
I'm A Monster In One Punch Man

In a universe where heroes and monsters fight endlessly, an ordinary individual is suddenly transmigrated into the body of a wolf-threat level monster. With a regeneration ability and the ability to assimilate the abilities of other monsters by devouring them, he finds himself caught in a moral dilemma. is a thrilling tale of survival, moral dilemmas and the struggle to find a place in a ruthless universe. Can the protagonist overcome his fears and become a force to be reckoned with? Find out how this intriguing plot full of action and difficult decisions unfolds. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6L6HELLBZXVAA

FanDeFic · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

What I Wouldn't Give To Be A Generic Apathetic Main Character

I continue to move through the subway, hoping to find Manako, a one-eyed girl monster I met in this body's memories. According to those memories, I hardly talked to Manako. come to think of it, Manako was the most willing to talk civilly compared to the monsters I mostly encounter. should I eat her? She's a wolf threat level monster or even less than that. but she possesses a unique ability: exceptional vision that allows her to see through walls and clothing. although the idea of seeing through clothing is tempting, she's partially innocent.

If I can find her, maybe I can convince her to help me track down other wolf threat level monsters. Although I don't know if she can overcome her shyness and distrust of others. I must be cautious and show her that I am not a threat.

I decide to continue my search for Manako in the mining area, where he is supposed to frequent. I advance through the narrow, dark corridors, guided by intuition and the memories of this body. Each step I take brings me a little closer to the possibility of gaining new skills and becoming stronger in this hostile world.

After a while, I manage to reach the mining area. The air is thick with dust and the sound of tools echoing off the walls creates an oppressive atmosphere. I look around, trying to make out the familiar figure of Manako in the darkness.

Suddenly, I notice a slight movement in a corner. I approach cautiously and sure enough, there is Manako, carefully observing the surroundings. His giant eye is directed towards me and I can feel his penetrating gaze analyzing me.

"Manako," I call softly, trying not to startle her. "It's me, the monster you talked to earlier. I came looking for you."

Manako looks surprised when she recognizes me. She lowers her eye and looks at me with some curiosity. "Why are you here, what do you want?"

I look around, making sure there is no one else nearby who could hear our words. i answer Manako's question carefully, choosing my words wisely.

"I'm here because I need your help to find some monsters who owe me something," I tell her, trying to sound convincing. "I can't trust others, but I know I can count on you. You're different, Manako, and I know you're able to see things that others can't."

Manako looks intrigued but still a bit wary. "What kind of monsters are you looking for?"

"A Monster that turns invisible and another one that can transform."-I answer quickly, trying not to give her too much information. "They are those that have caused trouble and that I need to find to resolve certain unfinished business."

Manako ponders for a moment, her eye rolling and examining me closely. "If I help you, what will I get in return?" she asks in a firm voice.

I pause for a moment to consider her question. I can't reveal my true intentions of consuming other monsters in front of her. I know that if I do, she will probably freak out and walk away from me. I need to find a way to convince her without compromising my plans.

"I can bring you something from the city," I finally suggest. "If there's something you want or need, I'll do my best to get it. Since you have that unique ability, I could bring you something that piques your interest."

Manako seems to think about it for a moment, her expression seems to change. well... I think so since her giant eye seems more animated. "I want you to bring me some manga that I didn't finish reading before I got here, it's called Super Lovers."

Manako's request is reasonable, and I know I can easily get those manga without revealing too much. I nod earnestly. "It's a deal, Manako. I'll bring you whatever you ask for once we've completed our mission."

The monster girl seems satisfied with my answer. A small smile breaks out on her face. "Good, then we will be allies. But remember, if I find out you're hiding anything or have lied to me, I'll stay away from you."

"I solemnly assure you that I have no intention of deceiving you."

Manako nods, seemingly satisfied with the deal. We accept our deal, sealing our alliance in the darkness of that subway. Now, together with Manako, we embark on a quest to find an invisible monster and the shape-shifter. Manako walks beside me, her giant eye is glowing scanning every nook and cranny for any hint of our mission's objectives. Although she is shy and distrustful, her willingness to cooperate gives me hope.

During the tour, our conversations are brief and cautious. I keep my true motives hidden and continue to watch my words so as not to reveal my true intentions. Instead, I try my best to be friendly and show Manako that she can trust me.

"Any clues as to where we might find the monsters you seek?" asks Manako.

"I think I know where the invisible one is. he usually hides in the girls' bathroom to spy on them." i answer, remembering the day i met him. he liked to scare monsters weaker than him and let's just say i was one of his victims.

"Wait what did you say!"- Manako looks frightened by the idea that there is someone peeping in the women's toilets. I notice her fearful expression and realize that I must reassure her that she will be safe.

"Don't worry, Manako," I tell her calmly. "If he is there, I will find him and put a stop to his inappropriate behavior."

Manako nods, but still looks uneasy. We start walking toward the women's restrooms, guided by my vague memory of that encounter with the invisible monster. As we get closer, I feel a mixture of determination and curiosity.

When we reach the baths, Manako stops dead in her tracks. Her giant eye focuses on the door and her expression becomes tense.

"He's inside." said Manako.

"Wait here, Manako," I tell her seriously. She nods, but doesn't look convinced. I creep up to the bathroom door and push it slowly. It's dark and quiet inside. wow.... even being monsters the women's bathroom is cleaner than the men's bathroom. My vision adjusts to the gloom and I make out a blurry figure in the background. It's the invisible monster.

"I know you're in there," I tell him in a firm, defiant tone. "You can't hide forever."

The invisible monster seems surprised to hear my voice. Its form slowly begins to materialize, revealing a horned dwarf with three eyes and blades instead of hands. if I remember correctly it's the same monster that hid behind Tareo but was discovered by King in the manga.

As I approach, I can sense his growing uneasiness. I know he is aware that his hiding place has been discovered.

"Who are you?" the invisible monster asks, trying to maintain his composure.

"My name doesn't matter," I reply a little nervously.

The invisible monster lets out a mocking laugh. "You want a fight, you think you can beat me, you're no match for me."

I keep my stance firm and prepare for combat. The invisible monster lunges towards me, its blades gleaming menacingly. I dodge its attacks quickly, taking advantage of my speed and agility to evade its onslaught. As we fight, I realize that the monster is agile and experienced in combat, but it also has a weakness. its attacks are wide open.

Taking advantage of that weakness, I concentrate on finding the precise moments to counterattack. I strike quickly with punches and kicks, trying to destabilize the monster. Although I take a few cuts and blows, I don't let myself get discouraged. but it becomes more difficult when he becomes invisible.

"You can't keep hiding behind your invisibility!" I yell at him as I dodge another of his attacks.

Every time he becomes visible, I take the opportunity to throw quick, accurate blows at him. Although I manage to land a few blows, the monster recovers quickly and strikes back fiercely.

The invisible monster continues to attack me with ferocity, but I notice its confidence weakening as my wounds regenerate. Its movements become less precise, and that gives me an advantage. I decide to change my approach and, instead of fighting purely defensively, I begin to attack more aggressively. My determination shines through with every blow, and I finally manage to knock the monster down.

"Look at you," I tell it as I slowly approach. "You don't have much left to hide now."

The invisible monster looks desperate and exhausted. His eyes dart around in search of an escape route, but there is none.

"There is no escape," I tell him with conviction. As I approach the invisible monster, I can feel a mixture of triumph and satisfaction. The monster lies on the ground, desperate and exhausted. Its pleas and looks of fear fail to move me.

I ignore his pleas, unable to perceive my own sadistic behavior. I sit on top of him and begin to turn him into a bloody pulp. Every blow I strike him to the ground seems to be driven by a hidden rage that I cannot fathom.

The invisible monster moans in pain as I continue to beat him mercilessly. I do not hear its pleas, nor do I see the despair in its eyes. My mind is filled with blind determination.

As the monster weakens further, my confidence and sadism grow. Each blow seems to satisfy a dark thirst I am unaware of. My own reflection is strange to me, but I don't stop to analyze it. I only know that I must make sure the monster does not rise again. Finally, the invisible monster lies motionless on the ground. It has been defeated. My breathing is agitated and my body is covered with wounds, which, little by little, are regenerating.

As I contemplate the inert body of the invisible monster in front of me, a strange sensation invades me. A mixture of satisfaction for having defeated it and, at the same time, a deep uneasiness for the violence unleashed. I realize that the sadism and anger I exhibited during the fight are not my true self, but a manifestation of the new monster body I now inhabit.

This body possesses abilities and characteristics that I was completely unaware of. It seems that the essence of this monster has influenced my mind and emotions, triggering violent and vicious behavior. I am troubled by how easily I let myself be carried away by this inner darkness and how it seemed to feed on every blow I delivered.

I reflect on this as I watch my wounds slowly regenerate. I clearly have a different nature than I did in my human form. But that doesn't mean I should let myself go by it without question. I must maintain control over my actions and not allow this darkness to dominate me.

I sit on the floor, trying to calm my agitated breathing and gather my thoughts. Despite my distaste for the idea, one question lingers in my mind: should I eat the monster to get its powers? It is a repugnant idea and contrary to my principles, but I also recognize that I am in a dangerous world and need to increase my strength to survive.

Just considering this option causes me profound discomfort. My human body would tremble just at the thought of eating human flesh, and now I find myself internally debating whether I should do it with a monster. The irony of the situation is not lost on me.

As I hold the corpse of the invisible monster in my hands, a sense of disgust and revulsion comes over me. My mind fights against the idea of consuming it, but I also recognize the need to strengthen myself in this dangerous world I find myself in. Hesitantly, I open my mouth and bring the corpse closer to her. However, instead of swallowing it straight down, something strange happens. My mouth opens wider than expected, almost as if it transforms into a mouth similar to that of Kirby, the famous video game character. The invisible monster is quickly absorbed, disappearing inside my mouth.

Just seconds later, an expression of disgust and surprise takes over my face. I try to vomit, but nothing comes out. It seems that my new monstrous form has absorbed the enemy without a trace.

After absorbing the invisible monster, I feel a strange energy coursing through my body, as if something new has awakened in me. It is a difficult sensation to describe, but I notice that there is something different in my being. Intrigued by this new experience, I decide to test my newly acquired abilities. I concentrate on the sensation and my desire to become invisible. To my surprise, my body responds and, gradually, I begin to fade from sight. I have become invisible.

It is amazing how a simple intention can trigger this transformation. Although at first I don't feel a big difference in terms of strength or ability, I know that this ability can be valuable in our search for the remaining monster. It also gives me an additional tool to stay hidden.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Raptora, one of the female monsters that were in the monster association. Through the memories I possess in this new body, I know that she is extremely dangerous. It is crucial to prevent her from becoming aware of my presence, as she could finish me off with a single blow.

Just as Raptora enters the bathroom, I concentrate intensely on my desire to become invisible. My body responds immediately, and I gradually begin to fade from sight. I remain still, holding my breath and praying that she does not perceive my presence.

Raptora looks around, apparently searching for something or someone. Her expression is serious, which confirms to me that I should not underestimate her. Fortunately, my invisibility seems to be working, as she shows no signs of having detected me.

As she inspects the bathroom, my mind works at full speed to come up with a plan. I need to get out of this situation without raising Raptora's ire. Although I am in monstrous form and possess new abilities, I am aware that I am no match for her in direct combat.

I evaluate my options and decide that the best strategy is to wait for Raptora to leave. If I try to engage her directly, it would probably lead to certain defeat. I remain silent, taking full advantage of my invisibility. I watch Raptora's every move, looking for an opportunity to escape undetected. My heart races as I patiently wait for the right moment.

Raptora seems frustrated at not finding what she is looking for in the bathroom. I am relieved to see her take a few steps towards the exit. However, before she completely leaves the bathroom, her gaze suddenly stops in my direction.

My eyes widen, fearing that she has discovered my invisible presence. Raptora, however, seems to hesitate for a moment before frowning and continuing on her way to the exit.

I breathe a sigh of relief, but I'm also overcome with curiosity - how could Raptora possibly have sensed my presence? Maybe her intuition or experience hunting other monsters alerted her to something strange in the environment. Whatever the reason, I feel grateful that I managed to escape without confronting her directly.


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