
I'm Getting Assaulted By Yanderes!?

An Esdeath cover always brings in the readers ~~~ {Works not including the OC's are not owned by me and belong to their rightful owners}

PurgeKing · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 3

~Arata POV~

Completing my experiment, I decided that I should give my training a leap in difficulty, the more strain I can put on it the better. I can heal from almost any damage, the progress will be more visible and will come fast, compared to before I became a part Symbiote.

The stronger I get, the more I can multiply my strength. Straining my body beyond its limits by multiplying it more than my body can regenerate should do the trick.

I'll do it in my apartment, seeing somebody's body break down in a public park will cause quite the commotion.

Now, I will proceed with my 'Strengthening'.

Just when I thought, I multiplied my strength as much as I could and what came next was literal hell.

My skin started tearing apart revealing my bare muscles, and soon after my muscles followed showing out my bones making me look akin to a zombie, but the damage disappeared as fast as it came.

The new muscles I gained were much stronger than before, I felt it. If it wasn't for my spider sense warning me before I did that reckless training I wouldn't have cut off my pain receptors(Nociceptors), man am I glad to have this spider sense.

Well then, let's do it again until I can't feel it's effect anymore. I did this for the morning till noon and wasn't my apartment a bloody mess.

But hey! look at the bright side! I got a lot stronger than before.

I'm at least middle high class now without multiplying my strength to it's limit, I should be about low Ultimate class once I maxed my boost and middle Ultimate class in symbiote form in the strength category, my defense isn't needed to be mentioned since I have this disgusting regeneration allowing me to heal even if I'm nothing but a pile of blood.

But well, the devil power ranking system is kinda messed up, as shown when Riser and Rias fought, they were both High class devils but how come Riser was able to beat rias easily with her power of destruction?

I mean the Phenex Immortality is indeed broken but rias the fucking power of destruction! Just attack him faster than he can heal with those fancy blasts! See what I'm talking about?

So I can't accurately measure my strength with that power system, I could be weaker and I could also be stronger than my estimation.

Hm, I might be strong but I have a fatal flaw. I only know the basics of one martial art… that is Taekwando and the only reason I took it up was because I thought that Re Taekwando from GOH was cool.

It's not that big of a problem now that I think about it, I can just go out tonight and hunt some dojo and absorb some of their knowledge and muscle memory, I will do this to more than 5 dojos just to be sure.

Night quickly came, and I was just about done cleaning all this blood, and let me tell you, blood stains are hard to clean.


After jumping out of my window, I lamented the fact that I couldn't swing between buildings, since it would alert some supernatural beings and even if I wanted to there's no building high enough to swing at!

I'm in Kuoh town for fucks sake, not goddamn Tokyo.

Finishing my complaints I started running at full speed and it didn't take me too long to find one, I found at least four dojos on Kuoh, the others needed me to go outside of kuoh but it wasn't a big deal with my speed.

It's the middle of the night more precisely between 12 a.m to 2 a.m so all that was left was some masters who stayed or lived at the dojo. I was able to absorb memories of martial arts from 9 masters and I Implanted it to my motor functions to make it into a muscle memory.

This is enough for now, I can get stronger and more efficient martials arts later on, with those thoughts I sprinted back to my apartment and made sure no one was in the path I was taking using my spider sense.

Spider sense is an ability which gives me near precognitive ability to sense danger, it also allows me to fight those with more experience in fighting, top that of with the martial arts that I just got and will have, it's very busted.

While I was running through the streets, I heard a shout, most likely pleading for help at least a few alleys away from me.

"HELP!" a rather femine voice shouted, the voice was barely audible so she should be a bit farther than I thought.

Now the question is should I help her or not?

Hm, I'll observe the situation first then I'll decide if I will help.

Covering up my body with my symbiote form, I multiplied my speed by four times and I became much faster than I normally run.

It didn't take me more than a second or two to reach my destination

I was on top of a building, closely observing the situation from below.

What I saw was a stray devil closely getting closer and closer to a woman with Blonde hair and twin ponytails, the woman had tears on her eyes and was basically crying.

Ah, wait a minute, isn't that girl…