
I'm not a Wizard

There are people born with magic, and there people who do not. A wizard is supposed to be a powerful sorcerers who dedicated they're entire life for the sake of knowledge of magic. Then there's a hunter, they live they're entire life in the outside wilderness. They hunt prey for food, they go across rivers for water, they wear the fur of creatures as clothing. They do all of this willing instead living the comfortable life style. Both of these two have a similar question. Do you need magic to be a hunter? No. Do you need to learn how to survive to be a wizard? Of course not. But let me ask you this. Do you need magic to a Master Wizard? No, no you don't.

Sora_Gemini · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter 14: Onyx's Journal

Day one of Ueadora academy.

It's the mist of spring, a season most favoured by the Pim Dorm, as I was once told. This morning was rather peaceful, to my surprise, for the yellow-haired baboon was already absent from bed before I awoke. To where he may be was none of my concern. I simply left my bed and dressed in my uniform. Thanks to my personal practice, I could wear my clothes without the aid of a maid.

My blazer was placed perfectly over my dressed shirt. My pants were slightly tight around my upper thigh. However, it wasn't entirely discomforting. My shoes shined spotlessly. And to finish it all off would be the Ueadora traditional robe without a single wrinkle.

After I was fully dressed, my peaceful morning was suddenly interrupted by the baboon himself. He first barged in without announcing his presence, exactly similar to last night. Then he greeted me as if we were friends, by smiling at me while he waved his hand like a mindless ape. However, I refused to react to his annoying antics. The baboon then babbled about his morning, as if he thought I'd care.

Though I did attempt my best to ignore him, I couldn't help myself to glare at him when he mentioned previously attending to the garden. I could endure his infuriating words. However, I will not stand for this baboon daring to walk into this room in muddied attire.

Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case. The baboon didn't wear any muddied attire. On the country, he was clean and fully in uniform. Suitable for a golden class student, except for his overly long hair and that ridiculous hairpin. It's almost laughable to think he's genuinely proud to wear a woman's accessory.

My first class wasn't completely awful. Though my seat was appointed next to the baboon, the education itself was enjoyable. Miss Jasper appeared as airheaded at first, however, Miss Jasper, later on, was seen as a perceived and formal instructor. When there was an unlawful student who attempted to interrupt the rest of the class, Miss Jasper immediately sent them to the principal office to be expelled.

The other students spoke that the punishment was too harsh. However, they too were sent to the principal office as well. That's how it is in Ueadora academy. It's a school for only the most dedicated of wizards, if you lack that dedication then you are unfitting for this school. Those who ignore this fact, no, this truth will undergo a large amount of shame for not only themselves but also on the Master who raised them.

To those who were unaware, the first day of Umeadora possessed a sinister nickname; execution day. Every year, swarms beyond swarms of new students enter the academy, only to have seventy percent of them get expelled upon the first day. Entering the academy might be considered brutal when it is quite the opposite. The reason why judges are so picky when choosing apprentices is that they have to be mentally prepared to handle the unbearable pressure that is Ueadora academy.

When the class was finished, there were only two left. Myself and the baboon. Personally, I wouldn't have minded been the last student with someone, as long that someone wasn't him. What made it worst was that I shared every class with his half-witted ape.

Lunch was fine. I only took a sandwich before I left the cafeteria. It is forbidden to eat in the library, so I adopted a book beforehand and read it outside. Umeadora's main courtyard was the most immense, compared to the four dorms courtyards. Grass plains, cobblestone pathways, and a huge fountain in the centre of it all. What made it so perfect was the students within the courtyard were reading books as well.

After I found myself in a comfortable place below a shaded tree, I sat there in complete silence. But it was abruptly ruined when the baboon fell out of the tree next to me. I was annoyed but also slightly relieved that the divvy monkey didn't land on me.

Obviously, I scowled at him and questioned the baboon why he was up in the tree, to begin with. He then held a book in front of me and said he was reading, when he saw me underneath the tree and apparently got startled and felled clumsily off the tree. I tempted myself to laugh but held it instead, as I didn't want to be compared to the grinning baboon.

For the rest of lunch, I listened to the baboon's babble. However, though his voice alone is irritating, the stories he told were quite intriguing. I almost laughed at one of the baboon stories, maybe he should quit being a wizard and become a comedian instead.

After classes were over, I made my way toward the Finch Dorm. Alone of course, as the baboon has no sense of what is left or right. However, as soon as I entered my bedroom door, I saw the baboon at his deck. From a distance, I couldn't see what he was doing but I did notice he had a white cloth wrapped around his face. I knocked on the door and his head turned at me. The baboon pulled off the white cloth before he showed that stupid grin again. I questioned him about the activity he took part in, he smiled widely at me before he stated that he was practising his magic.

The magic is called alchemy. I was curious about alchemy since there was little known about it and it was created by the most known Master Wizard throughout eighteen years. Master Solomon, there is no intel about her background or where she came from. She has no family or friends. There were theories about Master Solomon being a soldier within the war between the Linus Kingdom and the Kazuko Empire. However, none of those theories could be proven, for Master Solomon doesn't make any connections with people. All but one person, her apprentice.

When it was officially announced that Master Solomon had an apprentice, rumours spread all over the Linus Kingdom like wildfire. There were many claims that Master Solomon's apprentice was her born son, which was wiped out completely when everyone realized the nine years age gap.

The evening arrived quicker than I originally thought. I've eaten my fill for the night, and now I can enjoy the rest of my night with a delightful time of studying. The baboon is also fast asleep, and he wasn't snoring. I couldn't imagine a more perfect finish to my first day if only that baboon wasn't my roommate.