
I'm Getting Assaulted By Yanderes!?

An Esdeath cover always brings in the readers ~~~ {Works not including the OC's are not owned by me and belong to their rightful owners}

PurgeKing · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Chapter 2

~Arata POV~

Now here comes the other broken power of this essence, I am able to multiply my strength, speed, agility and any other corporeal aspects many times their normal capacity, the amount I can unleash is virtually limitless but there is a limit to how much stress my body can handle. Of course, I can ignore this and allow for physical feats surpassing even gods, but that will be at the expense of my body.

Not to mention, I am disgustingly tough in my Symbiote Form, being able to handle forces that would destroy a planet, survive at near absolute zero temperatures or core of the sun and I can quickly regenerate from any damage, my non-symbiotic form also has boosted defense and regeneration but much less, I can feel it.

Thinking about it, I can probably awaken my Incubus bloodline by activating my unawakened genes. I have an instinctual understanding about how to make any changes I want without harming myself, since I have utter control over my body, mind, soul and any other aspect of my being. Allowing me to shape myself how I see fit.

Theoretically, I should be able to achieve a nerfed Ultra Instinct, by making my body move on their own when spider sense detects any incoming danger.

I should try and activate my Incubus bloodline now, not long after that thought I manipulated my body to unlock my slumbering genes, what came next was another uncomfortable feeling spreading throughout my whole body increasing my stats again.

I gained Instinctual knowledge on how to use demonic power and my bloodline limit of sorts, which is Lust Manipulation, Dreams and Illusion, although it is very weak as not once in my life have I used it.

I tried manipulating my demonic power to create a ball of energy but as expected It ended up dispersing, my control over my demonic power is absolute shit not to mention turning them to elements I can't even make a simple ball.

I might have absolute control over my body, mind and soul but the same cannot be said for my demonic power or any other external and internal energy that isn't related to what I mentioned.

Well, I guess it's time for some training.

I trained until night time, which came not too long after I started training my demonic power. It's a good thing I don't need to sleep that often now, due to being a symbiote.(Do symbiote sleep?)


I stood up and stretched my body, which was a bit stiff, due to staying in the same position the whole night.

I advanced by quite a bit in demonic power, I say my training went pretty good, considering that I only have mediocre talent in it, if not worse.

To use demonic power one must first have the power of Imagination, and the power to create a good sense; however, it requires a certain amount of demonic power, and I lacked demonic power.

The training I did was to increase my reserves and manipulation. I haven't tried the Lust, Dream and Illusions since, I didn't know how to train them in the first place, maybe the Instinctual knowledge on how to use them might help but the Lust and Dream needed a specific target.

The only reason I knew how to train my demonic power was because I remember reading a guide about it back in my Father's library.

Stretching my body once again, I proceeded to head over to the bathroom, after reaching the bathroom I got stuck looking at myself in the mirror.

My appearance completely changed! If I was just above the norm before I got the Ultimate Symbiote, now I look more better than a supermodel!

I bet this has something to do with me unlocking my Incubus bloodline.


This appearance will be a pain in the ass, unlike other people I don't want to be this overly handsome. This appearance can attract a lot of girls but I still haven't reached that level of desperation, yet.

Well, I guess, it's a good thing I can manipulate every part of my body.

After locking the door of my apartment, I jogged to my usual place when I do my daily workout, and I didn't even feel tired, it was like I'm always at my peak state and have virtually limitless stamina.

"Ara~, Arata-chan, you're here quite early." That voice, looking back at the source of the voice, I found one of the lonely housewives whom I definitely didn't seduce to have food on the table.

"Ah, yes ma'am, I woke up quite early today, you see."

"Geez, Arata-chan stop calling me ma'am, it feels quite uncomfortable."

"Ehm, sorry it was a force of habit." I say still continuing with my pushups.

"Well then, I better get home now, I still need to make breakfast, see you later, Arata-chan make sure not to push yourself too hard." I know she's just concerned but I don't even feel tired from this workout anymore. Maybe I should change it?

"See you later too and thanks for your concern I'll make sure I don't push myself too hard." To my response, she just waved and smiled gently.

Well, I doubt I will ever be meeting her again, but whatever.

After she was a considerable distance away, I stopped my push ups since it clearly didn't do anything.

I decided to try out multiplying my strength and I did that. I raised it as much as I can until the spider sense went on, I raised it to a very high amount but I can't really tell how strong I am at the moment, because like I said, I don't have something to accurately measure my power, I just know that it's extremely strong about peak high class devil although I can't keep this form for long before my body gives out from stress in suddenly having that much power.