
I've finally been released from prison

Five years ago, framed by his stepmother, Ye Feng was thrown into the world's most terrifying prison where he was left for dead by the inmates. Inside this prison were the world's most powerful: the omnipotent prime minister, the billionaire who could rival a country's wealth, the fallen war god, the top hacker, the murderous doctor, the sorcerer who summoned spirits, and the failed cultivator facing his tribulation... Despite the odds, Ye Feng was not harmed by these inmates. Instead, they shared their skills and knowledge with him. Now, as Ye Feng steps out of prison after serving his five-year sentence, the world will tremble at his return!

Zf_Guo · 都市
23 Chs

Chapter 21: The Test of the War God

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Bai Weiwu was greatly encouraged. She wished to immediately immerse herself in the business world and strive to earn enough money to redeem her older brother as soon as possible. This was also what Bai Shouqi hoped Ye Feng would do. In the future, after building a commercial empire and becoming the new richest person in the world, Ye Feng must not forget about Bai Shouqi, who was still imprisoned. If there was an opportunity, he must redeem him.

Ye Feng climbed to the third floor alone and entered a random room to stay. The furniture had been removed from here as well, not even leaving behind a bed. However, for Ye Feng, who was already accustomed to the hardships of prison life, this simple environment was nothing at all. Compared to that, freedom was the most precious thing. "This is a humble abode, but my virtue is fragrant." Ye Feng sat down on the ground and began his daily practice, bathing his whole body in a golden light. He had inherited half of a heavenly book and half of his master's cultivation from his master. However, Ye Feng's foundation was still shallow, and he couldn't fully absorb the terrifying power of his master's cultivation. Therefore, his master sealed half of his cultivation inside the heavenly book. Ye Feng released and absorbed some of it every day, accumulating it gradually for endless benefits. And that half of the heavenly book was hidden in Ye Feng's divine consciousness.

Just as Ye Feng was fully immersed in his cultivation, there suddenly came a sound of movement from outside. "Someone else has come?" Ye Feng's expression changed. He had a premonition that this time's visitor was extraordinary. Just the act of walking up the mountain stirred the surrounding grass and trees, causing a commotion. "Could it be from the Cui family again?" Compared to the previous encounter with Yu Zhenren, this mysterious visitor's strength far surpassed theirs. "Yunshang Fenghua, a new master has arrived?" Outside the villa, a loud voice rang out, though it was far away, it still echoed in their ears. "The battle just now was truly earth-shattering and impressive!" "I am Li Yubai. I happen to live nearby. Can I come in for a visit?" Li Yubai!? Ye Feng felt that this name was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't recall it for a moment. If Gold-threaded Clothes were here, she would surely recognize that the visitor was none other than her adoptive father, the War God of Youzhou, Li Yubai. "Mr. Li!" At this moment, Bai Weiwu's voice came from outside. It seemed that he was indeed a neighbor, and Bai Weiwu took the initiative to welcome him. "Why did you come so late?" Li Yubai smiled and said, "I sensed some movement over here, so I came to take a look. Are you alright?" "I'm fine," Bai Weiwu shook her head. "Who is living inside?" Li Yubai asked curiously. "My brother sent someone to protect me," Bai Weiwu replied truthfully. "Oh..." Li Yubai nodded, then smiled, "It seems that someone has come to take over my duties. Haha..." Li Yubai owed Bai Shouqi a favor, so after he was imprisoned, he moved nearby and guarded Yunshang Fenghua. With the illustrious reputation of the War God, Yunshang Fenghua and Bai Weiwu had peacefully passed these years. Only occasionally would there be rude debt collectors like Cui Shao, but Bai Weiwu would just ignore them. If she called out, Li Yubai would come at once and protect her. "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your care over the years," Bai Weiwu sincerely thanked him. Over these years, if it weren't for the protection of the War God, she would have been unable to protect herself. "Since your brother has sent someone again, I can leave at any time," Li Yubai said calmly, then changed the subject. "But before I leave, I need to test that person to see if he's qualified to take over my duties!" Saying that, Li Yubai aimed a palm strike at the room where Ye Feng was staying. Instantly, a strong wind blew, and debris filled the air. "Mr. Li! Please have mercy!" Bai Weiwu was startled to see Li Yubai suddenly attack, but she was also worried. Although she knew Ye Feng was very powerful, this time he would face the famous War God, the limit of human strength. This was not something that could be compared to the likes of Yu Zhenren earlier. Crack! With a loud noise, the roof was pierced by Li Yubai's palm, creating a hole. At this moment, Ye Feng, sensing the situation, did not dare to be negligent. He quickly formed seals with his hands, and thunderous sounds emanated from his hands as he retaliated. Boom! Another loud noise rang out as the two terrifying forces erupted in the room. The roof was completely lifted off.

Ye Feng felt a sudden weight beneath him, as the power of that palm strike just now nearly shattered the floor beneath his feet. At the same time, the thunder and lightning in Ye Feng's palm countered the force of the palm strike. Li Yubai outside the villa, although he withdrew his hand in time, was still countered by this move, staggering back several steps, his arm tingling slightly. "A palm strike with inner lightning! Impressive!" "Truly formidable, this younger generation!" Li Yubai couldn't help but praise. "White girl, the person your brother sent you is indeed remarkable! I can leave with peace of mind now... Haha, farewell!" With laughter, Li Yubai came and went in a hurry, drifting away.