
I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Marianne, a talented curator at a museum, caught the attention of Mrs. Chaterine Ganke, a painting enthusiast who was also a very wealthy lady. The lady liked Marianne so much that she insisted her grandson, Leonardo Ganke, to marry her. Leon didn't love Marianne, but he couldn't refuse his grandmother's request. On the night of her wedding, Marianne was insulted by her husband. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Ugly girl, don't expect you to sleep in the same bed with me!!!" Leon shouted to Marianne in contempt.

nafadila · 都市
792 Chs


Four days have passed since Anne met Alan in front of the restaurant. During those four days, Anne had locked herself in the hotel room. Linda, who understood Anne's mood swings, didn't force Anne to join her in the field. She gave her best friend some time to calm down. So, for four days, Linda used Anne's camera to do her work. Although the photos she took were not as good as Anne's, but she was quite satisfied because not a day was missed. 

"Anne, I'm leaving," said Linda slowly to Anne, who was sitting staring at the window from the room from a chair with her legs tightly hugged.

Hearing Linda's voice brought Anne to her senses. "I'm coming with you, wait for me Linda." 

Linda shook her head. She pressed on Anne's shoulder to keep her from getting up from her chair. "You stay in the room, leave everything to me. Solve the struggle in your heart Anne. Don't worry, you can rely on Belinda Gibson."