
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


- Coach March, we won't tolerate another captain other than Flash! - The guy who'd just yelled at me was the first to speak.

- Jacob, if you don't like Peter's candidacy, you can get the hell off the team. That goes for the rest of us, too. - He gave them all a stern look, showing them who was in charge.

Jacob immediately got nervous, and looked down, which earned him a scornful look from Coach March.

-Don't forget who's in charge. - grinned the coach.

- Now Peter, you get to know them while I deal with Thompson. And remember, if they interfere with you in any way or disobey your commands, let me know. I'll replace them quickly. Oh, and because of that, today's training session is cancelled. - He quickly explained, then looked at Flash.

- Thompson, follow me! - he said to the hapless smart-ass, and started walking towards the school. Flash gave me a hateful look, and silently followed him.

- Parker, I suggest you get the hell off the team, or you're going to regret it! - Jacob spoke as soon as Coach March was out of sight.

- Jacob? Am I right? - I looked at him like he was crazy.

- I thought you'd be smarter than Thompson for keeping quiet after Coach's ultimatum, but as it turns out, you're not far behind him intellectually. Besides, it looks like you've got a hearing problem, too, since you didn't hear Coach March's warning. - I grinned.

- I don't give a shit what Coach said. Because if you're gone, Flash will be our captain again. He brought us all together, and he's the only one who can be captain. Not some nerd who just popped up out of nowhere like you.

- Oh, I'd tell you the truth about why I was made captain, but I won't. You wouldn't believe me anyway, and you're nobody for me to explain anything to you. But since you're so adamant against me.... - I took the smile off my face. - You can get the fuck out of it! Rest assured, I'll report to the coach that you're no good for us. And that's the way it's gonna be with everybody! I'm not going to babysit you, and if it weren't for the special conditions I've been offered, I wouldn't be around idiots like you. - I gave them all a cold stare.

 - This is the end of my acquaintance with you today, and for the next training session I expect only those who will accept me as captain. And you, Jacob, don't come at all. You're out of it. - I didn't pay any more attention to them and went back to class.




As I thought, by the end of the school day, the whole school knew that I'd replaced Flash as captain. And as if that wasn't enough, it turns out that Flash had been made just a substitute player, which was an incredible humiliation for him. And completely epitomised the one saying "from the dukes to the dirt". And best of all, Flash didn't show up for class after that, even though he should have, because practice was cancelled.

- Hey, Peter. - came Liz's voice as I was packing up and getting ready to head home.

- Liz, did you want something? - I looked at the girl.

- Well, I wanted to congratulate you on being team captain. I also wanted to let you know that I'm having a party at my house on Saturday and you're invited. I'll be waiting for you!

Liz silently slipped a piece of paper into my pocket and then walked away.

As I slipped the paper out, I saw her number as expected, with the additional words "call me" and a heart. - I realised she was starting to like me. And there were a lot of factors at play, from my looks to my new popularity. Especially at our age, people tend to mistake ordinary sympathy and a slight crush for love.


After punching her number into my phone and sending a text to say hello, I left the school grounds and started walking towards home.

The way to my house was through a small park. As I walked along the usual route, I didn't expect to see five members of the football team. Two of whom I knew. It was Flash and Jacob. And I thought they were here for a reason. Which was soon confirmed, because when they saw me, they started walking towards me.

- Parker, I told you you'd be sorry! - Jacob laughed, crunching his knuckles.

- Sorry? - I laughed.

- What a joke, Jacob! I understand you're going to beat me up, but are you sure your numbers will be enough to beat me?

- Don't get cocky Parker, you'll see we're enough. KICK HIM! - Jacob shouted, and was the first to attack.

There was no point in hitting these fools hard. Flash and Jacob were just limited idiots who had brought this situation on themselves. And the other three must have come under duress, because I couldn't see any anger or other negative emotions on their faces, not on the football field, not now. It was clear that they didn't like all this.

Easily dodging his swinging kick, I found myself behind him. A kick to the hamstring and he falls to his knees. That's when Flash enters the fray, looking to strike from behind. But a sharp turn and a kick to the stomach make him stagger back a few steps and bend in pain. And that's when his face meets my knee, knocking him out.

Jacob was already on his feet at this point, glaring at me with an anger that was instantly transferred to the other three guys.

- What are you standing there for, attack him! - he shouted at them, but these guys wouldn't attack me.

- Sorry Peter, he said he just wanted to talk to you. We don't want to fight! - said one of them, to which the other two nodded in the affirmative, then they turned round and walked away.

- See, arsehole, I knew this would happen. Not everyone is a bastard like you and Flash. - I laughed at him.

- Ah, you're dead! - He decided to try his luck again, having realised the difference between our powers.

- I've had enough of you, it's time to end this farce! - I caught him by the fist, then gave him a punch to the solar plexus that knocked him unconscious.


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