
I'm the Son of Two Sannin (Canceled)

Reborn as the secret child of Tsunade and Jiraiya, with a Lineage System.

Dexter177 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs


[Ding! System Binding... Please Check Status For More Information.]

"It's finally here, it's been three years since I was transmigrated into the body of an orphan named Nawaki."



[Name: Nawaki Senju]

[Age: 13]

[Rank: Academy Student]

'Senju? Like Tsunade's brother?'

[Wrong Host, You Are The Secret Son Of Tsunade And Jiraiya.]

'WTF! When did they have a child?'

[You Were Born After A Drunk Tsunade And Jiraiya Had Sex. They Weren't Planning To Raise A Child, So You Were Dropped Of At Konoha's Orphanage.]

'It seems, I am a change in the timeline itself, but it's weird I'm the same age as Naruto.'

[Host, Please Open The Starter Pack To Get Full Version Of The System.]

'Open starter pack'

[Ding! You Have Opened The Starter Pack. You Have Received, 3% Hashirama Template, Beginning Sage Body.]


'System, what percentage of strength was Hashirama at during the Konoha collapse plan?'

[Hashirama Was At About 10% During The Collapse Plan.]

'Makes sense, even though they looked week as hell, but they still beat Hiruzen like he was a child. He only won because he got lucky and used the reaper death seal on them.'

{A/N: People make is seem as if Hiruzen smacked them around. I went back and watched it and he was smacked around like a child vs Madara. I know people hate him, but he was not weak in strength. He was still Kage level even at the age of 70. Secret earth art? It's Wood style! Sorry for the small rant let's get back to the story.}

"Huh?" Said Nawaki as he was hit by a piece of chalk.

"Nawaki, pay attention!" Shouted Iruka.

"Yes, Sensei" Said Nawaki.

'Forgot I was still in class.' Though Nawaki.


Sitting down on his bead Nawaki called out status to see his upgraded system.


[Name: Nawaki Senju]

[Age: 13]

[Template: 3%]

[Chakra: High Jonin]

[Physic: Mid Chunin]

[Chakra Control: Mastered Surface Climbing, Beginning Water Walking]

[Bloodline: Sage Body, Wood Release (locked)]

[Jutsu: Mud Wall, Transformation, Substitution, Clone, Earth Flow Spears, Wild Water Wave, Water Wall]

[Strength Evaluation: Mid Chunin, You Have Zero Experience, Making Evaluation Lower.]

[Rank: Academy Student]

[System Note: You Should Train Yourself. You Are Not Limited To The System. You Cannot Pass 50% Of The Template Before You Are 15 Years Old.]

'Looks like I will actually pass the academy now, before I had like no chakra. I wonder if it was waiting for the system. I am a Senju, it would make no sense to have very little chakra. Better practice for the graduation test tomorrow. Got to get use to my new strength. Don't wanna show too much.'

{A/N: Short Chapter, I know this was for me to get a layout of what I wanna write. I never plan ahead, too lazy for that.}