

"It's a pity they won't have the chance to enjoy their time here," one of His Majesty the emperor's concubines, Serah Tein, smiled bitterly.

"It's our fault for not bringing up the boys properly. Hopefully they won't make the same mistakes next time," the second concubine, Beatrice Aura said with a frown.

Sitting in between them, the fourth prince Rudeus Equestria, 13 years old looked incredibly nervous.

"Dear Rudeus, do you not feel well?" His Majesty, Soles Equestria asked.

"N-No father. I'm fine.."

"He's probably just nervous. It's been a while since we've gathered like this," Wilson said with a smile. "Which cake is your favorite among the ones here?"

"Is this supposed to be some kind of consideration..?" Rudeus pointed at the small blueberry cream cake with chocolate butter hidden inside the dough.

"Then, here you go," Wilson poked the cake using the small two prong fork and held it up to Redeus.

"This is a breaches etiquette, isn't it"

"We're together as a family now. Etiquette can be set aside, what matters is we spend this rare time happily, alright?"

Redeus sighed. His appetite gave out and he bit into the cake. Serah and Beatrice showed a wryly smile.

Beatrice has two sons. One is Redeus, the other is Fahrenheit– who was on house arrest because he attempted to assassinate Wilson by cooperating with the demons.

Serah has one daughter and one son. Carol and Patrick; Patrick being the one colluding with Fahrenheit before this, also on house arrest.

And Her Majesty Esther Roux has one daughter and one son. Evelyn and Wilson.

Going deeper into the relationship tree, Quilin is Esther's nephew's granddaughter while Serah Tein is the great-great-granddaughter of the current vice-president of the enforcer department, Cabural Tien.

"I had mentioned in the past that you should be aggressive in your pursuit, did I not? Look no further than my own results if you need any proof," Quilin boasted.

Evelyn looked past Quilin and at Wilson who was caring for Rudeus. His Majesty looked pleased.

Three years ago, before Evelyn thought she had lost Sequencee, Quilin who had yet to marry Wilson often conspired with Evelyn to win over his heart. She was aggressive in chasing the prince, so much so that Evelyn would turn to her for advice.

Like attracts like, Quilin thought Evelyn had potential, having been bold enough once to ask His Majesty to allow her to venture out into the world with Sequencee. The two of them got along and became friends.

Eventually, Quilin's efforts bore fruit and she was wed to Wilson around a year ago.

"Still, being aggressive would only make the other party feel annoyed, no?" Evelyn recalled the many times Sequencee's colour turned a tinge green the moment she tried to force herself in.

"That is an outcome. Do that enough, they will grow used to it. Push enough to force them outside their comfort zone, little by little, you would be expanding his heart for you."


'This doesn't sound right..'

To follow Risa's advice or Quilin's? Evelyn only felt even more perplexed. Risa's said to hold her wish loosely in her hands. Even if Sequencee doesn't think that she is the right person for her, he would end up by her side in the end.

"He's probably in the villa now," Quilin chuckled, "Don't waste your chance. Want to go peek?"

Evelyn froze up.

Forcefully entering another person's room without consent– with Quilin's talent, they could do just that. If she took up the offer, Evelyn wondered what she would discover about him.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"It seems something has come up," Quilin got up from her seat.

The rest of the royal family turned to her.

At the door, Quilin listened to Selena's report with a nod. A look of puzzlement flashed across her face.

"Evelyn, could you follow me for a moment?"


"Father-in-law, mother-in-law. I'll be leaving to attend something. Dear, you can explain the details to them."

"If they ask," Wilson smiled.

Redeus tilted his head.

Evelyn and Quilin left the lounge room.

"What's the matter?" Evelyn asked.

"Your crush said he has practice to attend to later. He asked if it was alright if he left first,"

Selena responded.

Evelyn's face turned red at her statement.

"Had we the wrong schedule after all? Evelyn, do you know if he has some class he has to attend at this time?" Quilin asked.

"No. I can't think of anything particularly– unless he had been asked to meet with the ensemble again?"

'Wasn't today declared a holiday for the academy students? What else is Sequencee busy with?'

"Eh, Lady Quilin, Evelyn, hello!"

Along the way, they bumped into Risa, who unlike her typically casual profile, was wearing a resplendent dress uniform, her black hair tied into a bun.

"What a coincidence, hello Hero Risa," Quilin greeted. Selena lowered her head out of respect.

"What are you doing?" Risa asked.

"We have to attend a guest."

"Another guest?"

"Please excuse us," Quilin said with an apologetic smile.

"Alright." Risa nodded.

As the two parties skewered paths– or not. Risa turned around and decided to follow them. She had nothing to do anyway. She was making it very obvious to Quilin and Eveyln that she was tailing them.

"There should be no problems if Risa followed.. most likely she would be able to convince him to stay if he knew she was here."

"How so? Could it be that he's also aiming for.." Quilin left the last part out on purpose.

Evelyn glared at Quilin with a frown.

"A slip of the tongue," Quilin quipped.

They came before Sequencee's guest room. Selena knocked.

A few silent beats came before the door opened.

"Your Grace Quilin, Evelyn.. nice to meet you," Sequencee said awkwardly. He was still in his uniform.

"It's been a while. How does your body feel? Have you recovered well?" Quilin asked.

"Yes, I've recovered just fine."


"You are free to come and go from this guest room throughout the duration of the royal family's stay. This we hope can help you acclimate yourself to the living standards of the royal family should you decide on it in the future," Quilin explained.

"I see. How long would Your Grace be staying here?"

"We would likely be leaving a few days after the end of the New Dawn Series."

Sequencee nodded.

"If you have anything you're dissatisfied with, you are free to let Miss Selena know about it."

"Regarding the question I passed to her earlier, you've heard it.. right?"

"You may leave for your class."

"Thank you."

"Do you have anything to add, Evelyn?" Quilin turned to the nervous princess.

"Sequencee, there's no need for you to be worked up about this whole matter of meeting my the emperor. Be true to yourself, I'm sure he would prefer that to putting up a facade.." Evelyn advised.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind."

"And.. if you need any company, Shiro and Risa are also here."

Sequencee blinked. Then a slow nod showed as a response, which Evelyn thought to be a wary sign.

"Please make yourself at home. Any queries about the time of our meals, amenities, or if you wish to meet anyone from my family, you can arrange it with Miss Selena," Evelyn added.

Sequencee nodded.

"And if possible, don't bring any outsiders in.."

"Yeah.. about that.."

"Ara? Not even me?" Reese's voice echoed behind Evelyn.

She turned around and faltered.

Black contrasting white; gold contrasting lilac; curly hair contrasting straight. Reese and Evelyn looked like exact opposites copies of one another.


"You are this academy's rising star, such an honor to meet you. What business do you have for coming here for today?" Quilin asked with a composed smile.

"As you may not realize, Sequencee is a fragile being. I have been ordered to protect him, hence, it is my duty to stand by his side, always. I am his sword and shield," Reese said with a salute.

"Sequencee.." Evelyn drawled.

"It happened.. I can't convince her otherwise anyways." He sighed.

"So it seems.. would it be alright if we simply double up the security here? Then you would not need to burden yourself with your job? After all, as a participant moving into the main tournament the coming week, it should come as quite the baggage," Quilin offered.

"No. Nothing is more fulfilling than being able to stand by his side and watch him as he sleeps every night."



"We promised, didn't we Sequencee?" Reese smiled.


'In the end, I couldn't muster the courage to act like a maniacal pervert.'

The plan failed.

"Too embarrassing to admit it seems," she giggled.

"My apologies, but do you realize in whose presence you're standing in?" Quilin's smile darkened.

"Yes I am aware, Your Grace Quilin."

"I will say this once only, I hope you listen..

[Charm Magic: Transient Servitude]

".. closely. If you're going to stay here, don't you dare make a mess of the house."

"I will take those words to heart," Reese bowed, the golden glow of her eyes fading.

"Evelyn, let's go."

"Huh? What.."

"One addition. Sequencee, you are free to leave and go. However, don't forget about tomorrow's luncheon, it would be impolite of you to not show up. Keep it on the top of your mind," Quilin reminded with her back facing him.

"I know."

"I will be on my way."

Evelyn chased after Quilin who seemed to be rushing off to somewhere. Selena turned to Sequencee.

"I'll be in your care," she bowed.

"Then, is it alright if I leave?"

"Her Grace has given permission, you are free to do so. However, a word of caution, please come back here again to rest for the night. While you may find it more comfortable to return to your home, it would be a waste to not use the accommodation provided to you."

Sequencee nodded, slowly.

Saying a curt goodbye, he made his way out.

"You did something there."

"Are you happy that I wasn't asked to leave?" Reese grinned.

It was at the moment Quilin said to 'listen closely' that her eyes dulled.

"What if they find out what you did?"

"Unlikely. I know how much to use for the different situations in order to achieve the specified outcome."

'I think that's what it is.. she's using her gift to manipulate people during their unconsciousness in order to change their conscious actions. That was probably what she did to convince Iona to assign her to protect me which.. there's no way I was unaffected.'

"Reese. Have dinner with us later."

"Oh? I didn't expect that invitation. I would be glad to take it."

"I need to get things cleared up."

"Sure, anytime."

As they reached the foyer, they found Risa waiting for them on the couch. She raised her head to look at them.

"Sequencee, you're aware of her system gifts right?" was the first thing she said.

"Yeah, I am."

"Are you not afraid?"

"A little."

Risa showed a troubled expression.

"Is there anything wrong?" Reese asked Risa.

"Your gift is itself wrong. If you're going to use it to manipulate my brother you can be sure that I'm the one you're going to hear from me first!" Risa folded her arms as if to challenge her.

"No way! How could I ever do something like that to the hero.." Reese got on her knees.

"Huh?" Risa tilted her head at Reese's peculiar reaction.

"I swear that I would never do something so vulgar to your great existence,' Reese pressed her head against the marble floor.

"???" Risa was even more perplexed.

'What in the world.. oh wait, she did mention..'

"Risa, are you free for dinner later?"

A lightbulb went off in Sequencee's mind. Since he was planning to set some ground rules, some insurance would help indefinitely.

"Dinner? Why?"

"Tell Shiro to come also. Iona is probably not going to cook, we'll go out to eat somewhere. The decision of where– for now can you meet us up at our apartment as usual?"

"Eh, um, sure thing.."

"W-What are you doing Sequencee? A meal with the h-hero?"

"What, do you not want it?"

"I-I wouldn't dare pass up such an opportunity."

"Did you realize something?" Risa asked.

"Yeah. That's why I need you and Shiro."

"Okay.. maybe we'll come at around 5. We have to meet with His Majesty or something."

"And if possible, just the two of you. We don't want too many people coming."


"What exactly is going on.." Selena who had been listening to their conversation hiding behind the turn couldn't help but find the whole situation bizarre.

Her Grace Quilin had clearly said that only Sequencee was invited, other guests were naturally not permitted. Yet for some reason, Quilin gave the black haired girl permission with conditions attached.

Further fueling the conundrum, this black haired girl seemed to revere the hero more than she did a member of the royal family. What the hell? Who exactly was she? What is her purpose? And most concerning was the dangerous gift Risa had hinted at.

"I better tell Her Grace.."