
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · 都市
16 Chs


She wanted to laugh, she wanted to curse and she most certainly wanted to punch him. He dumped her and was telling her to call him by his name when he was her boss now. she remained silent and looked at her computer unable to keep any sort of eye contact with him."...I said you don't have to call me sir," he repeated gently, his tone more gentle compared to before, "just call me by my name... Taehyun."Jennifer couldn't believe his audacity, how could he come here pretending everything was okay between them? "Why would I do that?" She asked harsher than she intended."Oh," he said softly, letting out a breath, "I see...you're still angry with me.."She looks up at him feeling her blood boil. "Oh?" "Still mad at you? Why would I be you did nothing wrong sir." She sarcastically said, "Also you are my boss I will call you sir."He couldn't help but clench his jaw at her words; he wanted to snap back, but the fact that she was his subordinate was something that he had to adhere to.Instead, he chose the mature option to not cause conflict and replied to her in a more professional manner, his tone becoming flat and formal."Very well then, I'll let you get back to work. Let me know if you need anything."He slowly turned away, before he finally added, "..have a nice day."She scoffs feeling annoyed that this was how her first day had to go. "What a jerk, he never changes."=========================================================================Jennifer sat in the back of Yoon's café as she waited her friend to finish cleaning, she had rushed over to the cute café as soon as work was over for the day. Jennifer really liked her new job and the people there were kind too however one person destroyed all the good.Yoona saw her pouting and went over and sat next to her."Hey, you ok? ""No, it's bad girl."Yoona puts her hand on hers."It was your first day, you can't expect it to be like perfect. It's gonna take a while to settle in but you will."Jennifer shakes her head moving closer looking Yoona in the eyes, "That idiot Hong Taehyun, the one that dumped me on my 21st birthday, he is my manager."Yoona's eyes widened."The bastard who dumped you at your birthday party right in front of me? "Jennifer rolls her eyes, "Yes him." "Whatever, I will ignore him."Yoona chuckles."Not so easy when he's in the same office as you and you have to see him everyday.""I will pretend to not see him."Yoona pats her shoulder."If you think you can handle it ok but if gets too much for you come talk to me and I'll bash his head ok?"Jennifer nods smiling happily at her best friend, she knew Yoona would really beat Taehyun up if she got the chance to do so. "Taesan." Yoona smiles at the door seeing her younger brother. "Come in kid."Taesan stepped into the cafe, greeting his sister with a warm smile."Hi, Yoona," he said fondly, looking at her and noticing she had a brighter than usual gleam in her eyes.Jennifer smiles at him, "Hey." She loved seeing Taesan, he was always kind and helpful plus he was funny too. "Helping Yoona?" he asked, "I thought you had work today?""No, she's working, I'm drinking free coffee."Taesan chuckled, amused at her blunt answer."So, you're just here to leech off your best friend's free coffee?" he asked with mock censure, shaking his head.Yoona nudged him playfully, amused by his teasing."I mean you're here to leach off her free snacks." Jennifer responded with a grin.Taesan pretended to be offended by her reply."I am not here just to use her!" he protested."I'm here to be with my sister."Yoona scoffed, her eyes rolling, knowing her brother was just making excuses."Boy please." Yoona says laughing.Jennifer holds back her laugh. "Well I'm also here to be with her."Taesan chuckled again, this time with genuine amusement.He had no doubts about Yoona and Jennifer's friendship; they were like sisters. There was no other way to explain their relationship."You know you're practically another sibling to her, right?" he pointed out, his tone light.Taesan chuckled again, this time with genuine amusement.He had no doubts about Yoona and Jennifer's friendship; they were like sisters. There was no other way to explain their relationship."You know you're practically another sibling to her, right?" he pointed out, his tone light.Jennifer nods smiling, "So you are my little brother right?" Her smile however drops seeing the look on his face.Taesan froze at her words, his heart aching. Yoona sensed his sudden mood shift and looked at him, her expression sharpening."Are you okay?" she asked softly, her eyes taking in the sight of her brother's gloomy expression.Taesan stiffened at her remark, a bit frustrated that she didn't remember their kiss.He couldn't help but notice her use of the word "little" and he winced internally, his ego wounded."I'm not that little, you know," he said, trying to downplay his hurt."Besides, you're not that much older than me."Jennifer smiles relieved he wasn't mad at her joke or something, "Right..." Seeing her relief and her smile, Taesan's annoyance faded away.He couldn't stay mad at her, not when she was looking so genuinely happy.Just being around her made everything so much better."How's work so far?" he asked, deciding to change the subject.She frowns, "Okay." Yoona looks between the both of them, "I'll go get some cake for us." She runs to the back leaving the two alone.Taesan noticed her frown, his brow furrowing with concern.He moved closer to her, his hands resting on her shoulders."What's wrong? Are they working you to hard?" he asked, the worry evident in his tone.She looks up at him, "I'm okay really don't worry, I was just being dramatic as always." She lied not wanting him to worry about her when he was already worried about school.Taesan chuckled softly as he pulled her into a light hug."You're the boss at being dramatic, you know," he teased, his tone light.Taesan didn't really want to pry any further, but he was concerned about her."Are they treating you okay though? It's only your first day.""They were so good to me, I felt really welcomed." She felt so blessed having people worry about her this way, she had really found her family far from home.Taesan's expression softened, his heart warming with relief."I'm glad," he said softly."So all your initial anxieties were just you being your usual dramatic self," he teased, his arms still wrapped around her. Jennifer doesn't even think anything of how close they were."Yes," She laughs nodding.Taesan laughed with her, enjoying the sound of her laugh.At this moment his thoughts wandered back to their kiss, that short moment of bliss that he couldn't forget and for once he wished it was longer.He tightened his arms a bit, pulling her closer.