
I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Marianne, a talented curator at a museum, caught the attention of Mrs. Chaterine Ganke, a painting enthusiast who was also a very wealthy lady. The lady liked Marianne so much that she insisted her grandson, Leonardo Ganke, to marry her. Leon didn't love Marianne, but he couldn't refuse his grandmother's request. On the night of her wedding, Marianne was insulted by her husband. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Ugly girl, don't expect you to sleep in the same bed with me!!!" Leon shouted to Marianne in contempt.

nafadila · 都市
792 Chs

Revealing the secret

Aaron seems very surprised to hear Anne's answer, he did not expect to be immediately rejected by Anne. Even though he had high hopes for Anne and had imagined his happy days with Anne.

"Why not, Anne? Is there another man in your heart?" Aaron asked quickly. A disappointed look was clearly visible on his handsome face.

"For now, there's no one really special, Aaron, I need a lot of consideration if I want to start a relationship again, though..."

"Even though what?" Aaron who couldn't wait, cut off Anne's words.

Anne smiled. She decided to cancel her intention to tell about Jack. Anne felt that Aaron didn't need to know about Jack, which she wasn't too sure of herself. Anne did not want to reveal an uncertain relationship. She did not want Jack's good name to be damaged if he boasted that she had a special relationship with him.