
I'm Naruto's Brother With Tricks

I died and God reborn me as Naruto's brother in the AU version of the Naruto world with a Template System and an Essence. -I apologize for the bad summary but long summaries are not my thing and this was the best summary I could do right now. -There is no definite release date but there will be at least 1 episode per week. -English is not my first language, I translate the story I write with ChatGPT.

Aksoy_Samet · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Dear readers, I see that you want me to continue my series that I left, I can continue them, but there will be very slow chapters, I'm Naruto's Brother With Tricks series being the main series, should I continue my other series, please vote, please know that except for I'm Naruto's Brother With Tricks series, the other two series will have VERY slow chapters.

(I will post this on all three series and get the sum of the votes)





