
Good bye Myself

So far so good. Wonda already took off the night before and I've been working like I normally do. With only have one more hour left till closing time what can go wrong. After that horror story Mr. Jim told me I'm not so sure I want to stay till closing time tonight of all nights. But I can't damn it, my pride won't let me turn back and run. Besides it's the first time since I started working her, that I have to work by myself. Ok correction we do have other employees but it's the first time Wonda won't be here to help me out.

WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME! I'm acting like a lost child and I shouldn't be doing that. Wonda has put her faith in me and I can't let her down besides I only have a couple of hours and only a few more days till Wonda gets here. I should be fin and get over my worries. Now get back to work, you aren't getting paid to look pretty.

I might be getting paranoid, but with less than a hour left before closing time. A group of five men keep staring at me. Yeah, I'm just going crazy. Damn it, this is the first and last time those two do something like this to me and at the same time. For all I know it's all a lie. But it's not Mr.Jim has never lued to me before, I better keep an eye on them better bring out the taser Wonda gave me for my birthday last year.


"Hey guys, we are close for the night" really annoyed, "I just need to clean your table to close for the night"

"Sorry about that little lady" one of them said doing a motion for the others to fallow after him, "We'll be leaving. Good luck going home don't want anything happening to you do we"

and just like that the group got up and left.

Never before in my life did I ever feel such disgust towards another human being and I hate it so much. Now with more reason to get out of here sooner I put all my power into cleaning this last part. Everyone else also wants to go home can't keep them here just for my own sake.

"Can someone please clean this area. Clean this part so I can get started on the paperwork and we can go home"

"I'll do it but after this I'm out you hear" I could hear Anna say from somewhere far

I didn't say anything, but I know her well enough to know she will do her job with no mistakes. Now I have to focus on mine and get out of here as well.

Having finish all the paper work for the night. All I can say with a happy heart. Even if the world dies tomorrow I know I did a good job today, but knowing myself I know I'll be saying the same thing until Wonda gets back. Man how does she do it. I mean I just made it on one day but she has been doing it for years does she even have a life because if she does I don't beli-


My heart drop, even though my instincts are telling me to run. My brain is screaming, MR. JIM, MR. JIM..... THAT'S GRANDPA! Tears keep on flowing down my face but I don't care. I don't care about my life right now. I'm just running, it's the only thing I can do. I'm not seeing anyone I'm not looking at anyone, I'm only lessening to his voice telling me to run but I can't. He is family and he has never left me before I won't starting leaving him now.

Now that my brain knew what to do my body also follow along. I almost fainted at this sight, Mr. Jim on the floor looking so beat up. I dont even care who did it but I'm going to kick so ass. All the classes with Wonda on self defense will finally come in handy. I quit using my brain and let my instincts in this fight. What I didn't count on were the number of people and yet I don't care let them come.

I let my fist and kicks fly not the most elegant thing I'm known for, but it gets the job done. However that still doesn't stop them from getting some good punches in. I can see someone coming to my right. I move my body to face my next target, but instead of throwing a fist my way he started to clap his hands. They started moving towards us in a very smug way.

"I must say you look very beautiful" my blood starts to boil. This voice how much I hate it, "I must say you do look nice and all but your innocent heart is still broken. I see it's still mine"

I can finally see him in the light. I can't say he looked bad in the past in fact he looked great, but now he looks like a brand new person. Clean cut hair style as well as a brand name out fit. As much as I want to punch him I can't help but see how life has changed us both.

"What are you doing here Anthony" it's not really a question, but I still need to know why after all this time. He even bothers to show up.

"You still haven't figure it out yet. Me bringing you here wasn't an accident" my body is starting feel cold and numb, "I knew who your were before I even moved into your little town. Believe me I can go on and on about this or you can do us both a favor and just follow me willing, or you can watch this old man die"

"Didn't I tell you little lady. If you had just lesson to me, you wouldn't be in this mess" pulling out a used needle, "Guess you can't figure this one out as well"

I sent him my most deadly look but stayed in place. Forcing myself to focus more on the needle. It looks like any other needle I've ever seen.

"Don't even bother you won't get it right. Not even I know what is in their, but I can give you two options: poison from a rattle snake or just plain old tab water you pick." said the guy in a playful tone

"We do have another needle" cut in Anthony, "It can be the antidote or just more water. If you come with us willing we will save that old man, but if you don't he dies. Your choice"

What choice is their if it means I can save him I'm happy to go with him. "I'll go" is all I can say as I start making my way to him

"Run.... aw ay y for get about mee ... save.. your. selff" said a very weak voice

I turn in time to see Mr. Jim reaching out to me.

"Don't worry old man, we won't do anything to her she needs to be a virgin for this to work" Anthony informed us in a very bored look

"I'll be alright, I'll come back as fast as I can I promise. I still want to live here with you guys. Besides that I still haven't even called you grandpa yet" I smiled my best smile at Mr. Jim.

I turn to Anthony and move towards him getting ready to face the next challenge. He placed his arm on my lower back guiding me somewhere else. I turn in time to see the guy injecting Mr. Jim with it. I turn to the front again and close my eyes.

I know I haven't been up to date but I'm trying to explain almost 3 things in one chapter. and I could do it in 3 different chapters but then they will be too short. so just hold on a little longer it will be worth it

seika_herocreators' thoughts