
I'm Going To Hell Aren't I?

What happens when a 7-year-old kid gets kidnapped for what people call "entertainment"? What will happen to a kid that is sent to a place where it is either kill or be killed along with other kids? --12 years passed-- "Hey, did you hear about that new game coming out?" "Yeah, what is it called again?" "Find Fate Online" ------------------------------- This is not real so please do not put logic nor other logical stuff in this story -------------------------------- While this is an unrealistic story, I try to at least have a modicum of realism in there. --------------------------------- This is a harem but It's not a large harem. It is 2-5 girls in the harem. I have no idea since I don't even know where the story is going to go. I try to develop the girls, so they are not braindead with no personality women. --------------------------------- I try to update but if I don't then whatever.

PenguinsAreCool · 都市
9 Chs

Can Anyone Give Me Food?

Cain has 1 month till his birthday. Of course, he won't be spending it with his families but with strangers and killing. Oh, and Hein.

Once week has passed and I have been chosen to fight again. The soldier came to pick me up from my cell and let me out. I followed him to the weapon room and looked at the weapons that is in front of me. I walk over to a specific weapon.

A sword.

I lift it up and although it is not light, it is enough for me to swing without much strain. The sword is a typical cross sword. I walk over to the closed gate and wait till it opens.

I ready myself with a determined expression behind my mask.

I look at my opponent and look at her face. It is a girl who looks older than me. I can't tell her age just from looking.

She has black hair, small body as if she has been starved. She is holding a weird weapon. A curved weapon. I think Hein said something about a weapon that looked like this.

A sickle did he call it?

We started running at each other only to slow down as we approach each other. I have my sword in hand about to wing. She also has her sickle ready to swing but as a sickle was smaller, it couldn't go the range a sword does. She already swung her sickle and as my sword was dawning on her she twisted her body to my left side and dodge my strike.

She immediately tries to attack right after that seeing as I was open but pull my sword back quickly and block the sickle. We take a couple steps back and steady our pace and observe the other.

She's good.

I didn't have time to think much as she started to attack right away. She swings the sickle at my feet, and I jump only for her to use her free left hand to punch me while I'm in the air or she would have punch me if I hadn't blocked it with my hand.

During that short time in the air, I grabbed her hand and pulled it towards me and tried to spin her body to the side where she has no weapons. I use the sword in my right hand to swing at her head and successfully chopped her head off.

I pant heavily. I looked at the headless body and then the head without the body that rolled away from me with her eyes still open. While this isn't the first time, I killed someone I normally killed all my opponents by stabbing them. I never cut off someone's head off before.

You may think the weapons are dull and won't be able to cut properly but surprisingly, they keep it maintained well enough to be sharp.

I stand up and looked at the blood dripping off my sword. I look up and look at the audience. The person in charge of this place actually got so many of these people to watch my fight. Maybe a hundred? Maybe more.

I stab the sword into the ground and walk off.

A sickle huh?

I go back to my cell and begin my routine except there is no more crying anymore. My tears have already run out. I replaced the crying time with rest. I already work out to my limit and if I push myself even more, I would just be injuring myself.

My birthday is in a few weeks. I will be turning 8 years old. I sigh thinking about my family.

I try to shrug off the depressing thought trying to invade my mind and start working out. But I stop only to feel that someone is nearby. Only now did I just realize that I have kept my mask on this entire time. I realized this fact, but I didn't make any effort to take my mask off.

The soldier is now in front of my cell.

Did I forget to mention that the soldiers change each week. Eh maybe.

"Let's go." The soldier ordered.

"Where?" I asked.

"You are getting moved to another pigpen."

"Another pigpen? Why am I getting moved?"

"Higher ups orders."

He said higher ups orders. Before the soldiers used to say it was the boss's order but now its higher ups? Are they growing?

"What about my stuff in this cell?"

"They will be moved with you."

"Can I at least bring my box?"

"No." Whatever, the box is going to be brought by me anyways.

I sigh thinking that I'm getting moved. It's not liked I developed affections for this place. So, I don't really care but I was wondering about Hein and if I would ever see him again.

I ask one last question, "Can I stay bye to the people I've met?"


Straight denied. Ok. I follow him and the walk is taking a long time before not long after I thought the walk was taking a long time, the soldier said, "We are here."

I look around and see many cells. and the soldier takes me to mine. I look inside the cell I'm in front of and see that it is just like my old cell. Dark, little light, small window that even a baby can't fit through. Rock bed, gray stone walls. I see that they have given me a fresh set of clothes after many months.

All black. Black shirt, black shorts, black socks, black shoes.

It didn't matter what cell I'm in. It's all the same and just because I changed my cells, it doesn't mean I would stop my routine. My previous cell was far away from other people but now my cell was next to people.

It didn't matter though. It's not like I was going to talk to them anyways. I started my workout except I didn't have my equipment here yet. So, I did the simple work out like doing pushups and sit ups and other stuff.

"See ya sir!" I waved at the soldier in a childish manner. It is weird. I am much mature than many people my age as well as people older than me but ever since I came here, I have had the urge to do these childish acts and instead of acting more mature, I want to act childish.

The soldier looked at me and grunted with a grumpy look on his face. A couple hours passed, and it was time for lunch. I am led by a soldier to go there and when I finally arrive, I see a crazy sight.

This place is different from my previous lunchroom. My previous lunchroom was ruled by hierarchy, which was determined by strength but was a bit fair, but this lunchroom is like people kneeling to a king.

"Oh. Another newcomer. Come over here." The kid sitting on the chair like a kind said to me.

I look at the kid who looked over 14 maybe. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin.

I look at him but looked away soon after since he looked like a fool to me.

"Hey! Come back here when I'm talking to you!" I ignored him and started walking to away to get my lunch. However, I came to a miserable sight that there was nothing to eat. We normally fight in the morning of every week then I'll get food right after but there is no food!

This is annoying.

The "King" walked up to me and said, "Bow to me and hit your head on the floor 3 times then this kind might just forgive you.

I look at him with blank eyes. Then I start laughing.

Why is he speaking in such a weird way? "Hahahaha. I thought you looked like a fool, but you also speak like one too." Hein has taught me how to get people angry in order for them to make irrational decisions.

"You!" The "King" threw a quick punch at me. Really, someone who looks a lot older than me wants to fight a 7-year-old kid. I'll give him a clap for no discrimination but whatever. However, this guy does look like he got some capabilities.

I dodge the punch by ducking down and I grab his arm with both of my arms and pulled him forward and then using my feet to trip him and then letting go and getting out of the way so he can hit a good face plant on the floor.

I didn't let him of with just that. I quickly jumped on his back and did what I did to that big buy back in my old lunchroom.

I pulled his hair back and then smash it against the floor and then flipped him over easily with some trick and pummeled his face with my small fist. He struggled but he eventually stopped moving. I don't think I killed him. I put my finger under his nose to see if he is still breathing and he was.

I take a piece of clothing he was holding, and I got up while using that piece of clothing to wipe my hands. I look around only to see the people around staring at me full of fear.

It's not like they could see my face since I had a mask on but maybe that enhanced their fear. I finish wiping my bloody hands with the piece of clothing I got before. I tuck the piece of clothing in my clothes.

I look at the people staring at me and say with a smile but it's not like they could see it anyways,

"I'm quite hungry. Can anyone give me food?"

A/N- I hope that whoever is reading this or if anyone is reading this can maybe comment to see if I could do anything better and some spare power stones that you have prwetty pwease?


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