
I'm Leveling up in DXD

Everything stopped instantly. I tried to move but couldn't, it's like my body is floating in a dark abyss. Suddenly, something strange happened. [You have fulfilled the conditions of the "Secret Quest: Unbreakable Will" therefore the system will proceed to install shortly]

LordPhenex026 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 23: Dream

[The blue gem corresponds to the magical core of the Casaka snake with blue poisonous fangs]

[Current core value: 100 SP/10000 yen]

"Is this thing worth so much money?" Goku wondered, looking at the gem with curiosity, but he was more intrigued to know what a magic core was.

He then read what the system put in as information and understood that magic cores were valuable items carried by the beasts in his body, some had more than one core.

The magic cores had different uses but for a battle they would not be of much use, reading that Goku thought that the best thing would be to acquire the object and then sell it.

He therefore added the Blue-Fanged Casaka's magic core to the inventory, and then pressed the 'sell' option.

[Accumulated Points: 100 SP]

"Wow, it really worked" Goku spoke seeing that he had been able to successfully incorporate the magic core into inventory and then sell it at the store.

The store had purchased the magic core while he had purchased experience points, no doubt a fair trade.

But Goku wasn't that interested in experience points, at least not yet, so he thought of converting those points into physical money.

'It's time to go home... but first I'll sleep for a while' Goku thought, falling on the ground and closing his eyes with a smile.

Hours later.

Aika sighed sitting on the sofa in the living room as she took her cell phone, she just put Natsuki to bed after she had eaten.

She looked at her cell phone chats with a sad smile, there were only four or five chats there: her sister, her childhood friends and Goku, her most recent friend and her classmate .

"What are you doing Goku-kun?" Aika wondered, sighing from boredom, it seemed that Goku's life was an odyssey compared to hers, which was more like daily routines.

Until now she liked the way their friendship was going, who knows if they would become something more in the future but for now Aika didn't want to spoil what they had both cultivated.

She suddenly heard the sound of the door being knocked on several times, something strange because the doorbell was right next to the door, who was at this hour? She hoped it wasn't someone from the bank...

"Good night Aika"

Microseconds after hearing those words an excited smile appeared on Aika's face, but she immediately changed it to her seductive smile dedicated to her 'Goku-kun' smile.

"Hey Goku-kun, are you coming to spend the night with me again?" Aika asked lowering her head with her smile and revealing part of her generous neckline where there were two orbs.

Aika was surprised to see that at no time had Goku lowered his gaze to look at her breasts, that hurt her womanly pride a little.

"No hehehe, but I'd like to give you something" Goku spoke putting his hands in his pocket and Aika arched her eyes with some curiosity.

Goku took out of his pockets an envelope containing the money that was equivalent to the magic core, a total of ten thousand yen according to the system.

Aika immediately realized what that envelope contained and took both of the boy's hands closing them on her, as if she rejected him.

"Goku-kun... you don't need to help me, I told you I want to contribute to the expenses by my own means" Aika spoke smiling.

"I know, Aika, but as a friend I cannot resign myself to seeing with crossed arms that you need something when I can give it to you..." the boy spoke in turn, leaving that envelope in Aika's hands, whose eyes crystallized.

"Goku-kun... no" Aika whispered, she didn't want to be useless and she felt that if Goku gave her that money she would be. She hated feeling that feeling.

"No, I don't think you can't earn your own money, quite the opposite, I'll help you and contribute whatever I can because that's what friends do, right? Help each other with problems" Goku spoke with a big smile.

"And you? You... you don't need that money?" Aika asked since she knew that Goku was an orphan and also had a job to pay for his expenses.

"Well, I really enjoy the job I have and since I don't have many expenses and I'm on a scholarship, I don't need that much money, so here you go" Goku spoke without removing his smile and Aika blushed when she saw him.

Why did Goku care so much about her? What normal and ordinary boy would spurn such an amount of money to give it to someone else?

Her sister sent her enough to pay her and Natsuki's tuition and pay some expenses, but there were months where they had a hard time in those times when they were tight on money.

Aika said that in her envelope there were ten thousand yen, there was enough for them to reach the end of the month and with the money that her sister would send they would not have any problems.

"So Aika, see you tomorrow" Goku spoke as he turned around. "Have a good night and send my regards to Natsuki... or not"

Goku shivered when he remembered Natsuki's angry face, he preferred to fight a thousand times against Casaka than to see the girl angry.

Aika without being able to avoid it ran towards Goku and hugged him from behind while tears came out of her eyes. Goku blinked at that and smiled even without turning around.

"T..thank you very much Goku-kun, I don't deserve your help" sobbed Aika trying to contain her tears but it was impossible for her to do so

Goku realized back then that the system not only helped him get stronger, but he could also help other people and make them happy, like Aika was now.

*Goku's dream*

A great silver armor was kneeling before a throne on which was a being surrounded by light, six silver wings came out of the armor.

That armor was wrapped in a brilliant light, he was the largest fragment of light that God created when he divided the forces of light and darkness.

The eight light shards were renamed Rulers while the dark shards were Monarchs, both opposite each other.

The rulers sought to avoid the destruction generated by the monarchs, beings of chaos who greatly loved destruction.

Countless wars took place between Monarchs and Rulers for thousands and thousands of years, without any of them being victorious.

The Rulers tired of this endless war appeared before their father's throne.

"Why don't you help your servants who fight for you by sacrificing themselves day after day in war?"

"Why do you pretend not to see what we suffer?"

"Didn't you hear the cries of many soldiers dying for you every day and in every battle?"

"Give us the strength to destroy them, and I will cut them into pieces, all for your safety"

The absolute being remained silent on his throne and the rulers despaired, knowing that they would have to continue fighting... as long as the absolute being existed, ruling over them.

However, the despair produced by the war turned into anger, and the anger turned into hate, and all that hate was charged towards the absolute being because he did not want to stop this war.

Therefore, they then drew their swords to end this meaningless fight, which was merely entertainment for the absolute.

This was a rebellion against the "Absolute".

"Father, why did you allow this when you could have prevented it?" asked the armor looking at the one sitting on the throne in front of him.

The absolute being was silent as he watched his creation, the largest fragment of light among the eight he had divided.

"Ashborn... I made a mistake" said the absolute being of that throne and the one called Ashborn raised his head.

"Hey?" asked the Ruler quite disconcerted seeing his creator, who rose from the throne for the first time in millennia.

"K didn't have a clear purpose when creating Rulers and Monarchs, that's why I decided they would play cat and mouse and that would entertain me" the being spoke.

Precisely for this entertainment seven of the eight Rulers were preparing a rebellion to dethrone him once and for all.

"But now my creation has turned against me, I gave them so much power that together the seven surpass mine" continued the absolute being. "If I have to die by someone's hand I hope it's under yours Ashborn, I'm proud of you, my loyal knight"

Ashborn was certainly not happy that the absolute see had orchestrated the conflict with the Monarchs just for his entertainment.

Ashborn had seen thousands upon thousands of his comrades fall in the war against the Monarchs, and the fact that all this was nothing more than a game of the absolute being infuriated him enormously.

But if he had learned something in these thousands of years, it is that he should not abandon a comrade, if the Rulers had abandoned each other, the Monarchs would have defeated them long ago.

So he would not abandon his creator, he would be loyal to the end and defend him tooth and nail with honor. It was the largest fragment of light for a reason.

"I will be your loyal knight until the end, even if it means my death I will not give up" Ashborn spoke materializing a sword of light.


The doors of that place were broken and Ashborn watched in horror as thousands of legions stood before him led by the seven Rulers.

Ashborn summoned his troops to defend the absolute being at his side, he would remain loyal even when fighting against his comrades.

Was he abandoning them? No, it was they who abandoned him in the fight against the Monarchs and in order to rebel against his creator, Ashborn did not do the same since he was loyal to the absolute and not to the other Rulers who were his comrades.

The absolute being knew that Ashborn had no chance of defeating seven Rulers, but he had put an insurance on him that would crown him as the strongest:

The power of death and shadows.