
Chapter 7: Meet the Gang



I'm trying to suppress all the feelings that little by little wants to come out of my mouth.

I'm lying in Warren's lap right now..

I was shocked...

Yes.. Who wouldn't?

When you opened your eyes and the first thing that you see is his face.

Oh shit!

But I have to take advantage of the situation..

I need to play...


That's not necessary...

Unconscious is fine..

But hey.....

How did I actually ended up here anyway?

Let me flash back for a moment here....

If I remembered it correctly,

His last words was:

"If I kiss you right now, will you stop bothering me?"

Then he started to close the gab between us..

Just remembering how close he is, his scent....

.... his lips..

I'm starting feel the same sensation all over again.

That time, I can't barely breathe because of the closeness between us so I panicked a lot. But despite the hesitation on his face, he still continued to got himself closer and closer....then.....then....

I can't remember what happened next.

And when I finally opened my eyes...


I actually thought I'm still asleep.

Seeing his worried angelic face in front of me..

Holy crap!! I wanna stay like this forever!

I want to cry all of a sudden...

Why am I feeling so contented right now?....

Is this how real happiness feels like?

I closed my eyes....

I wanted to treasure every seconds of this moment. I never felt this contentment before. My life as a heiress was full of loneliness, despair and emptiness..

Probably the reason why I always seeking for attention, compliment and love.....


That I never seen and felt ever since I was born.


That my Dad deprived me for the longest time.

All I want... is for him to notice me and give me a bit of his attention...

But for him...

It's so damn impossible!

All he knew was I'm the reason why my mother died..

She died after giving me birth.


Yes..for me it is..

Because when I was born, I did not just lose my mom but my dad too..

That's why I don't fucking care to celebrate my birthday.

Why should I?

To remind myself why dad hates me so much?

To remind myself that mom died because of me?

Dad can't even look at me in the eyes. Whenever we talk all I can see is his back.

He can't stand my presence.

Maids and butlers are the only one who took care of me and guided me while growing up.

Though I got everything I want...

Never been surrounded with love...

I guess I don' really know what love is....

And I don't think I even love myself at all...

That's why I can't give love to others too..

Pathetic, isn't it?

Pretended to be the strong, contented, happy woman all my life. Admired and loved by everyone.

Ha! I'm just fooling myself..

All of these are...


I should've known!

Because despite everything that I have. That never gave me the true happiness nor the contentment that I've been longing for.

But this very moment...

I can't understand why....

I'm so happy...

Just by lying in Warren's lap like this, he can already make me feel this way and forget my vengeance against him.

He removed and tacked the misplaced hair at the back of my ears.

I moved for a bit. I felt an electricity running all over my body.

I feel thrilled. Oh my!

I'm feeling all mix emotions here. But I can't show it or else he would know I'm awake.

I turned to his direction to hide the tears that's starting form on the side of my eyes.

I don't want to end this..

Please let us stay like this for a moment.

"We're almost there sir." My driver said. That removed Warren's attention away from me.

Wew! That was closed! He almost caught me.

Then he turned at my direction again...

Brushed his fingers against my cheeks...

This tingling sensation again.

Next to my nose...then he stopped..

Like he's restraining himself to continue..


I felt so disappointed for some reason.

He lifted and was about to put my head on the car seat.


My body acted on its own and my arms automatically wrapped around him.

I'm surprised too, but my desire to stay like this is stronger than anything else.

Now I'm pretty sure he knew that I'm awake this time...

But the car suddenly stopped. My driver went out and opened the door immediately.

Good job!

My driver saved the day again.

He signal Warren to carry me all the way to the clinic.

I saw hesitation on his eyes but just for a little while.

Warren did carry me.

The feeling?....


He let my head rest on his chest.

Oh lord!

I'm going to get crazy..

I'm still suppressing the glee that wants to come out my mouth..

I felt like I'm also sweating because I'm having a hard time hiding this tingling effect this scene is giving me.

Its probably gonna take 15 minutes before we reach the clinic from the parking lot.

That's too short.


I just remembered.

We'll pass by the classrooms before we reach the clinic.

99.9% chance that we'll run into Althea and the students.

Oh yeah right!

This scene will surely kill the bad idea people had because of what had happened yesterday.

3 slow claps for me...

We finally got into the corridor.

As expected, they were all shocked and it created a commotion....

exciting part?....

Althea and the girls saw how Warren carried me in his masculine arms.

What a perfect day!?

When we got into the clinic, he immediately laid me down the bed and went outside. I heard him talking to the nurse for a minute then he bid goodbye.

I immediately stand. My knees are for real trembling and weak.

But despite..

I can't help but smile.

Oh Warren...

I placed my right hand on my chest and feel my heart pounding.

It's so fast..

like a drum or something...

You're the only person who can make me feel this way Warren...


What about my revenge?



Our team won. My teammates and coach was so amazed with how I played.

They were so thankful that I am on their side. Our team is consist of scholar students like me.

Glad to hear.

I don't want to be teamed up with rich kids.

That's gonna be a pain on the butt.

Our first game was a good fight and I admit I got all excited to play. Especially when they told me that we are against last year's champion.

My competitive side strikes again.

I got all fired up and volunteered to face their team's MVP. Just to test his capability.

He's good. He knows how to play well.

He's actually the source of their team score too. Not until I manned him of course.

He wasn't able to get much points after that. I can sense how pissed and irritated he was. Which I used to our advantage. The more he gets mad the more pressured and distracted his teammates was.

I can easily read and manipulate their game. And as I expected, we won.

Coach even gave me an alias.

Secret weapon.


I want to burst out laughing...

but they were so damn serious about it. According to my scholar teammates' story, rich kids prohibited them from joining the basketball league itself.

But the principal sided with them so they were able create their own team. Bad side, they never got the chance to win.

This was their very first.

I shook my head in disbelief as I remembered their happy faces. I can't helped but smile as well.

Lets stop thinking about the game for the mean time. I'm on my way back to the clinic now.

My smile instantly faded. I have to check her condition.

I'm worried I guess....

How is she? I hope she's awake now.

I'm already close to the infirmary but a group of guys all of a sudden showed up and blocked my way.

Not again!

"What do you want?" I asked.

I'm in a hurry for pete sake. I'm tired too. I just came from a basketball game.

This guys..they're not wearing the usual fabric tied on their forehead before.

Their faces.... not familiar.

So this is not the same group I encountered before.

"Good for nothing scholar who doesn't know his right place." I heard someone from my back said.

I was about to face his direction but I got a surprised punch.

I was taken a back.

It hurts. seriously..

That fist was pretty hard.

I tasted a blood in my mouth.

I wiped it away.

"Is that how rich kid fight? Attacking someone's back?" I spat the blood out of my mouth.

"Wooow! Pretty brave for a poor guy ha?" He laughed and the other followed him and laughed too.

This traitor..

He's somewhat familiar..

I've seen him somewhere..


He's the MVP guy I played against with a while ago.

"Is that your way of complimenting me for defeating you in the basketball game?" I smirked.

"What the fuck are you saying?" He shouted with anger.

Two guys suddenly held both of my arms preventing me to make a move. Then he gripped my collar.

"Who do you think you are?! No one!...no one had ever defeated me!!" He said directly in my face.

"News flash. I already did. So forget about the idea of being a champion again." I teased him even more.

"Oh really? Lets see how you can score with broken bones." He threatened.

I got alarmed. This guy are far from the first encounter I had. They were stronger..

and a lot more....

He was about to give me another blow in my stomach but someone interfered.

"Stop it June!" She yelled.

That voice....

....that irritating voice.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

She asked while removing those guy's hands away me and glaring at them.

"What...what..what are you doing here Rich? Are you hurt or something?" That freaking June asked her. Looking so worried. "Did this fucking asshole hurt you?" He added and was preparing himself to throw another punch on me.

"You stop right there! OMG! He didn't do anything to hurt me!" She defended. "Don't you ever hurt him again June." She warned with a glare in her eyes.

"I'm warning you! I'll never talk to you again if you do."

Why is she defending me?

I'm the bad guy and reason why she's in the clinic right now.

You're supposed to be happy that this idiots are beating me up..right?

Are you somehow...

...pretending again?


But the look on her face..

She's gazing at me with so much concern in her eyes.

"Are you okay Warren?" She whispered.

I was stunned. She really is worried. I can sense it.

I just nodded.

She assisted and carried me while walking.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Rich? Why are you so worried about that worm? You never yelled at me that way." He raged

He's like a child throwing his tantrums.

"I don't need to explain myself to anyone June!" She said in a serious tone. "You know me."

We walked away. She acted as a support so I can stand better.

Well, I can stand still.

But it feels good assisted by her..

"Why did you defend me?" I can helped but asked.

She bit her lips.

"I'm the reason why you got to the clinic in the first place." I added. Trying to get more answer from her.

"Just like what I told June, I don't need to explain myself to anyone." She humored. As if she avoiding to answer the question. "Just shut the fuck up! You're hurt. Why didn't you fight back anyway?" She asked like she knew I can.

I didn't answer her. I guess I was just tired. She shrugged. As if she understands that I'm tired.

We reached her car and helped me get on. She ordered his driver to go to the hospital but I immediately stopped her.

"No need. I Just wanted to get home. I can still walk. You don't have to give me a ride." I said continuously. But as if she didn't hear anything.

"You heard him Manong. He wants to go home. So go!" She ordered.

She's really hopeless...

I shook my head...

We reached my house in no time.

She was about to go out of her car but I stopped her.

"You don't have to. I can take it from here." I saw a bit of complain in her face but she just agreed and nodded.

I get out of the car.

I didn't care to look back.

This is the last time that I'll be near her.

Goodbye Rich...

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