
Lilith Meets Adamaltheia

"so this is the place where you held me back from entering"

Nyx and the others paid little heed to Lilith's discontent as she surveyed the Greco Realm with a critical eye.

"It seems like shit to me," Lilith remarked, her voice dripping with disdain.

Nyx resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Lilith's blunt assessment. She understood that Lilith's bitterness stemmed from being initially denied entry to the realm, only to gain access later under tense circumstances.

Despite Lilith's caustic comments, Nyx remained focused on the task at hand. With Lilith now present in the divine plane, Nyx knew they would need to proceed cautiously to prevent any further complications.

Lilith's frustration grew as she searched the Greco Realm fruitlessly for any sign of Lucifer's presence.

"So where the hell is Lucifer? I don't see him or sense him here," she demanded of Athena, who remained silent and aloof.
