
I've finally been released from prison

Five years ago, framed by his stepmother, Ye Feng was thrown into the world's most terrifying prison where he was left for dead by the inmates. Inside this prison were the world's most powerful: the omnipotent prime minister, the billionaire who could rival a country's wealth, the fallen war god, the top hacker, the murderous doctor, the sorcerer who summoned spirits, and the failed cultivator facing his tribulation... Despite the odds, Ye Feng was not harmed by these inmates. Instead, they shared their skills and knowledge with him. Now, as Ye Feng steps out of prison after serving his five-year sentence, the world will tremble at his return!

Zf_Guo · 都市
23 Chs

Chapter 16: Came and Want to Leave?

Ye Feng defeated the enemy with one move and spoke arrogantly.

Instantly, everyone present was shocked.

Then, the middle-aged man, furious but also sneering, spoke up.

"Just you? Quite bold of you, huh?"

"I barely dare to claim I'm the master of Yunshang Pavilion, and yet you dare to try and take over here as soon as you arrive?"

"Well, we'll see if you have what it takes!"

With that, the middle-aged man snorted, gesturing to his remaining henchmen.

"What are you waiting for? Attack! Teach this kid a lesson! Make him taste some bitterness!"

Taking advantage of their numbers, the seven or eight servants surrounded Ye Feng and rushed at him.

It seemed like a one-sided beating was about to unfold.

But then—boom!

Ye Feng only threw one punch!

In the darkness, no one could even see the trajectory of that punch.

The next moment, all seven or eight of the middle-aged man's henchmen fell to the ground, motionless.


In the dark hall, there was dead silence.

Ye Feng walked step by step.

In the eyes of the middle-aged man, it was as if a ghost was approaching step by step.

"Who… who are you exactly?"

The middle-aged man was frightened dumb, even starting to doubt if the person in front of him was human.

One move and he could knock down seven or eight people?

Such terrifying skill was comparable to the guards his family hired.

"Do you remember what I said earlier?" Ye Feng asked in return.

"I… I remember…" The middle-aged man nodded stiffly.

"Remember it and get out of here. Return everything taken from here intact, or else you'll use your head to make up for it!" Ye Feng said, "Just one item missing and I'll use your head!"

"Yes… yes…"

Then, the middle-aged man fled the villa, scrambling away.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, he saw that Ye Feng hadn't followed, so he leaned against the wall, panting for a moment.

"You little brat, you think you're tough? Being tough is useless!"

"If ten people can't beat you, then I'll find a hundred, a thousand! I'm not afraid of not being able to kill you!"

"You still want me to return things? I'll return you a hammer! Just wait for me!"

The Cui family's villa was nearby.

So, the middle-aged man immediately returned home and summoned his thugs.

On the other side, inside the villa.

Bai Weiwei gradually recovered from her shock.

She realized that Ye Feng indeed had some skills, at least in fighting, he was different from when he came out of prison.

But even if he could fight, what could he change?

A single tree does not make a forest; he was ultimately just one person.

"Thank you."

Bai Weiwei first thanked Ye Feng for intervening to save her.

Then she continued, "You should leave now. I don't want to drag you into this."


Ye Feng was surprised. He hadn't expected that showing off his skill still couldn't make Bai Weiwei fully trust his abilities.

"Why should I leave? Was that guy just now very powerful?" Ye Feng not only didn't leave, but sat back down.

"His name is Cui Youliang," Bai Weiwei introduced, "His family, the Cui family, used to be a second-rate family in Yanjing. Later, they rose to the ranks of top families only because of my brother. But then my brother was caught, and they dispersed."

According to Bai Weiwei, there were originally only five major families in Yanjing. Later, thanks to Bai Shouqi's rise, ten major families emerged. The Cui family was one of the newcomers among the five.

"The Cui family is nearby," Bai Weiwei said, "If you don't leave now, when they come back later, it will be too late."

"Then let them come," Ye Feng said calmly, "I'll wait!"

About the time it takes to brew a cup of tea.

The roar of vehicles outside continued.

"They're here!"

Bai Weiwei stood by the window and glanced outside, only to see layers upon layers of people surrounding the villa almost completely.

"Where's that kid from earlier?"

"It's better if he didn't run. I want to see how capable he really is."

As they spoke, Cui Youliang, who had been scared off earlier, now returned with confidence, leading a group of thugs into the villa.

When he saw Ye Feng still sitting there, Cui Youliang was slightly surprised.

He thought, if Ye Feng had any sense, he should have fled long ago.

But… Cui Youliang smirked coldly.

"It's even better that you didn't run!"

"It seems you really don't know how to spell 'death'?"

"Today, I'll let you experience it firsthand!"

As they spoke, more and more people gathered inside the villa.

Looking around, densely packed, there were over a hundred thugs.

"Each person held a metal rod, looking fierce and menacing.

"Aren't you good at fighting?" Cui Youliang taunted.

"Come on! Let me see how good you really are!"

"I brought a hundred brothers with me, is that enough? If not, I can call for more! There are another hundred outside!"

Inside and outside the house, there were over two hundred thugs.

Cui Youliang seemed confident, thinking that even one person could drown that kid with a single spit.

At this moment, the scene in front of them scared Bai Weiwei, who retreated step by step, leaning against the wall.

"I told you to leave quickly… now it's too late…"

Ye Feng slowly stood up, comforting, "Don't be afraid. I'll send them all away soon."

At this, the approaching thugs couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When they came, they thought their opponent would be a burly tough guy, but they hadn't expected him to be a tall, thin young man.

"Kid, kneel down and kowtow to us now. It will go easier for you later!" Facing the challenge of the thugs, Ye Feng remained fearless and walked towards them step by step.

When the distance between the two sides was only ten meters, the thugs raised their metal rods, ready for battle.

Ye Feng finally got serious.

Then, in the darkness, Ye Feng seemed to turn into a lightning bolt, charging into the crowd.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Feng seemed to be in a realm of his own, leaving chaos in his wake.

When Ye Feng stopped again, there was chaos and wreckage behind him.

The thugs on both sides were stunned. They had never seen someone take on a hundred opponents single-handedly.

They couldn't help but retreat, desperately trying to avoid Ye Feng.

Cui Youliang widened his eyes in terror, watching Ye Feng approach once again, as if death itself was closing in, making him forget to breathe.

When Ye Feng walked up to him and asked, "What about the things I asked you to return? How come you brought people but not the items?"

"I… I… I…" Cui Youliang trembled in fear, then pointed outside and stammered, "I forgot… I… I'll go get them right away…"

With that, Cui Youliang mechanically turned to escape.

"Trying to leave after coming?" Ye Feng's voice, as cold as death, echoed from behind him. "I gave you a chance, but you came empty-handed!"