
I'm Not A Demon

The story is set in Jiangcheng, a city within the Da Xia Federation Empire, known for its industrial prowess. Ling Ping'an, the owner of a bookstore called 'Qi Yuan', is troubled by the declining business. Despite efforts to sustain it, the store's popularity has waned since Ling Ping'an took over. Ling Ping'an reflects on his struggles to keep the business afloat while reminiscing about his family's involvement in the store. One night, while reaching for his phone, Ling Ping'an accidentally discovers a mysterious sphere hidden under the counter. Upon opening it, he finds a sharp knife that cuts his finger, revealing a yellowed piece of paper inside the sphere. To chapter advanced at: patreon.com/MindBreakerOfBooks

Garven_Gzz · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Late Night Visitor

In the heart of the Da Xia Federation Empire, within the Guangnan Governorate, lies the city of Jiangcheng.

A coastal industrial hub renowned worldwide for its automobile manufacturing and precision engineering.

As the night deepens, nearing eleven o'clock.

In the eastern part of Jiangcheng city, within a narrow alley, Ling Ping'an gazed at the gradually emptying streets with a sigh. "Why is business getting worse and worse?"

"Last month, at least I could earn enough for utilities..."

"But this month, I haven't even earned enough for the electricity and water bills!"

Ling Ping'an is the owner of a bookstore named 'Qi Yuan'.

Situated in a small alley adjacent to the eastern industrial park, the bookstore used to thrive explosively.

However, since Ling Ping'an took over, business inexplicably took a nosedive.

Initially, they could still make some money, gradually only enough for living expenses, and now, not a single transaction in a month.

It's as if, since Ling Ping'an took over, the presence of the bookstore in the area has become increasingly scarce.

Initially, people remembered that there was a bookstore named Qi Yuan, with plenty of affordable books, and they often came to buy books.

Slowly, it seemed people forgot about it.

Many seem unaware that there's a bookstore right in their neighborhood's alley.

What's strange is that the neighbors nearby are all very familiar with Ling Ping'an.

They exchange greetings daily, showing concern for each other's well-being.

But when it comes to buying books, they seem to forget about it.

Fortunately, the storefront is owned, so there are no expenses, and Ling Ping'an can still write some web novels and earn some fees.

In addition, there are subsidies and preferential policies for university students' entrepreneurship in the central hub of the empire, so life can still be sustained.

But the lack of business is a headache for Ling Ping'an.

Pulling down the rolling shutter, Ling Ping'an turned back to look at his bookstore.

It's not large, just around thirty square meters.

There's an old counter at the entrance for cashiers, next to an old-fashioned cash register, with an aging computer beside it.

In the display case behind the counter, there's a photo frame that looks like a family portrait.

But the frame is so old that the photos inside have turned yellow and blurry, making them hard to discern.

Past the counter, rows of bookshelves stand neatly in place.

Each book is categorized with a nameplate.

There are popular science books, educational supplements, various reference books, and bestsellers.

But there's no business.

"How am I supposed to sell at least one book this month?" Ling Ping'an thought. "Otherwise, it's too much of a failure!"

Thinking like this, Ling Ping'an couldn't help but take out his phone.

"Carpe diem, seize the day; worry about tomorrow's troubles tomorrow..."

"Why think so much?"

"Let's play a game first!"

Playing games is his greatest hobby, without a doubt.

But whether it was his carelessness or some other reason, his phone suddenly slipped from his hand, landing on the ground with a clatter.

Ling Ping'an hurried to pick it up.

But because of the cramped space under his old-fashioned counter, when he reached for the phone, he accidentally bumped his head on something under the desk.


A gray object fell in front of Ling Ping'an.

It was a thumb-sized sphere.

It seemed to be made of wood, with some indescribable paint on the surface, giving it a peculiar appearance.

Ling Ping'an sat down with it, feeling like this thing had been stuck under the counter for a long time.

"Is this... something my parents left here? Or did my aunt put it here?" Ling Ping'an muttered to himself.

This bookstore is an inheritance from his parents.

But when his parents passed away, he was only ten years old, so this store, along with his parents' other belongings, was managed by his aunt.

It wasn't until he graduated from university that his aunt returned these things to him.

With this question in mind, Ling Ping'an carefully examined the sphere and found that its surface seemed to be a closed pupil.

Moreover, this thing seemed to be able to twist open!

He tried to gently turn the sphere in one direction.

To his amazement, as he turned it, the closed eye-like sphere slowly began to open.

"This design... is ingenious!" Ling Ping'an couldn't help but admire.


As he twisted it, a component inside the sphere seemed to be activated.

A sharp little knife extended from inside the sphere, swiftly cutting Ling Ping'an's finger, drawing a drop of blood, and then retracting back in!

"Ouch!" Ling Ping'an exclaimed in pain, quickly holding his hand and blowing on it.

But while he wasn't paying attention, the sphere automatically opened in all directions, revealing what was hidden inside.

A yellowed piece of paper.

By the time Ling Ping'an noticed it


2 chapters advanced at: patreon.com/MindBreakerOfBooks