
I'm The Devil

WSA 2024 entry novel Synopsis Getting Reincarnated as the Biblical Devil isn't something our protagonist ever thought was possible. He was a firm believer and knew how powerful God and the Angels were, they are existence that are not to be thrived with especially God. But here he was as the Archangel Samael, the left hand of God or the poison of God casted from Heaven to hell for rebelling against his Father, God. "what is the meaning of this, is this God's doing" our protagonist wondered as he knew very well that there is no way that the Almighty would not know something about this. So he decided to wait a little while to see what would happen to him but something else happened, what he had expected did not happened, so he has to take in the fact that he is now the new Devil, the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Bloody Morningstar. check out my other works. The Omnipotent System My Infinite System

Adams2004 · ファンタジー
229 Chs

Lilith, Nyx And Athena

"You are going to need more than that"

With a confident stride, a woman stepped forward from the shadows, her presence commanding attention. Her gaze, sharp and unwavering, bore into Lilith as she addressed him with a voice that brooked no argument.

"You're going to need more than that," she declared, her tone laced with authority.

As she spoke, a crackling energy surrounded her, illuminating her form with a radiant glow. Her stance was poised, exuding an air of undeniable power and determination.

Lilith regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and caution, recognizing the strength and conviction in her demeanor. It was clear that she was not to be underestimated.

"Who the hell are you?" Lilith demanded, her eyebrows raised in defiance. Despite the sense of dread emanating from the newcomer, she refused to show any sign of fear. After all, as the wife of Lucifer – the first one, to be exact – she doubted anyone would dare to lay a hand on her.