What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery
They got up from the bench and began to make their way to the boarding school. They were still in their waiter uniforms, so mercenary passersby greeted them along the way.
Well, their good actions predominantly stemmed from wanting to show a good image to someone like Leticia.
She was a half-elf who had distinct heterochromatic eyes. Her figure was lissom, that of a healthy woman her age soon ready to bear a child. If one would compare when she came into the home, having just been released from slavery to her current self, one would doubt such a transformation was even possible. If she had any reason to explain why she was able to change so much, she would attribute it to Sequencee. It was he who had supported her through her fears and trauma.
"Someone is trailing us."
"H-Huh? Who is it this time?"
'The streets are crowded so there's no chance of us being ambushed so openly, right?'
Leticia looked around warily.
"Sorry Leticia, but could I.. you know."
"Eh uh.. sure.."
She nodded blankly, knowing what he meant by that of course.
The appropriate course of action should've been to run. After all, that was what they were taught in school, but..
"So where do we go?"
Having received instructions from Sequencee, they made a detour and entered a secluded alley.
One with a dead end.
Tack. Tack.
Leticia steady her breathing and calmed her mind for the trouble to come. It was right this moment when it happened.
"Heh.. did you do this on purpose?"
"What the fuck, is this a trap?"
"I'm not sensing anything odd about it."
A party of 4 vagrants. They were aware that they had been lured, so they raised their vigilance.
"So these two are the rumoured children of death? Dumber than I thought."
One of them who looked like the leader of the group stepped forward and took out a potion.
"What do you want?" Sequencee asked.
"Nothing. Innocent kids like you are good products, that's all."
"Yeah.. no thank you," feels nostalgic.
"Tsk. Tsk. Kid's these days."
"Boss.. be careful.."
"Heh! These are just a bunch of kids. They gave us the advantage in location so let's see what they'd do like dogs in heat!"
He smashed the potion down, and at that signal, the three other vagrants poured mana into their hands. An explosion of wind burst forth.
The potion sublimated into some pink fog, carried by the strong wind, it quickly flew towards the two.
This was the first time any of their 'prey' had come up with an indirect exposition to begin the hunt. All the previous attempts had simply been head-front confrontations.
Out of instinct, Leticia quickly called upon the spring breeze and was about to throw out a vortex when..
Her magic broke.
It was the gift of one of the mages on the enemy side.
[Unique Skill: Magic Break]
Leticia panicked.
But Sequencee covered up the loss in time by creating a burst of wind. His activation was too quick to intercept. Two gusts clashed, pink fog spread out.
Ice spikes shot out from within the fog, impaling two unfortunate victims. Their heads exploded upon impact, and a gory mess was made of the alley.
Sequencee dashed out.
The leader quickly reacted by pulling his sword.
A blade of special gold-platinum alloy imbued with fragments of mana crystals against Sequencee's makeshift hyper-compressed rock spear.
Sweep. Dash. Kick. Strike.
The leader had more strength, but Sequencee had the upper hand in terms of technique.
The last survivor wanted to assist the leader by conjuring rock bullets, but those were deflected by Leticia.
Weaving chains together, mana chains appeared and quickly rushed to incapacitate Leticia.
Still holding her breath after exiting the pink smoke, she clasped her fingers together and swung her hands down like a conductor.
An indomitable pressure was forced to the ground and the chains dispersed.
Blood splattered on the wall.
"I'm done with my side, Leticia. Take your time."
Sequencee turned to the last guy.
"H-hahha.. you monsters.."
His fist burst out into blue flames, Leticia quickly evoked a white nimbus.
The outcome was quite clear.
The nimbus ate into the blue flame, thick lighting bolts gushed out from clouds and struck the man.
He convulsed a good few seconds before dropping to the ground, frothing at the mouth.
"Good job."
"I don't know if he's dead.."
Sequencee mercilessly pierced his head with the spear before Leticia could say anything.
Such brutality looked.. rather hot to her.
Would he be that cunning towards her too?
Odd. Why was such a thought entering her mind?
"Thank you Leticia."
"A-Ah yeah.."
The battle had ended in a landslide victory.
Though their clothes and hair were somewhat dishevelled, not a spot of blood could be seen on them.
During that battle, Sequencee had a light coating of wind magic that prevented blood from getting on him. Leticia kept her distance so it didn't splash on her. The wind barrier also helped ward off the mysterious pink gas to a degree..
Walking out of the alley, they were greeted by the evening shadow drawn long on the ground, orange streaks of sunset lighting the cobblestone streets and European-styled buildings. There were a few gazes on them, nevertheless, most people simply walked by.
"That was intense right Leti.."
He turned to her and found himself speechless.
The combination of her messy hair and clothes, her collarbone peeking out slightly and her rosy cheeks. Her ruby and aureate eyes glistened with light tears. She bit on her lips, her hands fidgeting in between the folds of the uniform skirt around her thighs.
"S-Sequencee.. I-I feel.. weird."
It wasn't just him that was affected by it.
She took a hesitant step forward, peering into his crystal blue eyes and..
His lips.
'I want it..'
It was as if the shape of hearts began to appear in her eyes.
She came closer, pushing Sequencee up against a wall.
Their cheeks burning up in red, this romantic evening mood– the fact that they were out in public only made it more thrilling.
As she closed the distance, her hot breath tickled his neck. Fingers tracing his shoulders to his back, he felt numb.
He grabbed her shoulders tight–
And used a detoxification spell on her.
Sequencee pushed Leticia away the moment her dumbfounded voice leaked. She stumbled, almost falling.
He gripped his chest and cast a detoxification spell on himself.
Even then, he couldn't get rid of that lewd look on her face.
"Are you feeling better?" Still gasping, Sequencee said while leaning against the wall. He didn't dare make eye contact.
"Let's calm down for a while."
Dinner time at the table.
Today's meal was mashed potatoes in gravy, a side of beans and plenty of fruits.
An awkward tension lingered between the two of them.
To mask the cringe in her heart, she acted as if she didn't care. Responding with a dull nonchalant expression, she reminded herself that she didn't see Sequencee as a romantic interest– yet.
'How does he feel about me anyways… he doesn't feel anything about me! We're not in that kind of relationship!'
The subconscious thought almost caused a crack in her expression.
"Sorry about earlier. I should've created some sort of wind barrier or neutralized the effect of the.. thing."
'I would've done something if I knew it was an aphrodisiac. I've heard of it from mom but this is the first time encountering it for myself.'
"I slipped up with my magic in the beginning too. Not a big deal," Leticia said apologetically.
Sequencee lowered his head.
Her voice sounded so.. plain.
'Why does it hurt to hear her like this? This feeling is odd..'
He understood lust as a vulgar emotion found in bad people, but love? That was an entirely different thing altogether.
Lust was simple, love was not.
'I can't let it consume me.'
Swallowing the potatoes, Sequencee let out a shuddering breath. Leticia who was observing him trembled when she saw. It was light electricity being transmitted between them.
'No way. No way. There's no way I like him.. we're just comrades.. that's it.. that damn potion must have messed up my mind. Yeah, definitely.'
"Um.. I'll go first."
Leticia, who had finished her meal, stood up.
"Got it."
"And.. I'll be busy later so I won't be joining you for the evening practice."
Sequencee merely nodded to her words.
"So.. see you tomorrow."
"Right. See you tomorrow."
She walked away.
The pang in his heart grew.
'Was this.. how my mom felt when he met that whore?'