
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · その他
42 Chs

An apology.

Dear readers,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to apologize for the hiatus I will be taking on my current story. I have been experiencing writers block and have been struggling to put into words the epic fight between Shin Godzilla and Gestroyah. Despite having a clear vision of what I want to write, I am having difficulty bringing it to life in a way that is entertaining for my audience.

I want to assure you that I am taking this break to focus on finding inspiration and improving my writing skills. I want to create a story that lives up to your expectations and exceeds them, but I cannot do that until I am able to overcome this obstacle.

In the meantime, if you are interested in reading a fantastic superhero or villain fanfic, I would like to recommend my friend's story "Tachyon: Rise to Villainy." It is a captivating tale of a man reincarnated in the CW Flash world and becomes a speedster villain. I have asked my friend's permission to share his story with you, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.

I deeply apologize for the inconvenience this hiatus may cause, but I promise to work hard and come back stronger with a story that will be worth the wait. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.