
I'm The Only One With Cancer

Earth, 22nd Century The incurable cancer that served as a nightmare for people one century ago is now just a rare but curable disease. With the world’s development, there are now cures for all types of cancer. The Earth is now a planet with no more people suffering from cancer. Except for Zen. Diagnosed with a mutated cancer that was the only one of its kind at an early age, he sank in despair. That was until an opportunity which turned his curse into a blessing presented itself. What power would Zen gain from the disease that plagued him since his childhood? *** The art is not mine, all credits to the original artist.

CheekyForehead · ゲーム
139 Chs

The Beginning

Everyone in the room was only silently staring strangely at Hassan and Zen.

Hassan looked at them and explained, "It's not me who's abnormal, it's hi—"


Hassan's body flew in the air as he received an uppercut from Rina.

"How dare you try to call my son abnormal?" Rina said with a frown.

Hassan, who had blood on his nose, felt wronged and said, "B-Boss, it's not what you think it i—"

"Enough. I know. It's just that my fist was a little itchy so I needed to vent…" Rina explained playfully as she giggled.

'Boss is still as violent as ever."

It was not only Hassan who had this thought, but also Veronica, Olivia and Ethan.

Margareth was the only one who wasn't that surprised since she had experienced Rina's violence first hand.

Ren, on the other hand, felt surprised at his son's strength. He knew that Hassan really did not hold back at all.

Then, he realized the fact that they were able to arrive here safely. He also remembered the time Zen told them to close their eyes.

Everything that seemed off began to appear in Ren's mind. It was like jigsaw puzzles that were slowly coming together piece by piece.

The strange energy from Zen earlier, and all the things that had happened lately flashed in his head.

Rina saw her husband's changes in expression. She sighed and said, "Sit down. I'll explain everything."


A few minutes later…

"So, when he was 10 years old, Zen was diagnosed with an unknown disease that has similar traits to cancer. Then, was cured when he played that strange game?" Margareth said as Ren and Rina finished explaining everything about Zen.

Ren and Rina nodded. Zen listened attentively while Sera quietly played with n

Nana beside him.

"Are there any more strange abilities or traits that manifested aside from the strange cancer?" At this moment, the bespectacled man, Ethan, inquired.

Ren thought for a moment before saying, "No, nothing that I'm aware of."

Then, Veronica chimed in from the side, "If it's just as you said, then it's possible that the strange meteorite's energy in Commander and Boss's body was fully inherited by their first child, which in this case is their son, resulting in that strange disease… And if that's the case, it only makes sense that the second child, Little Sera, didn't suffer any backlash from the energy since Little Zen here had taken it all…"

Everyone just listened quietly to her. If Ren was the best in strategizing and Ethan was best at technology, then Veronica was the best when it comes to the medical field.

This was how they had always divided the labor within their task force in the past.

Veronica continued, "Then, you also said that Zen has acquired powers from the game?"

Ren nodded and looked at Zen. Zen opened his palm as a ball of pure mana manifested in it.

Everyone in the room gasped in amazement. Even Sera and Nana, curiously looked at the energy ball in Zen's hand.

After a while of observing, Veronica said, "It's… similar to the energy on the meteorite…"

At this moment, Ethan adjusted his glasses and wondered out loud, "What confuses me is how all these things are connected. Besides, why is Little Zen here able to gain powers directly? This is the first time I've heard about this."

Hearing this, Zen's eyes lit up as he interjected from the side, "Uncle Ethan, I think I have an idea about this one…"

"Oho? I'd like to hear about it." Ethan said in interest.

Zen and Sera were the children of both their leaders. As such, it couldn't be helped that they would be interested in them.

Then, Zen proceeded to tell everyone his findings about how his power came from his cancer, which in turn, is a disease that concerns the foundation of life. And how his cells are the connection between him and the Free World, which was the cause of him being able to gain powers from there.

He also said what he noticed about the meteorite energy's strange effect of lengthening their lifespan and the fact that time flies two times faster in the game, which will result in an indirect increase in "lifespan". After all, both the meteorite and the game could make it possible for people to "live twice their lifespan".

"From here, I think that the strange events could be connected, albeit vaguely." Zen finished speaking and silently sat back, waiting for everyone's opinion.


After a minute of silence, a laugh could be heard.

Ethan laughed, making his glasses slightly crooked in the process, "You really are Commander and Boss's son! Impressive!"

Everyone looked at Zen in amazement and proceeded to think about what he said.

After a long while, Margareth said, "To be honest, we've also tried researching the Free World since its launch a few weeks ago. However, we can't seem to make progress. If everything you said is true, no, even if only a little of it is true, then allocating resources to the game is a must!"

"However, how are we going to do it?" Ethan asked while looking at Zen, as if giving him the push to voice out his opinion.

Zen smiled and said, "I don't think we should overthink it. It's a game, after all. Why not make a guild that will be our hand in the Free World?"

Ren and Rina smiled, feeling proud of their son. Sera felt happy too, it was the first time in forever that she saw her brother having the drive to do something.

Hearing this, Margareth smiled and said, "Then how about making a department solely dedicated to the game?" Then, she looked towards Ren and said, "What do you think, Commander?"

Ren shook his head and smiled, "Why are you asking for my opinion? It's your organization. You do what you want with it."

"Oh, please! Do you know why I established this organization in the first place?" Margareth looked Ren in the eye and continued, "It's so we could work again! I did all this in preparation for the day you'll lead us again, Commander."

Ren felt slightly nervous at Margareth's sudden declaration. He looked around and saw the smile on everyone's faces. He felt as if he was back in the past, ending the war with his comrades.

Afterwards, his gaze landed on Rina, who nodded at him and smiled, "The pink bitch is right."

Margareth glared at her but didn't say anything else.

Lastly, Ren's gaze landed at Zen, Sera and Nana.

Then, he closed his eyes and said with a smile, "I guess we better start working now, huh?"

Everyone in the room had a smile on their faces, filling the room with a joyful atmosphere.