
I've finally been released from prison

Five years ago, framed by his stepmother, Ye Feng was thrown into the world's most terrifying prison where he was left for dead by the inmates. Inside this prison were the world's most powerful: the omnipotent prime minister, the billionaire who could rival a country's wealth, the fallen war god, the top hacker, the murderous doctor, the sorcerer who summoned spirits, and the failed cultivator facing his tribulation... Despite the odds, Ye Feng was not harmed by these inmates. Instead, they shared their skills and knowledge with him. Now, as Ye Feng steps out of prison after serving his five-year sentence, the world will tremble at his return!

Zf_Guo · 都市
23 Chs

Chapter 2: His Revenge

"Is it her!?"

Golden Threaded Robe!

Seeing the person, Ye Feng's expression tightened, and his thoughts were immediately pulled back to five years ago.

A devastating car accident resulted in one death and seven injuries.

And Ye Feng was framed, becoming the perpetrator.

For the incident itself, Ye Feng was drugged and had no recollection.

But afterward, Ye Feng would never forget the vengeful gaze of the deceased's daughter, shouting at him: "Return my mother! I'll kill you!"

The person in front of him was just like that.

The young girl from back then had grown into a stunning woman.

Losing her innocence, she now radiated a fierce and elegant aura, dressed in military attire, wielding a Type 92 pistol, resembling a vengeful angel, advancing step by step.

"Master, don't be rash!" A female aide hurriedly caught up, restraining Golden Threaded Robe's arm, "It's not worth it for this trash!"

The group from the Ye family, upon seeing Golden Threaded Robe, were equally shocked.

"Golden Threaded Robe, Commander of the Yanjing Guards, third-ranked official!"

"The youngest and only female commander in the history of the Yanjing Guards!"

"After that incident years ago, she was adopted by the General of Youzhou as his daughter, turning her misfortune into a blessing, leading to her current position!"

From the whispers of onlookers, Ye Feng learned that the victim's daughter had joined the military.

Now, she led the entire Yanjing Guards, a beacon of strength.

That car accident had changed many lives.

"Why!? Why can someone like you, who has only served five years in prison, start anew? While my mother can never return!" Golden Threaded Robe yelled at Ye Feng, her hand trembling in anger.

As a victim himself, Ye Feng also wanted answers.

"Don't worry, justice will prevail," Ye Feng assured her, "If it doesn't, I'll make sure it does."

His words were resolute.

From the moment he was released, he was prepared for battle.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

"Trash like you talking about justice!?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Golden Threaded Robe grew angrier, viewing it as a challenge.

"Just because you're out of prison doesn't mean you're free!"

"I joined the Yanjing Guards to exterminate villains like you!"

"Wait for me! I'll be watching you 24/7, ready to capture you again!"

Amid Golden Threaded Robe's curses, Ye Feng got into the car and sped away.

"That was close. I thought Commander Jin was going to shoot to avenge her mother," the male driver said, seemingly amused.

Ye Feng remained silent, resting his eyes.

Slowly releasing his grip, the stone thrown by Golden Threaded Robe had turned to dust, scattering around.

Soon, after a bumpy ride, the car arrived in a deserted mountainous area.

"Ye Shao, get out!"

The door opened, and the men got out, waiting outside.

"So soon we're home?" Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes.

"Heh, you still want to go home?" The lead man sneered, "You, a man who spent five years in prison, still have the audacity to return?"

Saying this, the man tossed a passport and a bank card into the car.

"The madam ordered to give you this money, leave the country, and never come back."

Ye Feng didn't take them, instead, he asked, "What if I don't leave?"

"Heh heh!" The men outside all laughed, "Then we'll send you on your way right here!"

"After all these years, that woman still wants to see me dead?"

Ye Feng straightened up and also got out of the car.

"In your next life, be reborn into an ordinary family!" The thugs pulled out their batons, "Will you jump down yourself, or shall we make a move?"

"Heh heh…" Ye Feng stood at the edge of the cliff, looking coldly at the group, "A bunch of loyal lackeys. How much did that woman pay you to be this devoted?"

"The madam has been very good to us! We're willing to do anything for her."

These people were originally fugitives. Xu Ruoyun gave them legal identities, and they were willing to serve their master.

"Since you're already at death's door, I'll tell you a secret to enlighten you!"

"The car accident five years ago was also our doing, then we framed you!"

"Heh heh, surprising, isn't it? The funny thing is, just now, when Jin Luyi saw her mother's killer right in front of her, she didn't even look, it was me who drove and killed her mother! Hahaha…"

The group burst into triumphant laughter, hoping to see Ye Feng go mad upon learning the truth.

"I would've found out about that incident sooner or later."

Ye Feng remained calm and composed.

"But since you won't confess, I won't hold back."

Facing the encroaching group, Ye Feng, unhurriedly, pulled out an ancient dagger.

"Master Nine said that this dagger needs to draw blood every day, or it'll rust." Ye Feng said as he swung the dagger horizontally, "Today, it starts with you!"

As the words fell, a sweeping slash!

Looking at the thugs again, each clutching their throats, terror evident, falling one after another.

They died without even realizing what had happened.

After easily dealing with them, Ye Feng put their bodies into the car, then, car and all, kicked them off the cliff.

He then turned around and left.

Soon after, a military off-road vehicle also crossed mountains and arrived at the scene.

"It's the car that picked up Ye Feng earlier! Everyone inside is dead!"

The deputy opened the car door, a chilling sight greeted him.

"What skill, killing with a single strike!"

Jin Luyi glanced and couldn't help but be alarmed.

When did a mysterious skilled expert appear near Yanjing!?

Is this person helping her get revenge?

"Unfortunately, there's no Ye Feng's body here, letting him escape again!"

The deputy imagined that these people died protecting Ye Feng, giving him a chance to escape.

"That's for the best!" Jin Luyi snorted, "I'll take the life of the one who killed my mother with my own hands!"

Seeing the captain's anger rise, the deputy quickly changed the subject, "It seems that the people of justice are already taking action!"

"I believe that soon, whether through civilian assassination or our legal actions, we will bring justice to Ye Feng!"

"In a month!" Jin Luyi gritted her teeth, "I will definitely capture him and send him back to prison!"