
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Chapter 45


I express my deep gratitude to these people for supporting me on Patreon:

Abner Vicente, Farhaan Talati, Chamar Ellis, Tronic42, Alex Huynh, DeathE, Luck George, Bellajsuss, L3oking, clement MARIE, Ruzzzy, Devor, Utkarsh Apoorva, kabier hashimi, Cbnr2336, Joe Thigpen


Chapter 45


Gwen left ten minutes before Aunt May arrived. So I had time to clean up my room and air it out so my aunt wouldn't suspect anything.

When I returned, Auntie started cooking dinner. After moving to a new house and vacationing in France, she was always in a great mood. Which translated into her whistling a tune to herself.

- Aunt May, what are you cooking? - I came up behind her and looked at the stove.

- Stew and your favorite plum pie. Sit down at the table, it's almost ready. - Aunt May smiled and then started to get the plates out.

Dinner passed peacefully enough. Aunt May talked about how she spent the day at work, and I told her that our class was canceled for today. After dinner, she and I watched a movie and went to bed. Or rather, she did, and I waited for her to fall asleep and went on my nightly adventures.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, the town was quiet. So I decided to rob one of the drugstore stores. After all, I had already promised to find phenothylamine for Venom, but again I forgot....

And I decided to rob, not buy it, because it was a neurotransmitter that makes people feel better. Or in other words, a psychotropic drug that's usually prescribed to people who are suicidal.

And they don't sell drugs like that, and buying large quantities of any substance would raise some questions.

Breaking through the armored iron door, I entered the vault with the drugs and began to search for what I needed.

It took only a couple minutes to find it, and somewhere in the distance I could already hear the sirens of police cars.

There were only fifteen packs of drugs, each containing thirty pills. Which wasn't a bad thing. After all, it was basically the same as eating four hundred and fifty people. Throwing the drugs in my bag, I flew home before the police arrived....




I woke up this morning with a strange feeling. I felt stronger, and I couldn't explain why.

- Venom, what's wrong with my body? I feel like I've gotten stronger, and it feels the same.

- It's okay. Thanks to last night's medication, I was able to improve your body overnight. - came the symbiote's voice.

- Enhance!? - I jumped out of bed.

- What do you mean? -I went to the mirror and looked at it, trying to understand what had changed.

- Like I said before, because of your power, I could passively double your abilities, and that was the ceiling.

- But now that I have the right resources, I can gradually improve your body. Now your doubling of your strength will be permanent, even if I separate from you. - the symbiote quickly explained.

- How incredible... And by how much can you improve my stats? - I began to feel my body.

- It's hard to say, because each enhancement takes a lot of energy. And on top of that, sometimes it's more economical to take someone's abilities and instill them. But in the legends of our kind, there's a myth that one of the bearers was once so powerful that he could crush planets with a single blow. And I'm sure that's not the limit.


When I heard the symbiote's words, I realized what a treasure I'd picked up. And it was good that I was the right one for her, otherwise it was hard to imagine what kind of trouble could happen.

- My eyes caught on the bag where I had left my medications yesterday, and to my shock I noticed that it was completely empty.

- Venom, where are all the pills? - I asked her, realizing the answer I was about to hear.

- I swallowed them all, and I spent almost all the energy from them on your amplification.

- I see, so for the next amplification you need more drugs, am I right?

- Yes," Venom answered, and then she stopped talking.

At that moment I heard the doorbell ring. It honestly surprised me, because we weren't expecting anyone, especially this early.

Quickly putting on my clothes, I went downstairs and opened the door.

An elderly man in a black suit stood before me. He had a rather tired expression on his face, and in his hand he held a folder with documents.

- I take it you're Mr. Peter Parker, am I right? - He had a rather friendly smile on his face.

- Yes, and you are...?

- Oh, where are my manners? My name is Bernard Houseman, butler to the Osborne family. Although now it would be more correct to say former butler.

- Oh, yes, my condolences. What can I do for you? - His arrival surprised me, so I wondered what had brought him here.

- May I pass? I'm having a rather serious conversation. - a man asked to come inside.

- Uh, sure. - I let him through, and then started to lead him into the living room, where Aunt May was already sitting.

- Good morning, Aunt May. - I greeted her at once.

- Good morning, Peter. Who's that behind you? - Aunt May immediately began to study the man, because she had seen him for the first time.

- My name is Bernard Houseman. I'm the former butler of the Osborne family. - Once again, the man introduced himself.

- Ah. I heard of his unfortunate accident, my condolences. But what brings you to us? My Peter hasn't been in touch with poor Harry for some time.

- I just wanted to get to the point of what I'm here for. When Mr. Norman Osborne died. I opened the safe where he kept important documents, looking for his will. Mr. Osborne always trusted me, so I can handle such things, but that's not the point.

- When I opened the document, I was very much surprised. After all, his entire fortune and business was bequeathed to Mr. Parker, not his son.

- WHAT? Why me? - I jumped up and down in surprise.

- It was hard to tell what was going through his mind. He had a problem with his son, because to put it mildly, he was a disappointment. And he was very complimentary about you, Mr. Parker, and he was very upset when he found out you'd stopped talking to Harry.

- Anyway, I'm leaving these documents here. You and your guardian must sign the will for it to take effect. You're still a minor, and by law, you have to have your guardian's permission before you can work. So, Mr. Parker, I hope you'll take over OzCorp and take it to the top.

- That's the end of it, you don't have to see me off! - Having agreed, the man put the folder on the table and walked towards the exit...



Early access on my Patreon. Chapter 72 is already available.
