
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · その他
42 Chs

Act 14

Disclaimer: I don't own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

As the sun rose, Kong yawned and reached for his chest, only to discover that nothing was sleeping on top of it. He could only hear the chirping of birds and other animal noises. The sounds of quarreling nonexistent. The gorilla stood up and walked to the west side of the island, only to find no one there. This is when Kong recalls that Gestroyah had discovered and relocated to a new island.

He had never experienced such sadness; it reminded him of the time when he lost his parents when he was younger. The only difference was that Kong was aware that his friend was still alive. Kong looked into the sun and decided he didn't want to do his morning ritual.

As he began his daily patrol, his sense of loneliness grew stronger. Gestroyah had unwittingly imprinted themselves as a pack member into Kong's psyche, and now that he was gone, Kong didn't know how to deal with it.

He couldn't vent his rage on his enemies because they were not responsible for his friends' absence. The gorilla couldn't help but feel compelled to pursue his friends just to see them, but he knew that doing so would render his territory defenseless, allowing another titan to take its place as ruler.

He went to his improvised forge and looked at his latest creation. It was armor made of bones, bones that could conduct electricity. He and Gestroyah had tracked down a titan with abilities similar to his and made quick work of it. Preventing another disaster on the island, and Kong now had a new toy to play with.

The alpha of Skull Island didn't dare to say it, but he could feel the distance between him and his friend growing wider by the day. He was angry when he gained the ability to command lightning because he felt it wasn't his, but Odin was able to persuade him otherwise.

Kong huffs and dons the armor before returning to find Manda waiting for him. Kong's depressed mood vanished instantly. Manda and Kong have never gotten along; they can work together, but they're always at each other's throats.

Manda irritated Kong because his demeanor reminded him of the Skullcrawlers and his fighting style resembled that of a coward. To defeat his opponent, he employs poisons and deception as his primary weapons. He is constantly looking for weaknesses and exploiting them.

Manda despised Kong because he reminded him of Rodan: hot-headed, brutish, always eager to fight, and convinced himself that he was an alpha. Though, unlike Rodan, who would switch sides left and right, the serpent respected Kong for his loyalty.

Manda never swore allegiance to Godzilla, so he wasn't considered a traitor; after all, who would obey a barely adult as an alpha? Completely absurd.

"Come, we have more things to do." Manda said and slitthered to the ocean.

Kong huffed, but he knew he needed Manda's assistance in honing his combat skills against slick opponents. Particularly one of Manda's caliber. Gestroyah referred to it as "sparring," a method of combat in which both parties can gain strength and experience.

What a strange but useful concept.

As a result, the two fought while keeping in mind that this was not a death match. It didn't stop them from beating each other black and blue. As a result of this, Kong began to adapt to some of Manda's methods and apply some of his tactics to his own.

When dealing with opponents with high defenses, Manda developed a strategy similar to Kong's. Even realizing why Rodan was able to defeat him despite having a counter to his flaming body.

Nobody anticipated that something was about to change and Kong would be put to the test.


Monsters, monsters, and more monsters appeared, and humanity realized their time as the apex predator had come to an end. Godzilla's existence cemented that fact, but they thought he was their ally, even king! They are totally wrong.

Gestroyah's appearance shattered that belief; Godzilla was nothing to him; his power far outweighed that of the King of Monsters; after all, what is a God to a God-killer? It made everyone realize one thing every time it appeared.

They were growing, and the battle was just getting started. The nations funded the secret project known as Mecha Godzilla because they needed something, anything, to fight back against the monsters. Again, Gestroyah demonstrated the futility of their efforts; if Godzilla could barely stop him, what good was their weapon?

Monarch had increased their efforts to find Gestroyah's new home after receiving reports that the hybrid had left the island and Kong intact. Why? No one knew, but it was clear that Kong maintained his alpha status, and the recordings they were watching demonstrated that they had to be some kind of society because Manda and Kong weren't killing each other.

They only knew Gestroyah was involved in the titans' strange behavior. One scientist joked that Gestroyah might have a human soul in his body. Nobody knew how close they were to discovering the truth.

Now humanity will realize that they have always been nothing more than ants.

[Between inner-earth and outer-earth]


How long has he been in the surface world since those traitors imprisoned him in this cage? How long had it been since Dagon and Griesus betrayed him and took away his kingdom? As he remembered those traitors, his mood shifted to rage.

He knew Dagon couldn't beat him if Griesus and his kin didn't build this cage, but he didn't expect his arch-enemy to help them by providing a location where none of his servants could find him.

He knew Dagon had set an example by murdering his most loyal pawns and was responsible for keeping him imprisoned. The cage, like them, fed on radiation, and the more power it had, the stronger it was.

He bided his time, knowing that Dagon and Griesus' descendants would be after him if he escaped. They underestimated him; did they really believe he couldn't turn this cage into something useful to him? They're all idiots.

He waited for the right opportunity, feeding the cage as much radiation as he could when Dagon wasn't looking. He sensed Griesus' dwindling bloodline and their exile to the surface world, and there are no words to describe his joy when Dagon died.

It's unfortunate that Dagon had a child and Griesus' last descendant survived, but he can take pride in putting an end to their race. He was initially concerned that Dagon's child would come here and take over his predecessor's duties as warden, but it appears that Dagon failed to pass his duty on to his spawn, and even so, he did not flee just yet.

Because his strength was equal to that of his adversary, the only way to defeat him was to outmatch his combat prowess with brute force, which, ironically, Griesus provided. Thus, he continued to cultivate the cage, never allowing it to release excess energy, and now it was time. The cage glowed brighter and brighter as it released massive amounts of energy.




[Surface world]

Everything was falling apart, an earthquake far exceeding anything recorded in history had arrived, and everyone was wondering what could have caused this. Humans screamed as they ran to safety, avoiding falling debris.

However, forgotten lands and temples rose from the depths of the sea all over the world. As new lands sprouted up, so did radiation levels; before long, the world will be engulfed by it, and humanity will cease to exist. However, the energy was being absorbed by something and soon vanished.

Monarch had begun the evacuation and was looking for answers. This couldn't be Gestroyah's doing; it was far beyond what it had been doing, and such a drastic shift in strategy made no sense given that he had only recently gained a new ally. It had to be another Titan, but what could have caused such mayhem?

A titan roars to the heavens from the earth's crust, unconcerned about the destruction it had caused, only the desire for vengeance coursing through its mind. Monarch's drones have arrived, and humans can now see what was causing the earthquakes.

The kaiju was two thousand meters tall and had the body of a wolf spider, but like Battra, it was a hybrid of insectiods. The sea was parting where its legs landed, and its exoskeleton was covered in magma. It also had four extra limbs above its body, but they were more like drills and serated teeth.

The Kaiju lets out a primal roar that echoes around the world before making its way to Skull Island to put an end to Griesus' line once and for all.

Godzilla sensed it, another alpha had escaped from the hollow earth... This sensation reminded him of his father, possibly even older. Mothra couldn't shake the feeling that the roar was familiar and she'd forgotten something.

One thing was certain: whoever this was had just defied Godzilla's authority by summoning some of the Kaiju. Godzilla roared to the heavens to remind his subjects that he had not yet fallen, but to his surprise, the majority ignored him. That can only mean this alpha was much older than him.

Mothra finally lets out a terrified whimper as her mind recalls something. Godzilla had noticed his queen's actions. "What's going on?" he inquired, but Mothra was unable to respond because her mind was elsewhere.

Gestroyah and Battra had heard the roar and noticed the sudden increase in land, and the demonic moth was on a frenzy. "What in the name of my mother is he doing here!"

"Do you know who's doing this?" Cody asked as Ning and Odin observed the new lands. Battra gave them a sidelong glance. "I don't just know the guy; he's my fucking neighbor!"

"Who's he?" Ning asked.

Battra sighs "They ruled the world when mother was younger. They are the first of our kind. Mothra and I were more like hatchlings back then. The first chose to be the alpha, whereas the second was born with the role. One side ruled with benevolence, while the other ruled with tyranny. The first king then threw away his crown, exiled himself to the underworld, and assumed the role of a sheperd. Some remained on the surface, while the rest followed him."

Gestroyah's face held awe and curiousity but also terror. This dimension had been screwing with them left and right. Now, they're finding out there's something more older than the Godzilla!? What's wrong with this world!? Isn't X bad enough as it is? Who's next Ultraman!? Knull? Evil batman!?

"With no one to contend with, the tyrant ruled for a billion years until he was betrayed by the second generation of alphas. Griesus and Dagon had thrown away their feud and had asked for the Sheperd's aid. The Sheperd guided them to a location where none of the tyrant's servants could find him between the surface and underworld. Griesus built a cage that will hold him while Dagon baited him.Their plot worked, and he was imprisoned, with Dagon watching over him, ensuring that he would never depart till the end of eternity. UNTIL THE ASSHOLE MESSED UP HIS JOB! "

"What's his name?" Odin asked. "And what are we dealing with?" Ning added. "More importantly, if this guy is out where's he heading first?" Cody had a bad feeling.

"To put it another way, there isn't a single land, sea, or mountain that hasn't been shaped by his hands; whatever mother creates, he refines."

Oh that makes sense on why he's freaking out, is it wrong if they join him?

"If I'm right on these, then he'll likely go after Griesus' descendant first to prevent another cage to be built. I can sense he's the last of his kind too."

"Where is he then?" Ning said.

When Battra turns to the direction skull island, Gestroyah would've gone pale. "Shit, Kong. We gotta go!" With that the race to reach the island was on. "You never told us his name." Ning said.

"Excelsus." Battra shivered.

[Skull Island]

Kong and Manda were busy keeping the island in order, but there's only so much they can do on their own. They were taken aback when they sensed danger approaching the island.

Excelsus burst through the underground, launching Kong and Manda into the air. When he looks down and smiles, Kong stands up in awe of his height.

"There you are mongrel."


Hey, guys another chapter for this fic and I'll be focusing on our beloved gorilla for this arc since I think it's time to give time for him to shine. Strap in folk cause this fanfic is about to go bonkers and King Kong's life is about to change.

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