
The end of the walk

Peter sat for so long and evaluated the girls' dresses that he did not notice that 2 hours had passed.

Finally getting up and stretching his body, he and the other girls went towards the cash register.

During this time, he barely restrained himself from going into May's dressing room, considering what kind of dresses they wore.

The guy asked in a slightly tired voice, he had dozens of bags of clothes in his hands.— I'll put my clothes in the car right now.

The girls agreed, and went towards the donut shops to buy something for a snack.

Peter went towards the car, opening it with a key, he put his things in the trunk and headed towards the girls.

When they reached their table, a waiter came up to them with a tray of donuts and cocktails.

Peter sat down and asked, "Shall we get started?"

— Yes, come on—Mary Jane couldn't stand it anymore.

A group of friends started eating sweets.

After 20 minutes of eating and laughing, they finally got up and went for a walk.— Where are we going, girls?

May was the first to ask, "Let's go watch a movie?"

Gwen immediately replied, "What movie will we watch?"

MJ thought a little— Let's go to the Hayao Mizaki movie–Gone with the Ghosts?

— Good idea, why don't we go.

Everyone agreed and went to buy tickets, after buying tickets and popcorn, they went into the hall, the hall was almost full.

"Even in this world, Hayao mizaki exists, and is still as popular as ever"

The company sat in the very last row in the corner, there were still 10 minutes left before the premiere of the film, so they talked casually.

And then the lights were turned off and a man's voice was heard.—"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our cinema, please carefully turn off your phones and do not talk during the movie, have a nice viewing.

The screen began to depict pictures of the film.

Peter and his companions watched the movie with interest, as if for the first time.

"I remember my childhood in the past world, how I watched this movie"

Peter was in his thoughts, but his thoughts were interrupted when someone lay on his shoulder, looking towards his left shoulder, he saw May leaning against and casually watching a movie.

Peter just smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. May just snuggled closer to her boyfriend's actions.

Meanwhile, the girls looked at the hugging couple with embarrassment and jealousy, they so wanted to be in her place, but alas his heart is busy.)


After 2 hours of watching the movie, they started getting up to leave.

As they left the hall, they heard the words of the cinema workers—Thank you, come again.

Everyone went towards the car and heading to the restaurant to get something to eat.

After entering the restaurant, they sat down at a table and began to order dishes.

The rest of the girls were embarrassed to throw something expensive, but after May's insults, they began to forcibly order food.

Waiters began to bring food, such as beef tartare, lamb ribs with chopped vegetable salads, and the like.

They ate and talked together, but then they asked an interesting question to Peter.

Gwen asked, Peter, what kind of business will you create?

Peter was finishing his meal, and said with a smile on his face.— I'm going to develop in the video game industry and medicine so that we can treat fractures in a short time.

The girls looked at the guy in surprise, they did not think that he had such grandiose ideas.

Gwen, after processing Peter's question, asked the following question—If the government asks or threatens you to transfer medical technology for military affairs, what will you do.

— Your question is quite interesting, I sometimes thought about what I would do in such situations and I decided. I will not share my technology, I do not want them to participate in the war. I can only provide help in my hospital, and nothing more.

— If they threaten me or my loved ones, I will destroy them, threaten them, if they do not understand, then I will grind them all to powder.

May smiled slightly and asked, "Oh, really, what kind of loved ones are you talking about?"

— It's simple, you, Gwen, Mary Jane, my loved ones, I won't let you get hurt because of me.

Gwen, hearing his words, tried to hide her embarrassment, but he was not good at it. She just stared at the floor.

"He called me close, that he was ready to go about the government, for our sake, aah, it's too embarrassing"

MJ, after Peter's words, was slightly embarrassed, but she didn't show it much, like Gwen, who was already blushing. But she was pleased that someone was saying such words to her.

"I will always be by his side, even though he is with another girl, I will always support him"


Peter paid the bill and walked towards the girls who were sitting in the car, after their last conversation, the girls felt a little awkward, but everything went smoothly.

— Let me take you home.

everyone agreed , and they drove home in silence.

Peter came to his house, he took Gwen and Mary Jane home, so he could not worry about them, the girls took all the things they had bought.

Peter and May went home and lay down on the couch tired.

May looked at the guy and kissed the guy lightly—thank you for this evening.

The guy just smiled—That's what I have to say, thank you all for going for a walk for me.

May opened her eyes wide, realizing that her plan had been revealed—When did you realize that?

— From the very beginning, when you offered it to me, thank you.

The guy hugged the girl, clinging to the girl's shoulder, feeling the sweet smell of the girl.

The girls didn't say anything, but just enjoyed the moments with their loved one.

The guy got away from the girl and said—I'll ask you out on the 2nd date soon, I promise you that.

May just smiled and seductively said, "I'm looking forward to it."


2 weeks have passed since the last walk, and during this time Peter made Ai, with the help of Kingpin technologies, he made codes for the artificial intelligence database, improving it every 2-3 days.

And he called her "Nia"

He did not show it to the girls, as he wanted to show it when his basement was completed.

And May and Peter went on a date, Peter rented a ship and they rode for half a day.

As for Gwen and Mary Jane's dates, he didn't speed things up and just gradually improved their relationship.

The news started talking about Kingpin's disappearance, saying that all of Kingpin's documents and money were missing.

The police are working with all their might to find them, and this is not surprising, because in some political precincts are corrupted by hydra.

As for his applications, he made a game 2 days ago, and posted it, and the game is called Counter-Strike, of course.

As for his Instagram, the application has reached 500 thousand downloads, some people ordered advertising from him, and he gets earnings.