
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · アニメ·コミックス
50 Chs

Chapter 37

Chapter 37


- Thank you, thank you! - Venom was almost jumping with happiness, and when I removed the suit from my body, she immediately climbed on top of me and gradually began to envelope my entire body....

The whole process took only a few seconds, and as soon as it was over, I immediately felt a huge increase in strength.

But unlike Thompson, I didn't turn into a giant monster. The new suit resembled my vibranium suit, but it was completely black.

- How much of an increase in my strength? And do I have to be in this form to get the boost? - I turned to Venom. After all, my vibranium suit was much more useful.

- If we weren't compatible, you'd have to be in the suit, and the amount of power you get depends on the original strength of the host. The stronger the host, the less amplification they get. You're much stronger than that girl, but we're 100% compatible. That's why I can be hidden inside you and increase your strength by two times, but you'd be only thirty percent stronger. By the way, when I'm hidden inside you, my weaknesses disappear. - Venom replied, and as if to prove it, she disappeared, but I felt the amplification.

Quickly calculating, I realized that if she wasn't lying, my base strength was now one hundred and twenty-five tons. And under affect, all five hundred. Those were insane numbers and insane strength.

Of course, I wouldn't be strong enough against such insanely powerful characters like the Hulk or Thor, even under affect, but I could still stand up to them, albeit temporarily.

Although I was hoping it wouldn't come to that.

- Besides amplification, what else can you do? - I finally spoke again.

- I can quickly heal any wounds and diseases, regenerate limbs. But my main feature is that I can copy other people's abilities and give them to their owner. All of this requires energy, though. And the stronger the creature, the more energy I need.

- Energy, huh? Where do you get it from?

- I need Phenothylamine. It's usually found in small amounts in human brains and chocolate. But there's more in brains. - the symbiote spoke calmly.

- What? Are you suggesting to eat human brains? - I asked in shock.

- Yes. Either brains or chocolate. Without them, I'll weaken quickly. But don't worry, I'll eat them myself. You won't feel a thing. - like she was trying to reassure me.

- Gwen. when you were with her, did you eat brains?

- Yes, a few times. I couldn't speak because I was so weak. So I went for the most readily available source.

When I heard that, a small chill ran down my spine. After all, if she had decided to eat my head that time, no amount of regeneration would have helped me.

- Hmm, we'll deal with the Phenothylamine problem later. Now I think it's time to go home.





The next day, after having breakfast in the company of Aunt May, who had finally arrived yesterday, I went to school.

As I walked in I saw Gwen, who was in a bad mood to say the least. Thankfully she didn't notice me, and my feelings were twofold. I wanted to go up to her and tell her that she was forgiven, but at the same time I didn't want to just do that. After all, it's her fault for the attack too. On top of that, if we made up, I was sure that Gwen would want to be my girlfriend. And then there was the problem of Liz.

This whole thing just made me want to throw myself against the wall. But that wasn't an option.


At that moment, my new phone rang. Looking at the screen, I was surprised to find it was Daisy.

- Hi Daisy, I'm surprised to hear from you. - I greeted the girl.

- You have to come to the OzCorp building. Some nutcase in a glider and a goblin costume is organizing a terrorist attack there.

- Huh, and what about your famous Avengers? - I grinned as I left the school grounds.

- Stark is on the other side of the planet, and the others are on their missions. So you're the only one who can help.

- Okay, I'll be right there! - I hung up the phone, and then in a secluded place dressed in my suit flew to the right place.

A few minutes later I was already near OzCorp, and watched the Goblin throwing people off the top floor. Apparently it was the board of directors that wanted him out.

- Game's over, Goblin, you can't get away this time! - I landed in front of him, which must've been crazy.

- Game over? I don't think so, look over there! - He pointed his finger in the direction, and I noticed Gwen's father tied up there, with a pile of Goblin explosives around him.

- See that. That's a policeman! You heroes wouldn't let anything happen to him, would you? - He showed me the detonation remote.

- I'll fly away now, and then you can save him. Or you can attack me, but then I'll push this button! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..." laughing, the Goblin started to fly away. And I let him do it. Of course, if it had been anyone else, I wouldn't have cared. But I couldn't let Gwen lose her father.

- No, Father! - I heard Gwen's voice at that moment, and then I saw her.

Realizing that she might do something emotional, I jumped in front of George Stacy.

- Don't worry, I'll help you. - I touched him to pick him up. At that moment, however, all my senses kicked up an alarm. I realized this was a crappy case and without a second's hesitation I redirected my suit at Gwen's father.

*CABOOMMMMM* - there was an incredibly powerful explosion that destroyed the roof and a couple floors of the building.

- NOOOOOO! - Gwen screamed and fell to her knees in grief and helplessness.

At that moment, someone's body fell next to her. Looking closer, she realized that it was Peter's costume, and to her surprise it wasn't damaged at all.

At that moment, she heard painful moans, followed by heavy footsteps. Raising her head, she saw a painfully familiar face and was horrified.

Peter was standing in front of her, except that more than half of his body was badly burned, all his hair was burned off, and one of his hands was missing.

At that moment the suit to beside her began to head towards Peter and hide his body along with the horrible wounds.

And underneath the suit was her father, completely unharmed, only unconscious....