

2 days later, in the afternoon, after school, Kenji's room.

"This is the condition and features of the 3 houses. If you are interested, please contact me, sir~"

"Okay, I've seen the information you sent yesterday, I'll contact you again after I see the video of the 3 houses you sent today, I'll transfer the travel expenses to you as usual.."

"Okay~ thank you sir~"

After ending the call, Kenji saw the video sent by the house seller's receptionist and let out a tired sigh.

"troublesome, even though I had previously anticipated some people would follow me, but I still couldn't shake off the unpleasant feeling of someone stalking me.. luckily I had been careful, otherwise I would have really lost my money.. well... this is it risk of playing with fire.. fortunately they underestimated me because I was still a child.. otherwise my movements would be more limited.. I hope the stalkers don't know each other.."

After letting out a tired sigh, Kenji looked at the information on the 3 houses in front of him.

"As I thought, even though it's an old house, but it has a basement, this is a suitable place for me to store some things... plus the location is really between fujimi high school and shizuka's friend's house... yosh, just choose this one. "There are several things that need to be repaired about the house... I think I can get the receptionist to help me, apart from having experience, he is also quite obedient when given money..."

2 days later

"Oh Hirano, you've come first, haven't you!"

"S-sure, coming 5 minutes before the appointed time has become a common thing.."

".... this isn't a date, you know? Why did you come 5 minutes before the appointed time? and also why are you talking nervously like that?! I like women you know?!"

"ah! Is that true ? eh, I mean sorry! I'm also a normal guy, maybe I'm nervous because I rarely communicate..."

"Whatever... the point is, there's no need to be nervous when talking to me, then, where are we going?"

"etto... I know it's late, but why did you go to the weapons shop?"

"huh?! is of course to buy weapons ! Why else would I go to a gun shop? never mind let's go quickly, first I want to find a big knife.."

Hirano, who was pressured by Kenji, finally didn't ask any more questions and guided Kenji to a weapons shop to buy a large knife.

A few moments later Kenji and Hirano arrived at a weapons shop that sold various knives, only there were no knives that made Kenji interested in the shop, besides almost all of them were blunt knives or decorative knives, Kenji wanted a real knife. So Kenji negotiated with the shop seller.

"So, you want to order a custom weapon?"

"Yes! I want to have my own sword!"


"Yeah... as long as you have money, I can make it for you, what kind of knife do you want?"

"Long blade, like a katana, but wider and thicker, a very powerful blade!! I want a knife like that.. oh yes another katana knife that is strong and sharp, then you don't need to worry about money, I will give it according to the quality of the items you make.."

After hearing Kenji's words, veins appeared on the knife seller's forehead, he felt that his skills were being underestimated, he immediately snorted in annoyance.

"Humph! You brat, you don't know anything, I will definitely make a sword that will satisfy you!"

Seeing the middle-aged man in front of him burning with anger, Kenji smiled happily. After all, Kenji provoked the man in front of him on purpose, to raise the spirit of the forge.

'If it works in the game, I don't know the effect in the real world, sorry friend, please don't be too angry, I had to provoke you to raise the forging spirit!'

Seeing the middle-aged man in front of him burning with anger, Kenji apologized in his heart and smiled happily.

"I'll wait for him uncle! this is my contact number! right, uncle, how long did it take you to make that sword?"

"one month !"

"ehh, that's too long uncle... can you make it in 15 days?"

"Hey kid! I am also a shop trader, a father, and have a wife and children! it's not an easy thing to forge a sword! Besides, I also have to look for the materials!"

"ehh.. come on uncle, I can't wait that long... I'll pay more! please shorten the time!"

"….25 days!"

"No uncle, 25 days will also be too late! 20 days ! I will pay more, so please make those 2 knives in 20 days! I will give you 200,000 yen as a deposit!"

After putting the money on the table, Kenji bowed, the atmosphere became silent and tense for a few seconds, even Hirano, who had been watching from the corner of the room, swallowed his saliva because he was nervous, after all his expertise was not negotiation.


"....before that, I haven't asked why you made these two swords?"

Kenji who was bowing down was stunned by this question and after making up his mind he raised his head and looked into the knife seller's eyes.

'eyes are the mirror of the heart, I don't remember what anime I heard this from..'

"The reason I made 2 swords, was to protect myself and the people around me!"


After Kenji spoke the atmosphere became silent again for a few seconds and during this silence Kenji continued to look at the knife seller with determined eyes.

"ahahahaha... brat! you're crazy huh?! to protect he said! ahahaha, if every kid like you has to protect yourself and the people around you, then what will the police do? hahaha..."


"hahaha... haaa... I don't know what happened, but what is your expression, brat! You look like you're just going to war, damn it! I will try to make it in 20 days!"

Seeing Kenji's expression still unchanged, the knife seller stopped laughing and sighed, then agreed to Kenji's request reluctantly. Seeing that the seller agreed, Kenji immediately thanked him and left the knife shop.

"Next is the body armor shop and firearms shop!"

"etto... kenji-san, I can take you to a shop that sells protective clothing, but... firearms are... impossible..."

"huh? impossible right? then…we go to the supply store to hunt animals, maybe we can get some useful things…oh, we also need to go to the equipment store…"

"e-eh?! t-that... I don't think they'll sell it to us..."

"hm? Do you still not understand after we visited Hirano's knife shop? as long as we have money, things can be discussed.."

"....it seems you were right..."

"Okay, let's go to the next shop!"

That's how Kenji went to several shops, bought lots of sweets and treats, and ordered custom body armor.