
I'm Going To Hell Aren't I?

What happens when a 7-year-old kid gets kidnapped for what people call "entertainment"? What will happen to a kid that is sent to a place where it is either kill or be killed along with other kids? --12 years passed-- "Hey, did you hear about that new game coming out?" "Yeah, what is it called again?" "Find Fate Online" ------------------------------- This is not real so please do not put logic nor other logical stuff in this story -------------------------------- While this is an unrealistic story, I try to at least have a modicum of realism in there. --------------------------------- This is a harem but It's not a large harem. It is 2-5 girls in the harem. I have no idea since I don't even know where the story is going to go. I try to develop the girls, so they are not braindead with no personality women. --------------------------------- I try to update but if I don't then whatever.

PenguinsAreCool · 都市
9 Chs

The Beginning!

After I made those request and the soldier walked away, I went back to my corner. I made 3 request to see how far I can push. However, to get 3 request is something I find interesting. Maybe I am more special than I thought?

I ask for a mask to cover my face because I don't want to show my emotions that I have on my face after every fight. As I continue to survive, I won't be the only one getting better in this place. I will meet people that have the same skill set as I have or even better, but I will continue to fight for my life to make it back home.

I have realized that the people in this placed speak my language, so I think that I still am in my country, or they come from where I used to live. I sigh and stand up and start going over my routine. I work out and now I review what I have gone through this past month. Everything Hein taught me and things that I need to do better to survive.

The next day I am now in the cafe and going over what I have learned with Hein. "You are a fast learner. Have you been practicing in your free time?" Hein said.

"Yes. To survive in this place, you need to get stronger much faster, and I also need to learn many things." I replied.

Hein walked up to be and patted my shoulder with his hand "Okay. I will be teaching you to use weapons now?"

"Huh? Didn't you say you were a martial artist? I thought you could only use your fist." I asked.

"No. Martial artist don't always use their fist. Some use a weapon or many weapons. I have taught you all the things I have learned in the way of the fist as much as I can with that small body of yours. You are still a kid and not every martial art would be right for you."

"That is why some people create their own martial art to fit their skills and body as well as other things to make the best technique best for themselves." Hein explained.

"However, you are not able to create your own yet or ever since creating a martial art is difficult, very difficult. That is why most martial artist aren't able to get stronger since they don't have a technique meant just for them.

"I learned that from my father, but my father said he could be wrong since they are many different people with different experiences and bodies."

I listen to what Hein said and wondered if I could create a technique just for me.

Cain greatly underestimated how difficult it is to create your own martial art. But he will know in time.

I absorb what Hein explained but put away the thought of creating my own technique until I get stronger. Hein continued to teach me and make me stronger as well as make me smarter so I can make better decisions in a fight instead of being a fool and rushing in without knowing anything.

Lunch was over and I was escorted back to my cell. However, when I looked inside my cell, I saw that there was a long metal bar with some weights beside as well as a box on top of my rock bed. No mask. I saw no mask.

I walk over to my box and put it down on the floor and look under my bed and take out the tags I have put under there. I open the box to put the tags under there, but I saw something in it. My mask.

A full black face mask that covered my entire face. It wasn't what a robber would wear like a ski mask or something like that or stretchy. It was a mask that was hard. It had no eye holes which made me wonder how I was going to see. no mouth which made me wonder how I would breathe. As well as no string to hold my mask on my face.

I don the mask and it is a bit big on my face, but I could see. I could breathe. I didn't care how. I didn't ask for a reason anyways. the mask also is able stock on face without a screen.

I wondered why they would give me all this stuff, but it could be that I wasn't the only one who would get rewards from fights. I saw my father and mother workout before, so I more or less know how to use this.

I try to use one of the weights, but it was too heavy for me.

I am still too weak.

I ignore the other stuff on and keep my mask on to get comfortable with it or break it in. I look at the box and then the name tags of the people I have killed. I sigh and put it in the box and close it. I put the box under my bed and go to the corner.

I cry once more but the tears that fall down are less than the previous day. I reminisce about the time of my life where everything was peaceful. I liked those times. I regret that I didn't show even more love to my parents than I already did.

After my crying moments I immediately get to work. I work out while reviewing what Hein taught me. I work on the speed of my punches. I work on my stamina by going back and forth in the small cell.

I am tired. I am tired of everything, but I mustn't give up. I must get back home. I look at the small view of outside where there is nothing but sand.

I sigh to myself and take of my mask. I look at my mask and fell asleep.

Who would know that this mask is where it all started?

3 months past

I have been chosen for every "Pigpen Culling" for these three months. I have killed 12 people.

During my stay here I have killed 18 people. I have used each person as training for me. To train my reflex, speed, power, thought process among other things.

I have never taken my mask off. When I eat, I eat under the mask where my mouth is, but I never took of my mask. Hein ask me why I have a mask and I said it is so nobody could see my expressions.

Hein didn't really care. It didn't matter whether I wore a mask or not. He wouldn't even care if I wore a unicorn mask on. He kept on teaching me. This time I learned about weapons. There were random things in this lunch that could be used as a weapon. Even a fork or a spoon.

He gave me knowledge of what a weapon means. A weapon is not you. You are not the weapon. The weapon is a mere extension of your body parts. A weapon is something you use.

He taught me many things about weapons. We started off using a fork as a knife and taught me things. He said his father taught him many weapons, but he never mastered any of them. He only knew the basics.

Hein was teaching me the basics of a knife but of course that could prove to be a little difficult because a fork isn't a knife.

A week passed and I was not chosen for this week "Pigpen Culling".