
I'm not a Wizard

There are people born with magic, and there people who do not. A wizard is supposed to be a powerful sorcerers who dedicated they're entire life for the sake of knowledge of magic. Then there's a hunter, they live they're entire life in the outside wilderness. They hunt prey for food, they go across rivers for water, they wear the fur of creatures as clothing. They do all of this willing instead living the comfortable life style. Both of these two have a similar question. Do you need magic to be a hunter? No. Do you need to learn how to survive to be a wizard? Of course not. But let me ask you this. Do you need magic to a Master Wizard? No, no you don't.

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter 16: The Intruder

"Hey, Onyx?" Eric called while Onyx groaned.

Onyx sat on one of the plum couches while he read through a book with a leather cover.

Onyx turned his gaze from his book before he glared at Eric. "What is it?" Onyx snapped.

"What's a Notter?" Eric asked before a book smacked his face.

Eric yelped before he felled off his desk's seat.

"Read about it." Onyx groaned before he returned to his book.

Eric got off the floor as he attempted to glare at Onyx. Despite Onyx's nose-deep gaze into his book, Eric could still see his grin.

"Ow~." Eric groaned as he held his bruised nose.

Eric picked up the book Onyx threw before he sat on the other plum couch. Eric opened the book as his eyes skipped through the letters of the pages. Eric's eyes soon halted before he stared at Onyx. Onyx twitched as he could sense the heat of Eric's intense gaze. Onyx gazed up to met with Eric's blue eyes before Onyx noticed. Onyx's gaze did not meet Eric's, as Eric stared behind Onyx.

Don't move, is what Eric worded to Onyx. Onyx gulped quietly.

Eric slowly placed his book on the coffee table before he took off his gloves. Eric then pulled a brick of wood and iron out of his pocket. The pentagram on Eric's hands glowed before a flash of light filled the room. A deep yet loud roar rang in Onyx's ears.

"MOVE!" Eric yelled.

Onyx ran to Eric's side before he hid behind the plum couch. Onyx peeked over the couch as he saw a tall thin black figure with a large round and a wide mouth. Onyx whispered an enchantment before Eric covered Onyx's mouth. Onyx death glared towards Eric. Eric did not meet Onyx's gaze while his eyes were fixed on the black figure.

Onyx's eyes eventually turned their attention to the strange device Eric held in his hand. The device was composed of a barrel iron pole and a wooden handle. Eric pointed the device at the black figure before whispered to Onyx.

"Cover your eyes."

Onyx shut his eyes tightly before a loud bang sound rang in his ears.

"Get out of here!" Eric yelled towards the black figure.

Keeping his eyes closed, Onyx heard another banging sound. Between the bangs, there was a noticeable click sound heard. Each roar grew quieter with each bang sound. Until eventually, the room fell silent. Through the closure of his eyelids, Onyx was able to glimpse the figure that had vanished.

"Where did it go?" Onyx uttered.

"ONYX! HELP ME! IT'S STUCK!" yelled Eric's voice.

Onyx snapped his head to Eric before his expression became dumbfounded. Eric was at the wide-open window while he attempted to push the black figure outside.

"Don't JUST STAY THERE! HELP ME!" Eric yelled.

As soon as Onyx's mind returned to reality, he began grunting. Onyx stood next to Eric as he pushed the black figure with his shoulder.

"How can something so thin get stuck?" Onyx grunted.

"It's because it has its wings open!" Eric explained loudly.

Onyx clicked his tongue before he backed away. Eric stared at Onyx with a puzzled expression.

"What are you doing?!" Eric yelled as he continued to push the black figure.

"Step aside!" Onyx ordered before he whispered an enchantment.

"You can't kill it!" Eric yelled.

"I'm not going to kill it! I'm only going to give it a little push." Onyx grinned.

A selection of bones surrounded Onyx's arm as they formed a lance. Onyx chuckled as he poked the black figure's behind with one swift thrust. The black figure roared before it slipped out of the window. After falling to the ground, the black figure straightened up and flew away. Both Eric and Onyx sighed in relief.

"It's finally gone." Eric sighed as he laid on one of the plum couches.

"Was that Dot dubh?" Onyx questioned while he relaxed his shoulders.

"Was it your first time seeing one?" Eric chuckled lightly.

"I didn't know they were this annoying," Onyx grunted as he flopped on the other plum couch.

Eric burst into laughter. "Of course they are! What do you think the gongs are for?"

"Why can't the Linus Kingdom have normal pests? Like mice or flies? No. You had to have tall big mouth monsters!" Onyx groaned.

"Well, it is Dot dubh season. I don't know what else you were expecting?" Eric sighed as he rested his chin in his palm.

Onyx sighed as he leaned back with his eyes close. "I'll be happy if I never see those things again."

"There's another one," Eric said.

Onyx snapped his eyes open as he saw Dot dubh grinning down at him.

Onyx clicked his tongue. "You got to be kidding me!"