
I'm The Ice King In Adventure Time?

A man dies and is reincarnated as Simon Petrikov AKA the Ice King in Adventure Time. Watch as he tries to master magic and stay sane as the crown is slowly breaking his mind apart. This will be sorta slow plot as you know... Simon is 1000+ years behind the start of the plot of the show. Also, this is my first try writing a character like this for this series. Mc will behave similarly to the original Simon Petrikov but instead he will be more invested in magic and generally just smarter/less cartoonish. I'm trying to have him be a really smart ancient guy by the time the plot starts.

GaZe_Zero · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

A Chilling Step To The Future

(A/N: Yes the title is cheesy, what can I say I like themed titles)

[10 Year Time Skip, 1975]

I am 15 years old now and I have certainly changed quite a bit. I have changed my plans of making a lot of money as looking back on that idiotic plan I forgot that money would be pointless later on.

My new plan is to just be as prepared as possible for the future. Before the Mushroom Bomb drops I want to explore the world, its history, and everything in between before its "Nuked". I also want to have an "In" with the Governments of this world as they are the ones who created the Mushroom Bomb.

Even with my great memory, I can't remember exactly when the Mushroom Bomb occurred, but in my Master Key, I put down that Simon was around 43 years old when he met Marceline. So truthfully, I have around 25 years, more or less, until the bomb drops. And that's without me changing anything.

Besides changing my plan, I have been progressing through my teen years casually. I am still stuck in the orphanage as a lot of couples wanting to adopt a kid were afraid of how smart I was. Dumb thing to be afraid of, but because of my quirks I haven't been adopted and I never will be.

I have been trying my best in High School to acquire scholarships from prospective colleges. Not to toot my own horn, but I am one of the smartest people in my High School.

I have also put most of my pocket change and all of my money into a personal computer. They are highly unpopular right now for a ton of reasons, but this is a transitionary period for the world. In a few years, computers will become commonplace, and as such I have done almost everything to get the best computer possible.

In my room at the orphanage lies a piece of "Alien Tech" according to the other kids. Most of the staff in the orphanage thought I was crazy to put all of my money into buying a computer, but it will pay off as I have a master plan.

As the Government is currently switching all of its systems and files to computers, I have decided to be the first person to hack the Government. There are two outcomes to doing this, either they notice and an Agent comes to have a "Talk" with me, or I don't get noticed and learn what I want to learn.

Both are beneficial to me as not only are there no laws about hacking and cybersecurity, but also because I almost want an Agent to come to find me. If I play my cards right I can get in with the Government by showing my skills with a computer and promising to work for them.

If I work for the Government that allows me to not only make a lot of money but to have access to their resources. I can become the head of their cybersecurity branch with my computer skills from 50 years in the future.

Gaining trust in the Government as their head of cybersecurity I will learn all that I can. I will use their funding to help me live the life that I want to before the world collapses.

Besides, if this doesn't work and an Agent doesn't come, then I can just use my virus to get information from their systems.

I'm not incredibly skilled with a computer, but computers are so rudimentary right now that if I do it correctly I can just put my virus in their systems and have it pose as a part of their system.

No one would notice if I made my virus right, and by the time they do, it would be too late. The main part of this goal is to find out about magic within this world, as despite all of the research I've done, most bits of knowledge about magic are few and far in-between.

I need the knowledge that the United States has hidden so close to its chest. I must know about this world, and right now the Government is the only thing holding me back from that knowledge.

If the United States wishes to hide the knowledge of magic and the history of the past from everyone, I will do everything to get it.

I came up with a lot of theories about magic, and using my Master Key I have come up with a very realistic to why magic isn't commonplace, and why the knowledge of it is so hidden.

(A/N: Sorry for info dump chapter, gotta set the stage)===========================

Far back to the time of Evergreen when he first made the crown, the comet that hit the world sealed most of the magic. Many magical races still exist to this day, but are extremely hidden.

I believe that when the comet wiped out all life on the planet, it stopped people from tapping into the magic of this world. When humans came around, they didn't have the capabilities of manipulating magic, and even fewer even knew that magic is real.

The only people on Earth right now who can use magic are the few magical beings and races that hid from their destruction brought by the comet through unknown means.

There are exceptions to that as very few humans can use magic, and the only way they could've realized that they could use magic is if they acknowledged the world and reality is fake. That is the cost of learning magic within this Universe, to acknowledge that everything and everyone is fake.

Even if you realize this piece of information, unless you were born with the capability of manipulating magic you cant use it. That's why the Mushroom Bomb changed everything, as it mutated people into other creatures that could use magic, thus making the magical world of Ooo.

(A/N: Sorry for massive info drop)

Honestly, the only method I have come up with for humans to use magic right now is to not only realize that the universe is fake but also for them to find a magical artifact like the Crown that can tap into the magic of the world.

Using an artifact people who acknowledge that their existence is a lie, can most likely use the artifact's power to manipulate magic. This is what I theorize the Governments of the world have hidden from the public.

Many mysterious occurrences have happened throughout history such as invading forces of a kingdom being wiped out, or people being healed from the brink of death.

These occurrences are called "Miracles" in history. I suspect that these so-called "Miracles" is the usage of magic and ancient artifacts, hidden behind the word "Miracle" from the common people.

That is going to be my main goal in this life, to find artifacts like the Crown that survived the destruction of Earth by the comet. Many mythologies from my old world exist in this world as well, so I am going to explore the world for information on these mythologies, and hope I find the reason why they exist here. Maybe even finding objects of power from the mythologies as well.

'If the Crown exists, maybe Zeus's master bolt exists here?' I thought to myself as I stared at the wall in my room only to hear yelling coming from others in the orphanage.

Being dragged from my thoughts I quickly stood and exited my small room and entered the center room of the orphanage. Everyone was gathered around the TV and were shouting and crying, I noticed.

'It seems that the Vietnam War just ended.' I nodded somberly at my thought. The war was truly devastating to everyone involved, and it didn't have to drag out so long.

Smiling at the news I shook my head and walked by to my room. I was glad that such bloodshed has ended, but this ushered in a changing of times.

'The world is going to change soon...' I frowned as I struggled to remember the history of the United States from my original world. Shaking my head I sat down at my massive computer and began to type away a long string of code.

Stopping for a second I looked back at my Master Key which was always set within arms reach of me. Briefly touching it I looked around my room.

Dozens of school books and papers littered my floor. Hand-written letters to teachers and professors alike were on my bed, in the hope that I could get enough funding for a good college. History books and tomes of magic and history alike were stashed in a box under my bed.

Looking back at the computer screen my moral code spoke to me. Wondering if this was a smart or necessary move and if what I was doing was truly right. Rubbing my hand over my Master Key I stared dead-eyed at the computer screen, ignoring the cheering of kids within the orphanage I began to type code again.

"This is necessary Simon, you never had a choice, to begin with" I said aloud as I pressed enter on my keyboard. The green string of code on my screen slowly began to write itself, and its speed picked up to the point where you couldn't even read it.

I had just initiated my virus that will attack the United States. It will attack every main server that the United States has been ever so quietly amassing for its systems, and it will spell my future.

I either succeed and learn some of the most coveted pieces of knowledge in the world or it fails and I become public enemy number one for the Government. Either way, I have made a name for myself in the history of this country.

Shaking my head in solace I look at my ceiling. 'You planned this Simon, there is nothing that they can do without public outrage as there are no laws that presently exist for cybersecurity.' I thought to myself yet my heart still felt confused as I just did something I would consider criminal.

"Any way that it happens, I must be prepared." And with those words, I grew determined and looked back at my computer screen. Quickly refocusing on the string of changing code on my computer I embraced my first plan to survive in this world.

To either become a part of the Government and learn the information I covet through them, or to steal from them without them even knowing I did a thing.


Author Note Timeeee: Hey all, sorry for this chapter is an info dump, but I swear I will eventually begin to move this fanfic from the past to the actual Adventure Time series. It just needs some setup or it won't be as fun.

Right now it looks like a history book and info dump all in one with fan theories spicing things up, but it's a very needed info dump. I'm unsure of how many chapters I will use to set up the beginning of Simons's new life in Adventure Time, but my main goal is for him to be different from the OG Ice King.

Kind of a wise wizard figure instead of a crazy guy who has no maidens. I want Simon to become an integral part of Adventure Time, and I kinda want him to be like Billy, someone that is a hero of the world.

For that I need some set up. Anyways sorry for the slow update with this one, I lost interest in writing and I haven't had much time to do so, but because school is nearly out I can begin writing once more.

I also plan on re-writing my Rose book too, so look forward to that in the coming month. New chapters for this will release sporadically, but it will get to the juicy stuff soon.

Hope you like/understand the first move I have had Simon make in this world. Till next time, and sorry if my writing is rusty, please put up with it.