

"How was my previous offer, Hirano? If you're interested in firearms, you definitely know a place or two to buy them, right?"

"Ugh... I..."

Seeing the fat, bespectacled man in front of him making a troubled expression, Kenji sighed. After Kenji parted ways with Shizuka and went to the cafeteria, Kenji saw Hirano who was eating alone, then he immediately bought his food and sat in front of Hirano.

'This person is often the target of bullying, it seems like he has become less brave, in the anime his character will change completely when holding a firearm, so he should know several places that sell them, but how can I remove his guard against me?'

Just when Kenji was thinking about how to gain Hirano's trust, an arrogant voice sounded beside him.

"Satou kenji!! I've finally found you !"

Hearing a familiar voice, Kenji looked beside him, next to him was a girl with pink hair with two pigtails making a sullen face while pointing at Kenji and putting her other hand on her waist.

"hm? Takagi-san? do you need me?"

Takagi, who was previously a little annoyed when he found Kenji, became angry when he saw Kenji's innocent behavior, tilting his head and making an expression as if he didn't know.

'this guy ! has he forgotten about it?!'

Kenji couldn't help but laugh when he saw the stundere girl in front of him grit her teeth in annoyance.

"ahaha... I'm sorry, it was my fault, come on, don't be angry, I'll buy you a drink later as an apology..."

"hmph ! who's mad at you!"

"Is that so? then okay, sorry for misunderstanding, so where did our conversation go, Hirano-san? Oh yeah, if you can guide me to those shops, I can give you 100,000 yen... hmm... if that's not enough, how about I help you take care of the bastards who are bothering you? I can't promise they won't follow you forever, but I can make them remember to the bone the consequences of bothering you... how? This offer is quite attractive for you, right?"

Hirano, who had been hesitant to help Kenji, was stunned, he didn't expect Kenji to give him such a good deal, he had often been bullied, so he was very wary and worried whether Kenji would become one of the new bullies for him, after all Kenji's previous offer. very biased, Kenji just asked him to guide him to a weapons shop, in return Kenji would give him 100,000 yen.

Keep in mind they are high school students, for an ordinary high school student, 100,000 yen is a lot, people who are not closely related suddenly ask him to talk, find out a few things about him and ask him to be a guide for a high fee. Even Takagi, who was about to get angry again, immediately closed his mouth. Even though he comes from a family that doesn't lack money, he still has the concept of money for a normal high school student, 100,000 yen just to be a guide is just a waste of money, after all Takagi is sure Kenji wouldn't hire a fat teenager and a gun maniac for a long trip, after all they are a student. Moreover, Kenji even added his offer to help Hirano beat up the people who bothered him.

"Wh-huh!! I think you should think about it again Satou, you can't give false hope to others.."

Kenji smiled at Hirano and automatically ignored the cynical comments of the stundere girl who was still beside him while crossing her arms over her chest.

"How ? I think this deal is pretty good.."

Hirano, who was previously stunned, came back to his senses when Kenji asked again. He looked at Kenji's face for a few seconds, then made up his mind.

"Okay, I'll take you to any weapons shop you want!"

Kenji, who initially intended to make an initial investment in Hirano, was immediately stunned when he heard Hirano's answer. Hirano agreed, which met his expectations. Moreover, he gave a large salary. It's just that Hirano's words were very broad. Moreover, unlike Kenji, a transferser, Hirano doesn't know the future of the world he lives in. , you can be sure that Hirano has already made up his mind to actually be his guide when going to weapons shops everywhere.

'Did I hit the jackpot? it seems that hirano is very fed up because of the bullying that other people do to him, even though I don't really like talking to men... ahem, after all my orientation is normal, but I don't hate people with strong loyalty like hirano... then... '

After being stunned for a few seconds Kenji grinned confidently.

"I see, since you have said so sincerely, tell me your full name is Hirano!"

Hirano who heard this looked at Kenji in confusion, but he still answered Kenji's question.

"My name is... Hirano Souta"

"Then Hirano Souta! I promise to help you get rid of the people who bullied you! I'll make sure that the person who bullied you remembers the consequences of bullying you to the bone!"

With a confident smile and a bit of bloodlust, Kenji stood up from his seat and shouted with enthusiasm which made the people in the cafeteria turn their eyes to the table where Kenji was. Takagi who was beside Kenji patted his face and sighed, he regretted approaching the 2 stupid people in front of him. In contrast to Takagi, Hirano looked at Kenji with eyes full of gratitude, he couldn't even hold back the tears that came out of his eyes, Kenji shouted so loudly in the canteen full of people, of course Hirano knew what Kenji meant, Kenji made himself board the same boat as Hirano.

"T-Thank you!"

Seeing Hirano bow his head, Kenji shook his head

"Okay, raise your head, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, I hope we can work together well.."

"Yeah!! I will do my best, sir!"

Seeing Hirano give him a military salute, Kenji sighed tiredly.

'damn I was too excited, I messed up my plans to live life carefully, after all it's still a few days before the zombie outbreak starts, although I can fight, I can't fight that many people without killing them, after all making them unable to fight is more difficult instead of killing him..'

Kenji, who has been training himself for a long time to attack various human vital points in emergency situations, realizes the weakness of his self-protection training, namely that it cannot be used in peaceful periods!

'but still, since I made a promise, I have to keep it!'

"So ? Are you going to fight directly with those bullies? Even though you probably already know, let me remind you again, they are not alone and you can't always be next to the fat guy. I admit that your words look very cool, but if you fail to deter the bullies, maybe Hirano will receive more bullying. heavy .."

Takagi, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke seriously. Hirano, who was still giving a military salute, heard Takagi's analysis and swallowed his saliva, while Kenji raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect Takagi to care about what he did, after all they had only met a few times.

'And as I remember, this stundere girl likes the protagonist boy, right? Was it because the protagonist boy ignored him for too long? after all that boy has a rough mouth, a lot of negative thoughts, and doubts...'

"hmm... I won't immediately fight with Hirano's bullies, after all I have done publicity in the canteen, many people have heard this, I will wait for them to bully Hirano or Hirano, don't hesitate to tell me if you are bullied by them again. .. I will immediately go to them if that happens …"

Hearing Kenji's repeated statement, Hirano couldn't hold back his tears any longer

"Yes !"

Takagi saw Kenji's serious face and sighed, he didn't understand why he cared about someone he had only met a few times, the impression of Kenji in his mind was 'annoying' but Takagi didn't want anything to happen to him, after sighing again Takagi looked at Kenji with a complicated look, then leave.

At a table not far from Kenji, a girl with long purple hair who had previously stopped eating, continued eating again when she saw the person making the commotion leave the cafeteria.

"hmm.. it seems like he is also a brave person and.. quite fierce.. really interesting..."

That's right, that girl is Bushijima Saeko, the kendo champion who Kenji previously met in the kendo club room. Kenji, who was currently talking to Hirano, didn't know that he had once again attracted Bushijima's attention, otherwise he would have screamed, very lucky! after all, this is the second time the kendo girl character has attracted attention in the anime.

"I see, then we will go next Sunday, I have to go to the toilet Hirano, go to class first..."

"Okay, see you Kenji-san!"

Seeing that Hirano had walked away, Kenji didn't go to the toilet, but went to the infirmary.

"Shizuka, I need to borrow a cell phone!"

'Plans change, I have to first find someone who can help me if a problem occurs!'