
I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Marianne, a talented curator at a museum, caught the attention of Mrs. Chaterine Ganke, a painting enthusiast who was also a very wealthy lady. The lady liked Marianne so much that she insisted her grandson, Leonardo Ganke, to marry her. Leon didn't love Marianne, but he couldn't refuse his grandmother's request. On the night of her wedding, Marianne was insulted by her husband. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Ugly girl, don't expect you to sleep in the same bed with me!!!" Leon shouted to Marianne in contempt.

nafadila · 都市
792 Chs

After two year

"Fuckkk ... I am Edward Cole, I am the sole heir of the company that publishes the best artists in town. How dare they compare me to that newly arrived man," shouted Edward full of emotion in his car.

"If I wanted, I could be a successful businessman and be crazy about women like that man. But I want to try to achieve my dream by becoming a reliable musician, without the help of my family company. But if things turn out like this, maybe I will use a shortcut and ask the managers in the company to promote me on a large scale and terminate all the contracts of the lowly artists who are working at my company," said Edward furiously. He was really very offended being compared with other men.