
Chapter 3

I was now 18 years old. Gates had started appearing 4 years ago and I had awakened my strength, I was a C-Rank hunter who could take down a B-Rank with alot of effort, Sung Jin-Woo is still an E rank hunter. My parents figured out how easy life in Korea could be so we moved there about a year ago.

We lived a floor above Sung Jin-Woo, and we owned the whole building, yes, the whole building. Sung Jin-Woo and me had become best friends in this time frame, we would always head to the gym when he came over and would do extreme exercises, resulting in both of us being really worn out.

I was raiding with Jin-Woo now and I started calling him Jin, to save some time and make it easier. He would trail behind me as I cleared dungeons with other people, I had been invited to White Tiger because of my skill but I declined, Baek Yoon-Ho was really smart, he would figure me out faster than he did Jin.

Jin was annoyed that I declined the offer but I just told him, "I don't want to be tied down by a guild, I would rather gather a group of people and create my own guild." Jin still didn't understand but he acted like he did. Good friend.

The most dangerous dungeon I've been in is a A-Rank dungeon, I was really useful in it as well. I got buffed in physical abilites and killed alot of monsters, increasing my pay to another level, which I gave most of the money to Jin, about 500,000 while I kept 300,000. We kept this up until that fateful day came.

-6 Years Later-

It's been 6 years since me and Jin started clearing dungeons together. Today was a big day in the Manga, the Statue dungeon was today. We had all of the original characters that appeared there. I was waiting and after a little while, we were told to start entering the dungeon. As we went in, Jin was sticking close to me "Why are you sticking so close?" Jin looked at me and said "I feel like something bad is going to happen." I nodded and we kept walking, killing any monster coming close to us.

After a little while, we ran into the door to the double dungeon. As we debated to go in, Song Chi-Yul made a vote, we go in, or we stay back. I voted going in and at the end, Chi-Yul said "It's tied, 8-8, Sung your vote decides this." I was questioning this, in the original, there was 16, now there is 17? "I'll go!" Chi-Yul opened the gate and we walked in.

There were statues in the chamber lining the walls, some were holding instruments, others were holding weapons. They walked up to a area on the wall, 'The Carthenon Temple' there were 3 rules written on there. "Worship the God, Pray to God, Prove your faith." I knew all of these, a guy tried to walk out of the room saying he was leaving, "Don't touch the handle!" Chi-Yul yelled out, the guy didn't listen, *WOOSH* The sound of something flying through the air echoed througout the dungeon as the statue held a bloody weapon, "They attack!? Even the big one?!" As everyone started panicking, Jin yelled "DUCK!"

A bright beam flew right through the air, killing multiple people. The other people were in panick, Jin recited and figured out the rules, "Stay low, at this height we can keep moving." Everyone did what he said, "Second Rule, Pray to god." A man with long black hair stepped forward, "I was in church choir, I can do this." he started praying 'WRONG GOD!' A foot came down upon him as a sickening crunch was heard. Jin looked around, I yelled out, "GO TO THE STATUES WITH INSTRUMENTS!" everyone started running towards them, desperate for life, Jin got his leg removed from a statue while running towards a instrument.

After that an altar appeared from the ground, "Prove your faith, this often was done through sacrifice." Everyone said Song Chi-Yul should go up except a few, "We all voted!" I said out loud, "We voted to come in here, why should we put Song Chi-Yul up there." no one talked, "Everyone get on the altar." Everyone did so.

Flames lit up around it, I was too lazy to remember how they worked. Everyone started leaving from the door that was now ajar, as though it had been opened by someone else. The flames slowly started dying out, When the last few flames were there, Me and Jin stayed back as we let Ju-Hee and Chi-Yul leave.

We both picked up our weapons and Jin balanced on one leg as I had trained everything about him, including his center of gravity, it was shifted so he could stand up on one leg.

I jumped towards one statue, eager to get my powers. I punched it and it... shattered? I realize something is wrong, I turn around and get launched by an arrow into the altar, the arrow impaling Jin as well, sticking us both into the altar.

As I'm about to die, I see a message pop up in my field of view, [Would you like your powers?] I reply, although weakly, "Yes." my vision goes black as I pass out. As I'm unconcious, I feel a warm energy inside me, 'Chakra.' I then feel multiple emotions fly over me. I see eyes shaped like a diamond looking at me, 'Shukaku, huh?' I honestly couldn't care less and didn't bat an eye at it.


Sorry it's so late, I was playing Siege Ranked with my friend, got my rank, Silver 4 which should have been Silver 2 because the game wouldn't connect after the 3rd round with the score 3-0, so I'm happy, I met a really cool random though.