shouldn't go to waste! You should try to get to know him. If you can recruit him into the military, it would be even better."

"Okay!" Jin Luyi nodded. "I'll pay him a visit another day."

"I'm sorry, the readers couldn't sign up successfully. Considering the situation, I have to end it."