
I'm Just a Hacker

Death_Carnative · ゲーム
5 Chs

Main Character's Stats

Name : Joshua Salvacion

Race : Human(34%), Demon(22%), Ancient God(8%), Fire Dragon(23%), Ancient Chimerian Race(3%)

Level : 934

Class Jobs :

• Legendary Blacksmith(lvl.14/50)

Teached by the way of Molding Stones and Taming the Earth's Guardian, He was given by a blessing from the Forging God.

- Forging Succession Rate (99%) in everything forged.

- Self forged Items grants 45% more effect and prolonged buff duration for 10 mins.

• Ancient Blessed Summoner(lvl.9/10)

The ability to call forth powerful beasts with ease was bestowed to you, giving you the power of instant ruler. Your soul is tied in circle of life and death, but you are not one of those who suffer at it.

- Summoning Rank X Monsters Succession Rate : (70%)

- Bloodline of the Ancient God Obtained

- Summon Duration and Damage +40%

- 30% Decrease on Summoning time and MP Consumption

• Greatest Monster Tamer(MAX)

Every monster likes you! The Kindness of your heart call you upon them and them to you, passively befriend a monster that is not having ill intention into you.

- Item Drop from Monsters Preservation Chance (60%)

- Item Drop Loss from Monsters decreased by 20%

- Ally Monsters buffs will double it's effect upon activating

- Ally Monsters damage reduction increased randomly

• Legendary Alchemist(lvl.8/50)

Potions and Pills were lifesaving, and an Alchemist can only do it with grace and perfection. Grants High Succession Rate upon creating pill and potion if equipped.

- Godly Pills Creation Success Rate (35%)

- Pill and Potions created effects are doubled if taken by the user

- Material Amount Consumed by Pills and Potion Cost Decreased by 45%

• Sword Saint(MAX)

Master of Swords in Special way, Understand the way of sword with one can rival. No one can beat you in terms of Mightiness while holding the Sword.

- Sword weapons buffs and power increased by 80%

- Sword related Skill damaga increased by 30%

- Critical Strike Chance increased by 80%

- Critical Damage increased by 20%

• Bow Master(MAX)

A Ranger and A Bowman need the prediction, precision and power to turn the tables of their enemies. Your sight was sharper and know how to pull the string rightly, increasing your power and precision each hit.

- Bow weapons buffs and power increased by 60%

- Bow related Skill damaga increased by 45%

- Critical Strike Chance increased by 90%

- Critical Damage increased by 30%

• Spear God(MAX)

You are called as the 'Spear God' for your mighty prowess while holding spear, fighting unfazed with fear and thrusts your spear in enemies merciless. Your power and speed are increased while using Spear.

- Spear weapons buffs and power increased by 90%

- Spear related Skill damaga increased by 50%

- Critical Strike Chance increased by 95%

- Critical Damage increased by 40%

• Great Grim Reaper(MAX)

Scythe is every Reapers favorite weapon, Stashed by the souls they've collected of salvation and damnation. Scythes are more lighter and destructive if equipped.

- Scythe weapons buffs and power increased by 70%

- Scythe related Skill damaga increased by 30%

- Critical Strike Chance increased by 70%

- Critical Damage increased by 70%

- Soul Harvest Chance increased by 15%

• Legendary Assassin(lvl.35/45)

Assassins were blessed by the Gods of Tricks and Deceits making them hard to caught, Teached by Gods of War making them a respected leader with strategy, and born without the hint of mercy. Their daggers are the shortest but deadly version of swords, no one can defy the sharpness of your blades.

- Daggers and other Assasination weapons buffs and power increased by 60%

- Assassination related Skill damaga increased by 30%

- Critical Strike Chance increased by 90%

- Critical Damage increased by 30%

Title Jobs :

• Earthling Hacker(MAX)

Your works in the darkside makes you special and like the other professional hackers, you are unable to track.

- Grants the Skills [Decode], [Incode], [Breach], and Passive Buffs [Hacker] and [Jack of the Dark Trades]

• Ruler of Magic(lvl.12/24)

You are the Prodigy that can master the 24 elements. Grants you additional buffs and damage in Spells and Abilities performed with magic.

Magic Known and Trained (12) :

- Flame (Basic) : Mastery (100%)

- Water (Basic) : Mastery (100%)

- Earth (Basic) : Mastery (100%)

- Air (Basic) : Mastery (100%)

- Lightning (Deviance) : Mastery (100%)

- Space (Deviance) : Mastery (60%)

- Frost (Deviance) : Mastery (100%)

- Metal (Ancient) : Mastery (30%)

- Gravity (Deviance) : Mastery (10%)

- Light (Ancient) : Mastery (88%)

- Darkness (Evil) : Mastery (100%)

- Necromancy (Evil) : Mastery (57%)

Passive Buffs :

• Molten Heart and Frozen Blood

Your Heart and Blood were reborned as new, making your body as a new entity and powerful. Damage using Blood Techniques will incude 'Frozen' debuff into enemies. If your health dropped into 20% starts to realase radiating heat from your body.

• Fallen Ancient God's Aura

Because of your mistake taking Cthulhu's contaminated blood, he bestowed one of his ability to you. The aura emanates on you if you were enraged, debuffing enemies in 10 meters radius with 'Fear', 'Slow', 'Armor Break', and 'Dizziness'.

• Knowledge of Solomon

Solomon handed his knowledge into you believing that you can use it on good purpose, grants you the knowledge on Summoning Demons and Creatures via collecting Soul or using blood.

• Weapon Affinity

Síva blessed you this skill, making you master each and every kind of weapon existing in a short amount of time.

Skills with Weapon :

• Chaos Deliverer (Sword) - Created

Emits a set of 15 Sword Waves that were full of Darkness Magic. Engulfing everything on its path, destructive if you go all out.

MP use : 500 CD : 15 seconds per wave

• Swords of The Sinners (Sword) - Created

This Flying Swords of the Sinners came from the bloods of Sinners that were divided into 7 groups in Hell's Eastern Wing, they are nourished by the enemies sins and were much powerful when combined in godly Swordsmanship. Having a different Intelligence but is a formidable servent of its master.

MP use :

- Sloth(90) : Inflicts debuff 'Slow' for 40 seconds, unlocked in level 30 and achievement 'I'm Lazy'.

- Lust(120) : Inflicts debuff 'Charmed' for 10 seconds, unlocked in level 50 and achievement 'Lustful Demon'

- Greed(500) : Inflicts debuff 'Snared' and it's duration depends on how Greedy the enemy is, unlocked in level 90 and achievement 'Money!'.

- Envy(300) : Inflicts debuff 'Weakened' for 15 seconds, unlocked in level 250 and achievement 'Envious Man'.

- Gluttony(320) : Inflicts Buff 'Empower' for 3 mins and debuff 'Status Wither' for the same time after the buff duration ended, unlocked in level 500 and achievement 'Hunger for Power'.

- Pride(840) : Inflicts buff 'Berserk' but decreases enemies defense for it's 80%, unlocked in level 800 and achievement 'Prideful'.

- Wrath(1000) : Inflicts buff 'Berserk' and debuff 'Bleed', 'Status Wither', 'Mana Corruption', 'Blind', 'Poisoned' and at the same time for 3 mins with 'Paralyzed' after the Berserk's effect wear off, unlocked in level 900 and achievement 'Anger First, Death Later'.

Fusion (Possible) :

• Gluttony + Greed = Gluttonous Greed (250)

• Lust + Envy = Envious Lust (80)

• Sloth + Envy = Envious Sloth (40)

• Pride + Wrath = Prideful Wrath (1500)

• Greed + Wrath = Wrathful Greed (500)

• Lust + Greed = Lustful Greed (300)

• Gluttony + Wrath = Wrathful Glutton (2000)

Cooldown If the Fusion Breaks (The Fused Sins) : 2 hours

• Arrow Storm (Bow) - Created

Bow shoots thousand of arrows each time, making you as the demolisher of defenses.

MP use : 300 per second CD : 20 mins

• Spear Of Destruction (Spear) - Created

Spear Throwing full of Massive Power that can even destroy a Planet if it hit its center.

MP use : 90% of mana CD : 24 hours

• Chaos Stab (Dagger, Spear) - Created

Darkness Element blessed your daggers and assasination skills, making it more horrifying to face.

Darkness Enveloped your spear, making it's power destructive each thrust and stab.

MP use : 900 per stab CD : 3 seconds

Martial Arts Skills :

• 9 Rings Arts

Each Rings represent theirs sins and wrongdoings, with defense and offense that is strong and powerful. Corrupts the enemies hitted by attacks if activated.

1st Ring : Limbo

2nd Ring : Lust

3rd Ring : Gluttony

4th Ring : Greed

5th Ring : Wrath

6th Ring : Heresy

7th Ring : Violence

8th Ring : Fraud

9th Ring : Treachery

• 10 Virtues Arts

The Holy gives the Virtues to be act, not to act. Each virtues act as defense, offense and support, they're divided into 4 types of Virtues.

Virtues of Maiden : Purity, Patience, Love

Virtues of Lover : Selflessness, Truth, Repose

Virtues of Sufferers : Pacifism, Faith, Reticence

Virtue of Man : Piety

Special Skills :

• Demon's Onslaught

If used, grants buff 'Empowerment', 'Rage', 'Utra Regeneration', 'Swiftness', 'Defense 100', in exchange of health or sanity. Can be turned off and on by will.

CD : 2 months

• Limit Breaker : Time

Breaks the Time by Speed, and grants the ability to move freely against time in a certain amount of time.

CD : 24 hours

• Blood Summon

Summons Creatures by the use Blood.

MP use and Blood :

• F-rank : 30, 1 drop of blood

• E-rank : 40, 5 drops of blood

• D-rank : 50, 1 liter of blood

• C-rank : 60, 3 liters of blood

• B-rank : 70, 15 liters of blood

• A-rank : 80, 25 liters of blood

• S-rank : 100, 100 liters of blood

•SS-rank : 200, 500 liters of blood

•SSS-rank : 20% of MP, 1 500 liters of blood

•X-rank : 50% of MP, 5 000 liters of blood

•Ancient : 100%, 500 000 liters of blood

CD : None

• Summon

Normal Summoning.

MP use : 80-100 000 (from E-rank to Ancient)

• Dimension Creation

Allows the user to create a dimension which he can organize and bend the laws inside, be it laws of time or space. Scanned Geographical Surfaces can be copied and materialize inside the dimension.

MP use : None (Creation), Changing Time (Depends in how much time ratio are), Geographical Materialization (200 per Cubic meter/liter, and 400 per 5 tons)

Available Dimensions :

- Dimension of Training (6 000 yrs. : 1 min)

- Dimension of Farming EXP (60 days : 1 hour)

• Elemental Fusion

Elements can be bend and fuse by the user's will, making a powerful type of weapon. Can fuse 5 new kinds of Magic per day.

Fused Magic Skills :

• Flame Ball + Fiery Explosion + Shadow Ball = Shadowflame Orb

• Shadow Ball + Earth Bullet + Water Ball = Corruption Cannon

• Shadow Grasp + Earth Hand + Fire Wave = Chaos Slash Wave

• Shadow Puppet + Steel Skin + Call of Undead = Guardian of Demise

• Shadowflame Orb + Corruption Cannon + Chaos Slash Wave = Trios Demonio : Despair

• Holy Light + Light Barrier + Earth Thorns = Healers Castle Barricade

• Water Ball + Wind Orb + Gravity Distortion = Call For Timber

• Lightning Ray + Flamethrower + Echolocation = Might of Thunderbolt

• Zero Sound + Shockwave + Dark Curse = Waves of Oblivion

• Ghoul Call + Zombie Call + Dark Marrionette = Homunculus of Nightmare

• Light Ray + Fiery Explosion + Gravity Distortion + Tornado = The Tempest

• Shadow Orb + Shadow Orb + Shadow Orb + Shadow Force + Eye of Wind + Gravity Distortion = Darkness Arrives

• Metal Skin + Fire Claw + Darkness Aura = The Corruptor's Hand