
I'm Not a Saint but Not a Villainess Either

Being poisoned and then reborn in my favourite otome game as no one other than the damned villainess who gave such a hard time the male lead and the heroine. To not live in the shadow of the villainess made a deal with the king of the Esuzuria Kingdom, the father of one of the capture targets, the prince. ... After an accidental meeting, everything began to take another course. Everything changed. The heroine changed. Lia: I am trying to be a nice person to you, but my mouth just won't cooperate. The heroine: What??!! The male lead: You think that you can pet my head and then not take responsibility. Lia: What? That was when we were kids. Grow up! The male lead: Oh, I have grown quite a bit over the years. Do you want to make sure and see how much I have grown?*smirk Lia: ...*Flush *Cover is not mine. Credit goes to their rightful owner.

Babybear · ファンタジー
18 Chs

He is high? Is he into drugs?

On a night where the sky was covered with clouds and not a lot of stars were visible, a little girl and a young man were seen sneaking out of a mansion. As the little girl's flowery pink hair flowed freely from the light wind and a young man's red hair, which seemed to appear darker in the shadows of the night, moved from one corner to another to not be seen by the knights on duty.

Feeling the pressure the young man whispered to the lady," My lady, are we really going to town now? How about you reconsider? We can go outside tomorrow morning after we have asked the duke for permission?" As the little girl heard the young man talk she turned and looked at him in disbelief, before whispering back at the man, "Say, Felix, do you think I would be able to go outside if I asked my father for permission? No, of course not. But let's say he would allow me to go, but how exactly do you think he would let me go? " Lia asked as if the answer was obvious. For her, at least, cause Felix was looking really lost, so Lia decided to answer her question herself," He would only let me go outside if I was surrounded by knights on all sides. How am I supposed to enjoy my time there?"

After that Felix gave his lady a knowing look and decided to shut his mouth seeing as how his lady had thought everything through.

After a little more hiding and running, they finally made it outside the gates of the mansion. Feeling relieved that they were able to get out unnoticed they continued their walk towards the city in complete silence until the lights of the town came into view.

The lanterns that lit up the streets that were filled with people gave the town at night a lively feeling.

Seeing that they had made it to the main street, Lia quickened her peace and began running with a lively smile on her face, with eyes that shone like that of a child who had bought the toy that had wanted. Even though she was only a child right now it really was rare for her to show such an expression.

Felix seeing that his lady was genuinely happy right now decided to not get in her way and spoil her fun knowing that there are not many things that made his lady smile like that.

As the knight was looking closely after his lady, her voice suddenly sounded waking him up from his daydreaming. "It really is different, isn't it Felix?" Confused about what Lia was asking Felix said," Excuse me, my lady?"

"You know, different from the life we lead. No gold, no diamonds, no fake smiles, no exaggerated things that are only meant to put others down, it really is the perfect place to grow up with the right moral. An ordinary life where the money isn't everything and real bonds can be created. I'm sort of jealous." Lia said with a seemingly sad smile on her face, which made her knight's hand clench into a fist and showing a serious expression, while saying," There is nothing for you to feel jealous of, my lady. You are born in an incredible and loving family."

Lia, who was listening to him, showed another smile. A smile which showed that she knew more than she let on. Lia wasn't specifically talking about her life now, more like she was thinking about her life before being reborn here, but Felix couldn't possibly know that, so she said to change the subject and not give a lot of importance to her first words.

"That's not what I meant, but you are right, I really do have a wonderful family. Oh, my look at that there are some food stalls around there. Let's go and try some, Felix." Lia said both looking and sounding excited.

Felix who bought her words didn't pay any more attention to her first words and followed his lady to the food stalls.

After 2 hours of walking from one food stall to another, from one café to another, from one bakery to another, Felix was finally starting to lose his patience. 'What is wrong with my lady? Isn't she tired already we have been moving for 2 hours' he thought when a lively childish voice was heard," Felix, let's go to that place as well." "What? My lady, please. How much longer do we have to do this?" Felix complained as he slumped his shoulders.

"Why, are you tired? Are you sure you are a knight Felix?"Lia asked teasingly."Come on we still have so many more desserts to try."Lia said still excitedly. It was no secret that she had a sweet tooth. ' Just what kind of stomach do you have? It's like you have a black hole in there' Felix thought as he kept dragging his feet towards the place his lady was directed at.

When suddenly some drops of rain began to fall from the dark cloudy sky. Feeling her rain on her skin Lia raised her head to see the sky.' I should have known it was going to rain' she thought as she looked at the delicious desserts at the bakery disappointed that she couldn't try them.

As the rain began to quicken its peace more people were moving in the streets to find shelter and get in their homes. Felix got close to Lia and offered his hand to her, in order not to get separated. If it was in his hands he would have held his lady in his arms and got in a shelter for her to not get wet, but he couldn't know that his lady wouldn't like it at all.

As they kept moving on the now empty streets, they saw a young boy who was standing in the rain with his head down, not reacting to anything. Seeing that, Felix tightened his hand around Lia's and tried to avoid going in the child's direction as it might scare his lady, no matter how mature she was for her age.

' Well, this scene reminds me of those cliché scenes in movies where the boy is rejected by the girl and he stays in the rain cause he is really shocked. But this isn't really time for a child to stay in the rain like that, at least wait a little bit longer until you grow up and get rejected by a girl for god's sake.' Lia thought as she kept looking at the boy pitifully, which was totally misinterpreted by Felix who thought,' My lady is too kind. To think she would feel bad and sorry for someone who she didn't know, a commoner at that. I should at the very least help her do what she wants'

"My lady we can go and see what's wrong if you wish to do so," Felix said with a smile that showed respect and admiration directed at her. Lia who saw him and his smile began to doubt her knight. What was wrong with him? Was he sick?

"Shall we, then?" Lia asked as she runs toward the boy and asked him while touching him on his shoulder and not wanting to stay in the rain any longer. "Hey, are you okay?"

The moment she finished her sentence the little boy's head turned to her as his dark blue crystal eyes looked at her for a moment and then he fell on the ground, leaving a surprised Lia behind, who only had one thing on her mind,' His eyes were really pretty. Lucky kid. I would have totally signed him as my model back in my first life.'

When suddenly a loud voice was heard directed at the young fallen on the ground boy.

"Your high…. I mean Max." the young teenage boy called the child on the ground.

"He is high? What do you mean? Is he into drugs?" Lia asked bewildered and not believing her ears.

"What?" The teenage boy asked confused as he earned a disgusted look from Felix, who got before his lady to protect her.

"He is a child. How could you do this him?"