
I'm Secretly Married to a Big Shot

"Hubby, I don't want anymore, I feel terrible..." "Baby, be good, finish up this medicine." The handsome man embraces the woman in his arms, coaxing her tenderly as he feeds her the medicine. Qiao Mianmian stumbles upon Mo Yesi, the most esteemed scion in all of Yuncheng City, and ends up sleeping with him for the night. After he offers her benefits in exchange for their marriage, the newly appointed Mrs Mo suddenly has the power to have everything she ever wished for. "Hubby, I slapped the Movie Queen Cheng Feifei today, was I too much?" "Baby, does your hand hurt? Let me rub it for you." "Hubby, I maxed out your credit card, are you angry?" "Baby, are you happy with your purchase? Let me know when you need more." "Hubby, I'm tired today, I don't want to move..."

Gentle Dance · 都市
3023 Chs

Is She... Going to Respond Now?

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

Mo Yesi was willing to sacrifice his life for Qiao Mianmian.

Public opinion was nothing to him.

Song Fei wasn't worried about her future situation or what Qiao Mianmian would do to her. She was just jealous of her.

She stared at the blue diamond jewelry that was said to be worth over a billion yuan and thought how beautiful it would look on her.

Her jewelry was pretty good tonight.

It was also sponsored by a luxury brand. It was worth more than 50 million yuan.

Along the way, she was careful not to bump into it.

After all, the jewelry had to be sent back after the gala.

If anything happened, she would have to pay for it.

Fifty million yuan was a huge sum for a newbie like her.

She hadn't gotten many endorsements yet, and the company had a high commission. All her net worth added up was less than 50 million.