
I'm From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

As a high school sophomore, Chen Chu didn't think he was anyone special. He came from an ordinary family and was an ordinary student. Things didn't change until a local billionaire donated ten million yuan to the school to install air conditioning and build a teaching building and a sports field. In front of the entire school, the billionaire affectionately put his arm around Chen Chu's shoulders, and the school leaders, teachers, and students were all astonished. Chen Chu was dumbfounded and said, "Listen to me, my family is just an ordinary family, and I don't know any local billionaires! For real!" The billionaire invited him out, and a luxury car fleet entered the neighborhood. The neighbors were all stunned, and they wondered how he had this kind of background. Chen Chu explained helplessly, "Believe me, I'm just going out to eat!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman in a luxury car came to him, and the car shocked everyone. When the woman hugged his arm and called him "Young Master Chen," he was stunned. Others asked, "How do you explain the woman next to you? Didn't you buy her a car and a house?" Chen Chu burst into tears and said, "The car and the house were bought by someone else. I have nothing to do with the woman!" Others said, "We don't believe you!" The municipal leaders came to inspect the school, and they kindly patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and asked about his study and campus life, inviting him to visit them. Looking at the dumbfounded looks of the school leaders, teachers, and students who had just asked if he was just from an ordinary family, Chen Chu was stunned. Teachers and students said, "How do you explain this time?" Chen Chu was at a loss and said, "I didn't lie. I'm just from an ordinary family. How could I know these municipal leaders?"

Mr. Bird · 都市
40 Chs

The Clown Drawn Out by the Business Card

翻訳者: Henyee Translations 編集者: Henyee Translations

Previously, Chen Chu was just like them. He was just an ordinary person among all living beings, but he might not be the same in the future. After the baptism of countless information on the Internet, even these students with little social experience knew.

Being admired and supported by Chen Baijia, Chen Chu would definitely be able to cross ranks in the future.

Was it easy to jump ranks? If it was, people wouldn't be divided into different classes. After crossing over, the things and structures one could come into contact with were completely different. It was as if they had sublimated. Even when he looked at himself in the past, he would feel like he was looking at another person.

"You" were definitely not the same person.

You would never be willing to be the person you used to be.


Chen Chu heaved a sigh of relief and leaned against his desk. He was so hot that he quickly took out his fan and fanned himself.

Wang Hai said enviously, "You're really lucky."

Chen Chu gave him a sideways glance. "You still have the cheek to say that? Who abandoned me in the canteen just now and ran away on his own?" Chen Chu thought that if Wang Hai hadn't run away, he might have gotten a business card too.

Wang Hai's gaze immediately became awkward. He was indeed not loyal. "Ah, this, I'm too nervous!"

Chen Chu rolled his eyes at him and didn't argue with him. In fact, if this guy hadn't run away first, he might have been the one to run first. The two brothers did not laugh at each other. It was the same for them.

A classmate whom he was not familiar with in the past suddenly came over and laughed. "Class Monitor Chen, I heard that Chen Baijia gave you a business card. Let me see it."

Chen Chu glanced at him. It was Lin Shaofa. This was a classmate he was not familiar with before, except for some routine conversations between the class monitor and his classmates. The two of them had barely communicated in private.

Chen Chu wasn't petty. He just wanted to take a look. So Chen Chu reached into his bag and took out his business card from System Space. He handed the business card to him and did not pretend not to care. Instead, he generously showed how much he valued the business card and reminded him, "Here, be careful. Don't break it."

Lin Shaofa held the business card made of an unknown material, his eyes burning.

The other students were also attracted and leaned over to take a look.

Lin Shaofa held the business card tightly in his hand, as if he had grasped the future and did not give anyone a chance to take it away. The students could only lean over to take a closer look. They sighed that Chen Baijia's business card was different from the others. One look and they could tell that it was very high-class.

Lin Shaofa looked at it for a long time before reluctantly retracting his gaze. He held the business card in his hand and said jokingly, "Class Monitor Chen, I really like this business card. Can you give it to me?"

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly froze. Everyone's voices stopped abruptly as they looked at Lin Shaofa in shock. Everyone was already in their second year of high school and could be considered half an adult. Their worldview and cognition were close to maturity and they already understood many things.

But no matter what, they couldn't understand how Lin Shaofa had the cheek to say that.

How could this kind of business card that represented his future be easily given to him? How can you bring yourself to ask? How can you ask? Why should he give it to you? If he could let you take a look and broaden your horizons, it was already a sign of the friendship between classmates!

Although they were envious of Chen Chu, so envious that their teeth were about to ache, they did not even dare to think about this!

So how do you have the cheek to mention it?

Chen Chu looked straight into Lin Shaofa's eyes to see if he was joking or serious, but he could only see the surging desire in his eyes.

Chen Chu shook his head and stretched out his hand to ask for it. "This business card was given to me by President Chen. Forgive me for not being able to give it away. Give it back to me."

Lin Shaofa lowered his head and looked at the business card. He grabbed it tightly and refused to return it. The gazes of the surrounding people became even more strange. The atmosphere was a little strange and silent. It was very oppressive.

Some female students found it difficult to breathe and trembled. Amidst everyone's silence, Wang Hai slammed the desk and stood up angrily. "Lin Shaofa!!! Where did you get the cheek to ask Chen Chu for this business card?! Who the hell do you think you are? Return the business card! Otherwise, I'll call the teacher and the school leaders to come and get it!"

Lin Shaofa loosened his grip, but he was still in a deadlock. Seeing this, Wang Hai leaned over and forcefully took the business card out of his hand. This was also because Wang Hai had touched this business card before and knew that the material of this business card was very tough. Otherwise, he really wouldn't dare to snatch it.

Wang Hai looked at Lin Shaofa in disgust and returned the business card to Chen Chu. Chen Chu kept the business card in silence. It looked like he was putting it back in his bag, but in fact, he was putting it back into the system space. He put the business card back into the System Space.

Chen Chu stood up and said to everyone, "Stop standing here. Go back to your seats."

The students still gave face to the class monitor. They looked at Lin Shaofa strangely and returned to their seats one after another, whispering.

Lin Shaofa stood there for a while before walking out of the classroom. After Lin Shaofa left, the discussion in the classroom became even louder. It was as if the students had just met him today. Previously, they could not tell that Lin Shaofa was such a person.

Some people who were close to him wished they could raise their signs to show that they had cut ties with him.

In the previous meeting room, the school leaders on Principal Lin's side and the members of the Chen Corporation led by Chen Baijia sat opposite each other.

Chen Baijia sat at the head of the table on the left. "The 10 million yuan donation I personally donated to the school will be implemented tomorrow. After the donation contract is signed, please provide a public account to facilitate the subsequent transfer."

The school's leaders smiled. This was a political achievement. After a pause, Chen Baijia added, "However, I have a request. Your school needs to take out a portion of the 10 million yuan donation and install air-conditioning for all the classrooms. Implement it as soon as possible," Chen Baijia emphasized.

Principal Lin and the others looked at each other and hesitated. "I'm afraid it will take a long time to install an air conditioner for the entire school's classroom. It will also affect the students' class. I'm afraid the construction can only start the weekend the day after tomorrow."

Chen Baijia tapped his fingers on the table. "I don't care about anything else, but ensure that the air conditioner can be used tomorrow in Chen Chu's classroom. If your school has any difficulties, I can provide installation personnel to install it overtime tonight."

Hearing this, Principal Lin and the other school leaders understood that Chen Chu was indeed related to Chen Baijia.

Principal Lin had a shocking guess. From the details of Chen Baijia's behavior today, he realized that Chen Baijia seemed to have been paying attention to Chen Chu. He even noticed that during the welcoming ceremony at the school gate, Chen Baijia's eyes were searching for someone among the students.

From the looks of it, he was probably looking for Chen Chu.

From Chen Baijia's behavior, it could be seen that his attitude towards Chen Chu was very strange, overly attentive and overly friendly. No, no, no. Or rather, it was more appropriate to describe it as trying all means to get closer to Chen Chu.

Could it be that Chen Baijia took such a big detour and even donated 10 million yuan just for Chen Chu? In the afternoon, didn't he secretly ask Chen Chu's form teacher that Chen Chu's family was just an ordinary family that ran a meat stall? Could it be that there was more to it?

Principal Lin's heart skipped a beat. He was already secretly wondering if there was anything wrong with his attitude towards Chen Chu.

Unfortunately, he had very little interaction with Chen Chu.

That was true. How many interactions could a school principal have with a student?