
The Marcellus family

"Riley, before we go in, I just want to warn you about my family..." he started.

Those were never good words to hear, even in a completely different world. A pit formed in my stomached and it was filled with butterflies and dread. Was he going to tell me they were nobles who hated commoners like me, or were they prejudiced against people with dark hair?

"What's wrong with your family?" I asked nervously hoping it was nothing too bad.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with them, but they can get a little overly-excited when we have guests. Especially since I already sent a bird telling them about how you healed me..." He said while biting his bottom lip and ruffling his orange hair.

"Well that doesn't sound too bad..." I said relieved.

He laughed nervously, "Well I told them that you saved my life and they will probably be very grateful..."

Again, none of what he was saying sounded bad, or was anything near to what I had thought they would be like.

"That really doesn't sound bad at all Cornelius." I said, wondering what he seemed so nervous about.

"I-I it's not bad, per say. I-It's just that, well, um-ahh..." He was struggling to get the words out.

Finally, with an exasperated expression, he said, "Just brace yourself."

We walked up to the big doors and were about to open them when one of them just suddenly flung open. There in the middle of the doorway stood a breathtakingly beautiful woman - I would say that she was in her early thirties – her eyes started swelling up with tears and her eyebrows scrunched up, and as suddenly she flung herself on top of Cornelius and cried out.

"My Baby! My baby is alive!" She sobbed hysterically on top of Cornelius as Cornelius hilariously tried to maintain his balance. His arms were flailing backward trying to steady himself, while the woman was on top of him (who I presumed was his mother) sobbed unaware.

I reached out and grabbed one of his hand so that he didn't fall backwards. The woman noticed me and then turned to me, her tears had smudged her make up and her pouting face made her look so funny.

"And you must be Riley!" She cried out even louder this time.

"Thank you! Thank you so much for saving my son!" She sobbed even more passionately this time and then leaped on to me and trapped me in a cage-like hug, one that was so tight that I found myself struggling to breath.

Just when me face was turning purple from the lack lack of oxygen, Cornelius intervened, "Come on Mother, that's enough. You are going to suffocate our guest if you continue on like that!"

She abruptly released me, "Oh sorry my dear, I just get a little carried away sometimes..." she giggled softly, while wiping her smudged eyes with a handkerchief.

"Well I should probably introduce myself, my name is Eleanora Marcellus, and I am very pleased to meet you." She smiled warmly at me.

Compared to Cornelius her hair was a bit pinker than his was, and it was styled into an intricate updo, decorated with blue gemstones and golden ornaments. Her eyes were a pale blue colour, similar to her sons. It seemed that all of the nobles in this country were beautiful. Her clothes were beautiful too: she wore an extravagant pale blue dress, with gold patterns and detailing. There were countless jewels sewn on it and the skirt of the dress puffed out at her waist. It was divine.

"The pleasure is all mine I assured her."

"Brother!" two small children came charging out of the door. Two little orangey-pink haired children ran straight into Cornelius ready arms. He picked them up and swung them around playfully. The two children, one girl and one boy, the girl seemed to be a few years younger than the boy, squealed and giggled full of glee as he swung them.

When he put them both down, they happily made their way over to me. The little girl came to me and hugged the bottom of my skirts and waved shyly up at me, while they boy first bowed to me and then announced confidently that I was his favourite healer ever!

After I introduced myself as Riley Delton to them, the boy gave me a funny look and then turned to his mom and pointed at me and said, "Mother, I just noticed that she had black hair!" he exclaimed with a shocked look on his face.

Everybody giggled at his comment, and I was grateful to have entered another happy family.

"Well dear, come inside, my husband is waiting for you and Cornelius in the library." The interior of their house was just as spectacular as the exterior, the ceiling was impossibly high and the place was filled with marble and copper – which seemed to be their signature colour. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and astounding paintings were hung on the walls. I just took it all in as Cornelius lead me up the marble staircase to the library.

The library was also out-of-this-world. The roof was made of crystal and glass and let the beautiful evening sky shine through, illuminating the place with a sunset glow. There were candles and trays of fruit levitating around the room, acting as serving trays all on their own, it was literally magical.

In the middle of the room stood two people: A large and plump man with a neat main of copper-coloured hair who I imagined was Cornelius's father, the master of the house, next to him stood a gorgeous girl who looked to be about my age. Her hair was a paler coral than the rest of the family and was so long that it reached her thighs, but she had the same pale blue eyes as the rest of the family. I guessed that she must be one of Cornelius's siblings.

"Father! Alice! We are home!" Cornelius called to them from across the room. They then turned their attention to us and greeted us with happy smiles.

"Ahh my son! How are you?" Greeted the man with a deep warm voice.

"Very good Father! Thanks to Riley here." He motioned to me and I curtseyed.

"Ah the miracle healer..." He said eyeing me. "Well my dear I will be willing to let you join the Royal Mage Society if I can witness your power for myself." He said sternly.

"Well, I'm fine with that. What do you want me to do?" I asked eager for a challenge. A pleased expression appeared on his face when he saw my excitement.

"Well it's a simple test... not even a test really. Long ago my family invented these orbs that can measure a person's magical power." One of the butlers in the room stepped closer to me with a crystal ball, propped up on a red silk cushion "It works with the same principle as the magical gemstones, these orbs also bring out ones hidden power, but instead of releasing it, it turns the power into light energy. The brighter the ball glows the more power you have. We only accept people into the society with a very high brightness." What he explained sounded simple, all I had to do was hold the ball and see how bright it turns.

"Father is quite strict about the brightness level, so don't feel bad if you get turned down..." Added in Alice from behind me reassuringly. I could tell that she was a kind person.

"Alright, here I go." I said and then picked up the crystal ball.

The orb started to glow, and quickly brightened to a bright light. I heard the gasp of Alice behind me. The bright light changed to an even brighter light that made me squint and look away from the ball, then the orb got even brighter and change to a blinding light that made all of us look away from it and cover our eyes with our hands.

Suddenly I heard a sharp cracking sound coming from the orb, the light was still growing brighter and hotter in my hands, suddenly the ball started vibrating and then shaking until finally the ball exploded in one loud explosion. The orb shattered in my hands and turned into fine glistening glass powder that floated in the air.

There was a moment's pause before a hearty laugh erupted from the man.

"I, Umfrey Marcellus welcome you to the Royal Mage society!" He said joyously as he shook my hand vigorously.

Hey Readers, So I really like writing this book and because of that I am not the best editor of my book so if you have any suggestions or comments please let me know:) Also please vote and carry on reading - I update as soon as I finish writing chapters.

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